The nitrous oxide is on its way...

I did blink. Weird.

You disgust me sometimes Spidey but I would munch the fuck outta thos Krispies...

Fruity pebbles made with rice krispies recipe. I actually bought some fucking butter, the main ingredient in all of my shit recipes was margarine. These are one thousand times better with butter. I'm going to make some hamburger helper tomorrow depending on when I go home. I have to work tomorrow 11-4 and then decide whether to drive 6 hours after work or at 5 am the next morning... But I wore the corduroy pants I bought today and I wore the totally psychedelic pearl-snap on monday. I also drank some really shitty cactus juice and smoked some red-rock opium, which I then discovered was incense... But seems everyone around this entire town smoeks the shit out of it, so I think I'll acquire a quantity of this certain incense and flood the market with cheaper prices, then cut it all off. No need to post my dumbassery, I was going to have a quite good trip... It was really starting to pick up when the headache started to get really intense... so I took more than the recommended dose of nyquil to pop the headache, and knock my ass out. Wasted that fucking cactus...
Fruity pebbles made with rice krispies recipe. I actually bought some fucking butter, the main ingredient in all of my shit recipes was margarine. These are one thousand times better with butter. I'm going to make some hamburger helper tomorrow depending on when I go home. I have to work tomorrow 11-4 and then decide whether to drive 6 hours after work or at 5 am the next morning... But I wore the corduroy pants I bought today and I wore the totally psychedelic pearl-snap on monday. I also drank some really shitty cactus juice and smoked some red-rock opium, which I then discovered was incense... But seems everyone around this entire town smoeks the shit out of it, so I think I'll acquire a quantity of this certain incense and flood the market with cheaper prices, then cut it all off. No need to post my dumbassery, I was going to have a quite good trip... It was really starting to pick up when the headache started to get really intense... so I took more than the recommended dose of nyquil to pop the headache, and knock my ass out. Wasted that fucking cactus...
Margarine? Butter is ALWAYS better! I thought people knew that!
Margarine? Butter is ALWAYS better! I thought people knew that!

The only butter they had when I bought the margarine was $2.75. The margarine [mid-grade] was .75. I found butter for $1.75 and bought it. Then I flushed that margarine down the toilet after spitting, pissing and shitting on it. Fuck margarine, that shit ruins everything.
The only butter they had when I bought the margarine was $2.75. The margarine [mid-grade] was .75. I found butter for $1.75 and bought it. Then I flushed that margarine down the toilet after spitting, pissing and shitting on it. Fuck margarine, that shit ruins everything.
Cheaper isn't better!!!!! I THOUGHT PEOPLE KNEW THAT!!!!

I'm gonna start the bets. Who here thinks he'll survive?

End of betting computer in new location. I had a fuck of a time reconnecting my wireless keyboard and mouse. I love having all the comforts of a desktop and the portability of a laptop. I have a full-blown HP 2009m 20" [?] monitor, keyboard, and mouse.The laptop is hidden. Whenever I want to take my comp with me, I grab the laptop. It is awesome.
End of betting computer in new location. I had a fuck of a time reconnecting my wireless keyboard and mouse. I love having all the comforts of a desktop and the portability of a laptop. I have a full-blown HP 2009m 20" [?] monitor, keyboard, and mouse.The laptop is hidden. Whenever I want to take my comp with me, I grab the laptop. It is awesome.
It's not like you can use your computer in a car though lol.
It's not like you can use your computer in a car though lol.

But I can. I can use my computer in a car, on a boat, in a plane, on the moon, in a helicopter, in a hot air balloon, while walking, maybe not while bicycling. I'm not gonna lie I have used a computer when driving before. My cellphone died and I needed some tunes so I popped on the realplayer. Well I'm gonna crash out. Work in 10 hours, then a long ass drive.