You know, this thread reveals some of the real people behind the screen names. MM, I disagree with most of your posts, and your political philosophy as I discern it. Yet, we are alike in many ways, I think.
I am rightwing conservative. I fully believe in the principles of conservatism, and personal responsibility. I do not like the liberal ideology of tax and spend. Charity is not charity if taken at the end of a gun.
In the case stated above, personal responsibility demands an immediate reduction in expenditures and cut all frivolous spending post haste. Of course, not letting things get too precarious goes without saying.
Like the Medicine Man I retired about 7years ago. Suddenly. Not by choice, but retired none the less with no option of returning to the work force. Having just started on a house expansion of just under 3,000 sq. ft. it was inopportune to say the least. I do get disability, but those union checks were a whole lot nicer. Here we are now, in 2009, the house is still not finished, our rental properties are mostly gone, and I'm gearing up to expand garden space to supplement income, which pisses me off. I hate the black market shit. Fortunately, the government price controls are in effect. Main Street is hungry for product in these stressful times.
Good luck to all in this all too real scenario.
CJ, you asked a question that certainly reflects the choices people are faced with everyday.
MM, May the ground rise to meet, May the sun be at your back, and may your soul be in Heaven half an hour before the Devil knows you are dead. Good luck.
Peace out