police helicopters how do they catch you


Active Member
I have a 400W HPS and a CFL cabinet in a room, and I keep the windows open. The temperature in the room is at about 66F while the tent and box stay at about 79F and 80F respectively.

No way that type of thing would show up on a FLIR scan. They would see the water heater, the dryer...shit, even the entire first floor before they saw anything up there, because the first floor for some reason is hotter than where I have my plants. I keep that shit COOL.

You'll be fine! :)


Well-Known Member
if the helicopters are the only things that your worried about, you should give up now.

those who get busted usually bring it on to them self. usually by lack of common sense. most of the time its by breaking the #1 rule. don't tell anybody!!! (that doesn't count giving up your 5th amendment rights by posting your grow pics on the weed site)

or by just being lazy. like
throwing grow room trash out with the normal trash.

being a grower and a drug dealer. especially from the same location. get some pigeons man!!

growing in a rental property or worse yet MOM'S house.

inviting the police to your grow spot because of other activities. IE domestic disturbance, parties shit like that

allowing ignorant tell-tell sings of a grow room. like blacked out windows. or window AC unit running out of season.

or my favorite and probably the #1 reason grows are identified is odor control or the lack there of. "lets grow 20 plants on $100 worth of ventilation and dryer sheets" not a good idea.

so lets just say those helicopters don't exist for a moment. lets say that dude who you allowed to come over a few weeks back and buy a bag off you or the one you HAD to show the grow room. I mean shit you are proud it. right!! on the way home, after you blazed him up, he gets into pulled over. being a idiot himself by not knowing his rights they find his weed or worse yet your weed.

come on, you have seen the cops and DEA shows on TV. they pressure him. they don't want him, they want the guy he got it from. dude gives you up, and most of the time still goes to jail. I told you he was a idiot!!

lets say this cop is a go getter, and smart or worse small town cop with lots of time on his hands. knowing he needs more than a snitch to convince a judge to sign a warrant. he will watch your house. watch you daily habits. pick through you garbage can, consult your electric company. take a look and smell around the house for those tell-tell signs. or just make something up, so his evidence leads him to believe there a really big grow going on here. and off to the judge.

NOW maybe you see the helicopter scanning homes. by then its way to late.

so my point is if the helicopter has got you that nervous, you either fit in to the above scenario's and need to tighten things up. or your just paranoid and need to grow nirvanas PPP. works great for anxiety. lol:lol:

if your still worried about those choppers, then peep these videos and you will be running scared to dismantle your grow room.

one video shows a person writing with her finger on a wall and the camera picks up the heat transfer from her finger. one other shows a gun laying in the grass and you can still see the heat transfer from the person who was holding it before it was ditched. watch all the vids and notice the ac units light up and the cars that are parked still discharge heat. they can pick up a person hiding in a shed.

does all this mean they can see in your house. no. but if you have a 250W-1000W on a exterior wall, or in an attic and think they cant identify the heat signature, I would consider you foolish. I would also consider the same if you think that a half ass search on the web can find the highest form of this technology that the government holds.

if you grow and no one is to know, your gold. if you grow and your sloppy, its just a matter of time. then again WTF do i know.

watch all the vids on this site.

here is another one

need the science behind it all go here

Straight up G

New Member
if the helicopters are the only things that your worried about, you should give up now.

those who get busted usually bring it on to them self. usually by lack of common sense. most of the time its by breaking the #1 rule. don't tell anybody!!! (that doesn't count giving up your 5th amendment rights by posting your grow pics on the weed site)

or by just being lazy. like
throwing grow room trash out with the normal trash.

being a grower and a drug dealer. especially from the same location. get some pigeons man!!

growing in a rental property or worse yet MOM'S house.

inviting the police to your grow spot because of other activities. IE domestic disturbance, parties shit like that

allowing ignorant tell-tell sings of a grow room. like blacked out windows. or window AC unit running out of season.

or my favorite and probably the #1 reason grows are identified is odor control or the lack there of. "lets grow 20 plants on $100 worth of ventilation and dryer sheets" not a good idea.

so lets just say those helicopters don't exist for a moment. lets say that dude who you allowed to come over a few weeks back and buy a bag off you or the one you HAD to show the grow room. I mean shit you are proud it. right!! on the way home, after you blazed him up, he gets into pulled over. being a idiot himself by not knowing his rights they find his weed or worse yet your weed.

come on, you have seen the cops and DEA shows on TV. they pressure him. they don't want him, they want the guy he got it from. dude gives you up, and most of the time still goes to jail. I told you he was a idiot!!

lets say this cop is a go getter, and smart or worse small town cop with lots of time on his hands. knowing he needs more than a snitch to convince a judge to sign a warrant. he will watch your house. watch you daily habits. pick through you garbage can, consult your electric company. take a look and smell around the house for those tell-tell signs. or just make something up, so his evidence leads him to believe there a really big grow going on here. and off to the judge.

NOW maybe you see the helicopter scanning homes. by then its way to late.

so my point is if the helicopter has got you that nervous, you either fit in to the above scenario's and need to tighten things up. or your just paranoid and need to grow nirvanas PPP. works great for anxiety. lol:lol:

if your still worried about those choppers, then peep these videos and you will be running scared to dismantle your grow room.

one video shows a person writing with her finger on a wall and the camera picks up the heat transfer from her finger. one other shows a gun laying in the grass and you can still see the heat transfer from the person who was holding it before it was ditched. watch all the vids and notice the ac units light up and the cars that are parked still discharge heat. they can pick up a person hiding in a shed.

does all this mean they can see in your house. no. but if you have a 250W-1000W on a exterior wall, or in an attic and think they cant identify the heat signature, I would consider you foolish. I would also consider the same if you think that a half ass search on the web can find the highest form of this technology that the government holds.

if you grow and no one is to know, your gold. if you grow and your sloppy, its just a matter of time. then again WTF do i know.

watch all the vids on this site.

here is another one

need the science behind it all go here
A FLIR pig can scan any property free of will here, no warrant, no excuse, this is not the US, further more if you know anything about FLIR as you profess to you will know that a pig will scan in the US regaurdless of the new laws and legeslation, if you try to say I'm wrong I will back it up with video evidence POST legeslation.
just want to post this here, I know this is an old thread but here is some closure.


In 2001 the supreme court ruled that use of thermal imaging without a warrant is infringing on your fourth amendment right to avoid unwarranted searches and siezures, so if the footage is taped before a warrant was ever issued, then the evidence is inadmissible