HPS owners. How do you start your seed?


Well-Known Member
Oh its a 200w 5 bulb T-5 unit. Bright though!!! And low heat. It's perfect for vegging.

Ha, yeah, Love those trees....


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
If your using HPS, do you tend to start them off with the HPS, or do you like to hit them with the MH or CFLS for the first couple weeks?

Let me know what your opinions are.
i pop my seeds right into the soil under a 400wt mh. they sprout in 2 to 3 days latter

Mr Bomb

Active Member
I dont know if its the best way but I always start mine with hps and use it all the way through.


Well-Known Member
I dont know if its the best way but I always start mine with hps and use it all the way through.
It comes down to electricity for me. I run a 1000w hps, so for me to keep it on 24/0 or even 18/6 would add a bundle to my bill. I pay .15 per kwh
and along with 300w of air pumps and another 250-300w T-5's veg light, plus two water pumps a dehumidifier, cloner, and 5 fans and an air conditioner. I'm up at around 3200w alone in my growroom. Which works out to about. $350 dollars a month. gotta go pay that bill right now actually... dammit.


Well-Known Member
what is ignorant about using the best light? just because you can start with cfl does not mean you should. :finger::bigjoint:
man you throw that finger up a lot for a pot head....

and for a stoner you sure start a lot of controversy....

I don't think I've seen one thread of yours with something positive to say.


New Member
man you throw that finger up a lot for a pot head....

and for a stoner you sure start a lot of controversy....

I don't think I've seen one thread of yours with something positive to say.
i never start it but i talk shit to them if they insist. it was mostly just luda dude


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i never start it but i talk shit to them if they insist. it was mostly just luda dude
the funny think is ludacris has not posted in this thread and besides that theres nothing wrong with ludacris. we all tend to speak our minds sometimes and talk shit. but back to your? you can start seedswith out light and with lightits all up to you. but when the seeds sproutyou better figure out what lights yourgoing to run if you want them to live. goodluck bro hopeyou figure itout, im sure you will.


Well-Known Member
how could some one come in this forums like many lil kids who just beggan growing and shit on fats... cfl lame , silly goose. i have grown 2 oz plants under 300 watt cfl , i have grown 4 oz plant mixing cfls with hps , and i have fallow grows of higher yields with cfl ... roseman , garden knwn , ect it sounds like you are here to preach and look for the atention you dont get at home ... read and experiment your self instead of coming here and talk trash... iam sick of the likes of you smokeskins , cus of peps like you threats end up being hundres of pages full of bs and misinformation . you wack son ...

i have seen peeps in here spend loote on shit that dont even help their plants and recomend it to others , i seen others lie about their drug lords secrets life and gurus of bs . get a life ...:cuss:you... and your grow...

allow me... blueberry vegg under three 30 watts 6500k cfl plus two 26 watts 2600k for 7 weeks . bloom under 275 watts mix spectrums for 64 days (early harvest) i notice that when growing with cfls is better to xetend flowering time a cuple of weeks the high from this was good but lasted only an hour , compered to the lower branches i let them go for an extra 17 days and the high wen from sirloin to prime rib ...total of 49 grams ... i talk the talk and walk the walk ... and iam not close to other grower like the ones i mentioned before so shut your hole...



Well-Known Member
more proof ...that cfls work..

i think is most imp the conditions , genetics and curing time to get primo results , after a mont curing pot looks more bag appealing and looses the green colr and develops unique aromas ,iam not saying that i grow exotics or anithing like it with cfls but they are as good as the mids or shit people sell you some time for dro or haze...;-)



New Member
like i said its ok. could be better in half the time with one light instead of ten but thats fine waste 5 months to grow that spindal with cfls