where can I get seeds without getting busted or scamed

newbie grow420

Active Member
I live in the good old prohibition USA. I was wondering how to get seeds legit(without getting scammed) and without legal hassle. I live in conservative ass TX too so its a double whammy. I have heard to send the seeds to a "safe" address but I don't have one. I just want some seeds without being on a goverment list or losing my money. Is this possible where I live or do I have to live in cananda or europe to get legit seeds.
i recommend either nirvana or worldwidemarijuanaseeds.com used both and both are legit
you won't face any staties or locals using attitude or nirvana. I've used them both, with ease and success.
I'm in week 3 of waiting for my Nirvana beans.

How can one obtain Nirvana without seeds?! LOL...
gah that sucks see i live in canada and a quick ride downtown i can pick up me seeds in person from a seed bank, and there is this goverment bill be reviewed to see if it goes into law or not here in canada its called bill c15 and it bring US style drug war but i have a feeling it will die and canada willl legalize pot
Go to bidsbay and buy you some subcool beans,great price and discreet shipping,three orders to southern US so far,two more on the way now...peace
with all these places selling seeds how are they getting by the law I have heard of lists and wierd shit like in an issue of skunk mag some guy got his money sent back from customs trying to get seeds from the UK. I have a family and just want personal smoke without any bullshit but I have been looking around at the sites like attitude and bidzbuy. The auto dwarfs look right up my alley quick and easy less for me to fuck up
The seeds are hid pretty good inside the envalope..My daughter opened up the bidsbay package and thought they had shit me,just hid real good..