Are there any black people on this forum that didn't vote for Obama?


Well-Known Member
Okay, ur officially retarded. Now that was a bit harsh, so i'll amend it to educationally challenged. ANY person with any actual study of Philosophy or the human condition will tell you that ur 100% incorrect. Greed is ALWAYS present.

Again, one more time, but cetainly the last time because the class can't wait for you forever.

Certain govt. systems handle the greed constant in man better than others. Capitalism does it best. You can't make it go away, and you cannot change the hard wiring in humans (a common liberal mistake).

Socialism is terrible with greed and Communism is off the charts. Capitalism channels the greed into productive avenues, the others do not.

I won't bother telling you that school is out. i don't think you ever showed up.

This is basic first semester stuff. Honestly, did you graduate from high school? It's okay if you didn't. It might help explain a few hundred of your posts though.

It's not too late to improve your education. Seriously. You can do it if you apply yourself.

You probably have a long life ahead of you. Don't give up on education. :peace:
Cracker WTF is wrong with you ...We know greed is present we talking about can it increase...what the hell you think greed, greedier, and the greediest mean are you that stupid that you never knew you claiming to be a philosophy major...OMG please..we see why you so pro corporation and banking ..You one of them ( or a wanna be )...I guess a person that don't understand that people can get greedier and greedier will always be the greedy Cracker


Well-Known Member
I work for a HVAC company as a installer/tech and you would think buisness would be Booming but it's hard for them to keep us busy. It's insane. People will buy plug-in radiators when there shit breaks down Because they can't afford for us to fix it..

I certainly can. I own my own small business, I'm a contractor (tree guy) and 90% of my work is "when people have a little extra money to spend".Pruning, Clearing, Planting. The other ten percent is emergency stuff that really needs to be done right away because of certain liabilities Takedowns branches over houses and such. I've been selling quite a few extra liabilities over the past couple years


New Member
Cracker WTF is wrong with you ...We know greed is present we talking about can it increase...what the hell you think greed, greedier, and the greediest mean are you that stupid that you never knew you claiming to be a philosophy major...OMG please..we see why you so pro corporation and banking ..You one of them ( or a wanna be )...I guess a person that don't understand that people can get greedier and greedier will always be the greedy Cracker

I posted two articles explaining it to you. If you still can't place the meaning with my original post in its original context, get someone to help you out.

As for the rest of ur rant, work on ur reading comprehension. I claim no degree in Philosophy, but I am educated.

You'll get there someday, maybe...


New Member
I posted two articles explaining it to you. If you still can't place the meaning with my original post in its original context, get someone to help you out.

As for the rest of ur rant, work on ur reading comprehension. I claim no degree in Philosophy, but I am educated.

You'll get there someday, maybe...
"Educated fools from uneducated schools" So, you got sum edumacation, eh? Gee, I'm so fucking impressed.


Well-Known Member
I posted two articles explaining it to you. If you still can't place the meaning with my original post in its original context, get someone to help you out.

As for the rest of ur rant, work on ur reading comprehension. I claim no degree in Philosophy, but I am educated.

You'll get there someday, maybe...
Maybe you need to read your own stuff..It said nothing about greed not increasing...only that it is human nature and that it is a constant....that does not mean it can't increase..your faucet can run constant and you can still increase and decrease the say you educated..hmmmm is that drivers ed. ????? you fooling no one but yourself


New Member
Some folks just lack a basic understanding of how things truly work in the real world.

We call them Progressive liberals.


Well-Known Member
Some folks just lack a basic understanding of how things truly work in the real world.

We call them Progressive liberals.
and a progressive liberal would be one of the first to legalize marijuana... and yes who do have a basic lack of understanding of the greed, lack of understanding, selfishness of others


Well-Known Member
Why do some people have such a hard time with singular to plural nouns? i.e. london. I'm no english major but....


New Member
That's the least of it.....

I chose this vid because it predates both Bush & Obama. This is a good and ahem ... educated explanation in SIMPLE terms (for U know who) as to greed and economic systems. It's right on target. Let's see if U know who can follow the arrow of logic to the real target.
