Atami BloomBastic


Well-Known Member
Who out there uses this?
I would like to hear your guys input on this product. It's pretty pricey Around $89.95 for a 11oz bottleor $209.95 for a 42.3 oz bottle.

Product explanation:

The Bloombastic formula contains biological minerals in combination with biological stimulants to create a one of a kind nutrient additive specifically designed for the flowering and ripening of your plants. The unique combination of elements in Blombastic will trigger explosive sugar and bloom production that will ensure a soft, sweet flavor of the bloom in addition to large compact buds.

Bloombastic will also stimulate the enzyme process on several levels that will make your plant less sensitive to stress factors such as: warmth, dry air, high light intensity, disease, and nutrient inadequacies.

This flowering innovation does not contain any ballast ingredients such as sodium and chlorine.

Compared to other cocktails, Bloombastic contains at least 50% more phosphorus and potassium.
Directions for use:
Bloombastic should be used in the final 4 to 6 weeks of the bloom and ripening stage of plant growth.

Shake well before use.
Dosage:Mix your usual base nutrients. (THIS PRODUCT CAN BE USED WITH ANY BRAND OF NUTRIENT) Then add 0.5 ml to 1.0 ml of Bloombastic per liter water in your reservoir.

Bloombastic is suitable for all sorts of cultivation substrates (soil, hydro and coco) and is suitable for all irrigation systems.
Potassium Phosphate, Potassium Hydroxide, Phosphoric Acid, Iron EDTA, Phosphorus Pent oxide and Clay mineral.
Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature.

For an optimal breeding scheme we refer to


Well-Known Member
all i know is that stuff is expensive as hell, but i bet it works awesome. would luv to try it someday


Well-Known Member
You can buy plant hormones and growth stimulators online. Brassinolide is a plant steroid, you can get it on eBay for mad cheap.


Well-Known Member
i have used it and had great results. i got cuts of SourDiesel from fellow rollitup member steadmanclan(who taught me everything i know about growing), and used it through the last 4 weeks of bloom. i am using a 400watt hps for my ladies. the buds turned out big and dense and fruity. there were also different colors in the buds and flavors in the smoke that i was told were never there before. steadmanclan uses koolbloom liquid and powder for the different stages of bloom, but he told me that he was going to buy bloombastic and try it out based on my results.

two thumbs way up.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Nice to here you had great results, I might need to try this stuff out.
Can anyone else vouch for this stuff?
I have a shitload of free samples that I'll start using in a couple of days (started flowering Dec. 1, so will start adding in about five days) - of course, I won't have anything to compare it to, unfortunately.


i know its old but still its infromation for later.... heres my results, turned it blue lol and nice hues of purple and green, pretty crystaly.



Well-Known Member
Look dude it is very expensive. But its 4 products in 1.. It really does work though I have used it for two outta three grows .. My first was perfect and I added bb to my shit.. And the second harvest I did'nt and my shit was flaky not dense at all. Plus


Well-Known Member
that second batch didnt smell potent or even impress myself. And now im using ob my current grow and back to the dense nyggets.. I know the bb is what helps the most.. I dont care about the high price it has results.. It has a constant home in my garden now.. I dint like their rootbastic though .. Email atami they gave me a free sample bottle.. it dont take much per gallon... Goodluck yall.. Ps I grow the same strain also. So the variances in my quality wasn't because of the strain difference it has been the same blueberry diesel


Well-Known Member
I got a $38 bottle of the stuff and used it on my last run and got insanely dense buds off of White Russian, even the popcorn buds were rocks and I only used 1ml per gallon this last run I used pk13/14 mixed with canna boost ( boost does nothing if you ask me) and got airy buds that barely yielded at all. Needless to say I bought the big 1250 ml bottle of the stuff and I go through 3-6 gallons a night in my rez. So the price means very little when you use that in consideration. I do a drain to waste but with blumats very little draining happens, maybe about a gallon a night at most. I run canna coco at 5 ml per gallon and my runoff ec never goes above 1.5 at the peak of flowering. Bloom astir raises it a little but the results are nice dense buds and the taste is perfect. That's my experience with it. I'm done ordering pk 13/14 never again will I get boost, it does add a bit of sweetness during the flush but still not worth the money. And cannazyme and hydrozyme combined is also a great thing to add once a week or so. That's my experience hopes this helps someone.


Well-Known Member
I also use 1 ml a gallon of bloombastic so I have enough for 1250 gallons divid that by 3 and you get 416.67 days of use out of a $197 bottle. The price seems right to me.