wow! really? black? ouch!
we are all going to die.
we are all screwed no matter who we are dumping on. its too late to fix, we are too split and not willing to come back together. they want us split. they tell us lies and we fight about it. we quote about it. we yell and call each other names, like they want. we can fix nothing untill we as a nation can dump each and every politician, and get some normal folks in there that can co-operate, and debate an issue with out hating each other and compromise, and work together. its called respect for your fellow human beings, and their ideas. even if they are ideas that are different. an open mind can listen to different points of view and even see the others point of view. we cant fix anything if we just let our politicals steer us to destroy each others viewpoint. we need to look at things from different angles and under different light and understand that we all dont think the same thing about the same thing, respecting the others oppinions even if we dont agree.
and subscribing to conspiracy theories on either side is doing no good, we all know most of this shit is false but we defend, and attack because they told us to, because they told us the other side doesnt understand, and never will. really? are we so stuck in our positions that we cant change them.... my mind has been changed alot in my life, what i thought to be true has been false, what i thought to be false has been true, our minds are dynamic if we use them correctly.... we adapt our thoughts to what goes in. if your unable to adapt your way of thought your not growing as an individual.
sorry for the rant. still trying to come together. im tired of being split! at least im trying......