Liberal Media - Fort Hood Spin

Can you show evidence of this massive profit and that this is why we go to war? And I mean evidence, not some opinion from the Huffington Post or

You know MM, the way out of poverty is hard work. Bitching about how "the man" is holding you down and waiting for a revolution to lift you out of poverty will never work. Why don't you buy a lawn mower and start a landscaping business or something.
You are delusional. Hard work may be one ingredient, but it takes a lot more that that. I worked my ass off and never got rich. It is very rare that a lower class person ever escapes mediocrity. One has to have a sponser at the very least, a rich guy that sees promise in the individual to give the hand up, the approval, the key into the club. I thought at one point I may have that opportunity, but in the end, after running the guys company for 8 years, he brought back his son and gave him the key. Wealth rarely leaves the rich, and to be honest, there are much less opportunities today than when I was working. The way out of poverty for 99.9% of people living in it is blocked, wake the fuck up. I don't need no stinking fairy tales. BTW, just FYI, when I was a kid we were so poor we ate nothing but cornflakes watered down with similac, for breakfast and dinner for months at a time. I have made much more out of my life as far as finances than my parents. My Kids never missed a meal and the meals were always proper. fuck you and your hard work fairy tale. Tell it to someone that is naive.
Suuure...our foreign policy "responds" to Islamic terror... It's not designed to protect American interests or anything... It's all about protecting Americans and keeping everyone safe..

If a foreign nation bombed our country for decades and instituted puppet governments as they saw fit, then we attacked that country with the limited means we had available, would you be a traitor to this nation and side with the country that has been bombing us for decades? (I guarantee you won't answer that, coward)

But I guess it's all good huh, listen and believe whatever people tell you. I mean the people who spread American propaganda don't have any interest in keeping America at the top of the capitalist pyramid. Expenses to other countries? Fuck em! They deserve it for being so poor and brown eh Rick? Or for being Islamic..

Our response to Islamic terror is dominantly a response from the Islamic world for western terror.

So you openly admit you disapprove of homosexuals. Unbelievable. I don't think I've actually ever seen someone come out and admit they're a biggot, so I guess points for you for your one shred of honesty this entire forum. The thing you don't seem to understand though is that sexual orientation is not a choice, no matter how much you think it is. A very simple way for you to test this, which science is all about, is think to yourself for a moment, could you change your sexual orientation on the fly, right now? Could you become homosexual right now, if you chose to? (again, your coward ass most likely won't answer that) Of course you couldn't, so I really don't understand how you can then dismiss your own direct evidence against your own biggoted theory. Are you that stupid or, as I expect, that stubborn? Homosexual people don't have a choice, just like people don't have a choice of their skin color, or their gender. So openly "disapproving" of it is boggotry. Congrats on that...

I'm not going deeper with the Christian extremism. You're not getting it at all. All you know is "Islam - bad, Christainity - good". Like I said before, you're blinded by religious bias, it's expected.

You also can't grasp the simple fact that Christianity is dangerous because of the mental barriers it builds in childrens minds, disabling them from learning important information correctly, which keeps the cycle of bullshit going for eternity. Those retards who were indoctrinated by Christianity go on to have kids (most likely because they believe condoms and birth control is evil and their parents spouted off the "abstinence only!" bullshit policy), and teach their idiot kids the same bullshit story they grew up believing based on no evidence, they then get instilled with such virtuous qualities you yourself are so great at presenting, biggotry towards other equal human beings, open discrimination, believing that bad science is actual science simply because it suits your broken world view that's teetering on the brink of extinction because people like me aren't taking your bullshit anymore Rick. Religion doesn't belong in the 21st century. Get the fuck used to that. I sure as hell won't miss it when it's gone.

This is the 2nd time Rick has raised the white flag. What's that tell you? :lol:
Suuure...our foreign policy "responds" to Islamic terror... It's not designed to protect American interests or anything... It's all about protecting Americans and keeping everyone safe..

If a foreign nation bombed our country for decades and instituted puppet governments as they saw fit, then we attacked that country with the limited means we had available, would you be a traitor to this nation and side with the country that has been bombing us for decades? (I guarantee you won't answer that, coward)

But I guess it's all good huh, listen and believe whatever people tell you. I mean the people who spread American propaganda don't have any interest in keeping America at the top of the capitalist pyramid. Expenses to other countries? Fuck em! They deserve it for being so poor and brown eh Rick? Or for being Islamic..

Our response to Islamic terror is dominantly a response from the Islamic world for western terror.

So you openly admit you disapprove of homosexuals. Unbelievable. I don't think I've actually ever seen someone come out and admit they're a biggot, so I guess points for you for your one shred of honesty this entire forum. The thing you don't seem to understand though is that sexual orientation is not a choice, no matter how much you think it is. A very simple way for you to test this, which science is all about, is think to yourself for a moment, could you change your sexual orientation on the fly, right now? Could you become homosexual right now, if you chose to? (again, your coward ass most likely won't answer that) Of course you couldn't, so I really don't understand how you can then dismiss your own direct evidence against your own biggoted theory. Are you that stupid or, as I expect, that stubborn? Homosexual people don't have a choice, just like people don't have a choice of their skin color, or their gender. So openly "disapproving" of it is boggotry. Congrats on that...

I'm not going deeper with the Christian extremism. You're not getting it at all. All you know is "Islam - bad, Christainity - good". Like I said before, you're blinded by religious bias, it's expected.

You also can't grasp the simple fact that Christianity is dangerous because of the mental barriers it builds in childrens minds, disabling them from learning important information correctly, which keeps the cycle of bullshit going for eternity. Those retards who were indoctrinated by Christianity go on to have kids (most likely because they believe condoms and birth control is evil and their parents spouted off the "abstinence only!" bullshit policy), and teach their idiot kids the same bullshit story they grew up believing based on no evidence, they then get instilled with such virtuous qualities you yourself are so great at presenting, biggotry towards other equal human beings, open discrimination, believing that bad science is actual science simply because it suits your broken world view that's teetering on the brink of extinction because people like me aren't taking your bullshit anymore Rick. Religion doesn't belong in the 21st century. Get the fuck used to that. I sure as hell won't miss it when it's gone.

Again you prove your ignorance, your dishonesty and your own bigotry.

First, your fantasy that it is the policies of the US that cause Islamic terror is monumentally ignorant and I simply don't have the time to educate you on that subject. Read up on the issue because you know NOTHING of the root causes of Muslim rage. Try Reading Bernard Lewis. I'm sure you don't know who he is so Google him.

Second, I never said I disapproved of homosexuality. You told a bald faced lie when you said I made that admission. What I said is that people have a RIGHT to disapprove of the practice if they want.

Third, you are openly professing your own bigotry with your attitude toward Christians. You even go so far as to say they should not be allowed to teach their views to their children.

Is it really possible that you are that monumentally stupid that you can not see that your own views are more bigoted than any expressed here? I don't even see how that level of stupidity is even attainable. Do you actually practice being that stupid or does it come naturally?

Since you are so critical of America and so intolerant of the beliefs of most American citizens, why the hell do you stay here? Why don't you pretend like you have some balls and pack your shit and go move to Saudi Arabia since you seem so fond of the Muslim culture.

Now wipe the blood from your nose and go educate your self about Islam before I have to make you look like a fool again.

Oh, and the word is "predominantly" - if you are going to put it in bold you might want to get the word right.
Again you prove your ignorance, your dishonesty and your own bigotry.

First, your fantasy that it is the policies of the US that cause Islamic terror is monumentally ignorant and I simply don't have the time to educate you on that subject. Read up on the issue because you know NOTHING of the root causes of Muslim rage. Try Reading Bernard Lewis. I'm sure you don't know who he is so Google him.

Second, I never said I disapproved of homosexuality. You told a bald faced lie when you said I made that admission. What I said is that people have a RIGHT to disapprove of the practice if they want.

Third, you are openly professing your own bigotry with your attitude toward Christians. You even go so far as to say they should not be allowed to teach their views to their children.

Since you are so critical of America and so intolerant of the beliefs of most American citizens, why the hell do you stay here? Why don't you pretend like you have some balls and pack your shit and go move to Saudi Arabia since you seem so fond of the Muslim culture.

Now wipe the blood from your nose and go educate your self about Islam before I have to make you look like a fool again.

Alright, Bernard Lewis... Quite the guy eh. If you're following teachings and ideas of people like this then your political ideology doesn't really surprise me... Though he does say a few things you seem to have missed...

"The emergence of the now widespread terrorism practice of suicide bombing is a development of the 20th century. It has no antecedents in Islamic history, and no justification in terms of Islamic theology, law, or tradition. It is a pity that those who practice this form of terrorism are not better acquainted with their own religion, and with the culture that grew up under the auspices of that religion."

"The fanatical warrior offering his victims the choice of the Koran or the sword is not only untrue, it is impossible."

Chomsky also didn't like the guy. But Noam is a Nazi, Marxist, Socialst, Fascist right, not one of the most respected philosophers of his time...

So you wanna argue with Mr. Lewis about how dangerous Islam is?

You said you dissaproved of the sin, which is homosexuality. I told you that it is impossible to love someone (or hate them) if you've never met them. I explained to you that is not what love is. If you disapprove of the way an independent person manages their own personal sexuality, you are disapproving of the person, because they cannot change it. People do not have the right to openly discriminate against homosexuality, just as they don't have the right to openly discriminate against left handed people, black people, handicapped people... NO PEOPLE. We are all EQUAL people, when the fuck will you understand that? Be a biggot all you want, that is your right, but for you to do it openly and expect no repercussions, that's just silly Rick. People who hold justice, law, equality in high regard will speak up against you, just like I have.

I'm not biggotted against Christianity, though I am a very proudly admitted biggot against ignorance! I guess tearing organized religion appart is simply a consequence of my conquest to defeat ignorance wherever I find it. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, none of them get a free pass.

OK Rick, I know you're the fuckin' MASTER at dodging questions, but here's one I'd really like you to answer. Don't be a bitch and avoid it like the rest, even after I bold em' or put em' in red. Just answer it honestly.

How likely is it that a person who had never heard a shred of any religious teachings, would believe Christianity, via the Bible, after reading it for the very first time, cover to cover, at the age of 18?

At that point, do you think they would be more likely to conclude "yeah, this sounds about right!" or "wtf?! There is no way this is how it all happened..."?

That's my reasoning behind excluding children from your cult. You know it as well as I do. I really don't need you to dishonestly answer this question to prove my point. Without indoctrination at a young age, your religion would go extinct in a few generations. And you have absolutely nothing to say to stand up to that fact.

Well, I kinda like it here Rick. As many faults as America has, it's still the best place to live, imo.

Find me one goddamn quote where I showed any respect for Islam.

I've said the entire time I've been a member of this forum that I hate all organized religion. It doesn't matter which one it is. They are all equally as terrible. I don't know why you don't understand that... What, because I rip on Christianity so much, that means I MUST LOVE Islam? :wall: You and your false dichotomies...

As for the last comment... Like I said Rick, take a look at the rep. Whose making who look like a fool? :lol:

Have a nice, delusional, day. :dunce:
I can probably agree with most of what you are saying, I know not the answer to this dillema. I'm confident that there are many more terrorists brewing under the radar. My main suggestion to quell the hatred of Americans by Muslim extremests, would be to leave Muslim lands, IE get the fuck out of Afghanistan and Iraq. Then we could lead by example, not By might. It is not any secret that we are the most powerful Military might on the planet, No country would have the balls to attack us full force. It would take a few years of new foriegn policy, one that did not send military into a country to protect the interests of the corporations. We need to pull our military out of foriegn lands and let them work out their problems. The only thing we should do is offer aid for disasters.
Yeah, when are we gonna pull our troops out of Kosovo?

If Muslims resent U.S. influence so much, fuck 'em! Let them fend for themselves in that shithole.
"How likely is it that a person who had never heard a shred of any religious teachings, would believe Christianity, via the Bible, after reading it for the very first time, cover to cover, at the age of 18?"

Is there anyone here who thinks this question is intelligible? What is this question asking? Is it asking how a person not raised to believe in the Bible would come to believe in it? If so, I would direct that question to a Christian theologian. Since I am not one of them, and the question has nothing at all to do with the point of this thread, I fail to see the point of the question.

Padaw, if there is one thing I ask it is that you stop dishonestly putting words in my mouth. Now you have repeated a few blatant lies that you know are untrue. I repeat, I am not Christian and I am not religious. Why do you keep referring to me as such?

Nor did I say that I personally take issue with Homosexuality. Yet, you keep lying and saying I did. Did your parents, as part of your secular upbringing, teach you to be a liar or is that something you developed on your own?

Like it or not, Christians have a right to their beliefs regardless of what you think and even if they are sometimes silly. The fact that you can't tolerate this does in fact make you a bigot. You can try to parse words all you like, but in the end you are trying to rationalize your bigotry in the exact same manner as every other bigot. You attack Christians who, nut jobs not withstanding, believe in loving their neighbor and doing good, and you defend Muslims who are defined by intolerance. You use the attitudes of Christians toward gays as proof that they are equally as dangerous as Muslims. Yet in Christian countries gays are being afforded the same rights as other people, while in Muslim countries they are systematically murdered. And still, you lie by omission when you continue to disregard this fact instead choosing to bash Christians. If that isn't a confession of your own bigotry I don't know what is.

In case you need a reminder, this thread is about the media coverage of an even that clearly involved an element or radical Islam - the discussion is a valid one. The fact that you feel compelled to shift the focus of the conversation to what you perceive as an equal threat from Christianity proves beyond a reasonable doubt that you are an anti-Christian bigot and nothing more.
"How likely is it that a person who had never heard a shred of any religious teachings, would believe Christianity, via the Bible, after reading it for the very first time, cover to cover, at the age of 18?"

Is there anyone here who thinks this question is intelligible? What is this question asking? Is it asking how a person not raised to believe in the Bible would come to believe in it? If so, I would direct that question to a Christian theologian. Since I am not one of them, and the question has nothing at all to do with the point of this thread, I fail to see the point of the question.

Padaw, if there is one thing I ask it is that you stop dishonestly putting words in my mouth. Now you have repeated a few blatant lies that you know are untrue. I repeat, I am not Christian and I am not religious. Why do you keep referring to me as such?

Nor did I say that I personally take issue with Homosexuality. Yet, you keep lying and saying I did. Did your parents, as part of your secular upbringing, teach you to be a liar or is that something you developed on your own?

Like it or not, Christians have a right to their beliefs regardless of what you think and even if they are sometimes silly. The fact that you can't tolerate this does in fact make you a bigot. You can try to parse words all you like, but in the end you are trying to rationalize your bigotry in the exact same manner as every other bigot. You attack Christians who, nut jobs not withstanding, believe in loving their neighbor and doing good, and you defend Muslims who are defined by intolerance. You use the attitudes of Christians toward gays as proof that they are equally as dangerous as Muslims. Yet in Christian countries gays are being afforded the same rights as other people, while in Muslim countries they are systematically murdered. And still, you lie by omission when you continue to disregard this fact instead choosing to bash Christians. If that isn't a confession of your own bigotry I don't know what is.

In case you need a reminder, this thread is about the media coverage of an even that clearly involved an element or radical Islam - the discussion is a valid one. The fact that you feel compelled to shift the focus of the conversation to what you perceive as an equal threat from Christianity proves beyond a reasonable doubt that you are an anti-Christian bigot and nothing more.

dude just because the average church in christian America is tolerant doesnt mean that stretches to every corner of christianity. the whole part of there being 1000's of different denominations all worshiping the same god and reading the same book should be some clue towards this
the words that spawned the witch hunts and crusades of the old days are still there in text to be misinterpreted

"The rainy season is over and the Niger Delta is lush and humid. This southern edge of West Africa, where Nigeria's wealth pumps out of oil and gas fields to bypass millions of its poorest people, is a restless place. In the small delta state of Akwa Ibom, the tension and the poverty has delivered an opportunity for a new and terrible phenomenon that is leading to the abuse and the murder of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of children. And it is being done in the name of Christianity.Almost everyone goes to church here. Driving through the town of Esit Eket, the rust-streaked signs, tarpaulins hung between trees and posters on boulders, advertise a church for every third or fourth house along the road. Such names as New Testament Assembly, Church of God Mission, Mount Zion Gospel, Glory of God, Brotherhood of the Cross, Redeemed, Apostalistic. Behind the smartly painted doors pastors make a living by 'deliverances' - exorcisms - for people beset by witchcraft, something seen to cause anything from divorce, disease, accidents or job losses. With so many churches it's a competitive market, but by local standards a lucrative one.
But an exploitative situation has now grown into something much more sinister as preachers are turning their attentions to children - naming them as witches. In a maddened state of terror, parents and whole villages turn on the child. They are burnt, poisoned, slashed, chained to trees, buried alive or simply beaten and chased off into the bush.
Some parents scrape together sums needed to pay for a deliverance - sometimes as much as three or four months' salary for the average working man - although the pastor will explain that the witch might return and a second deliverance will be needed. Even if the parent wants to keep the child, their neighbours may attack it in the street.
This is not just a few cases. This is becoming commonplace. In Esit Eket, up a nameless, puddled-and-potholed path is a concrete shack stuffed to its fetid rafters with roughly made bunk beds. Here, three to a bed like battery chickens, sleep victims of the besuited Christian pastors and their hours-long, late-night services. Ostracised and abandoned, these are the children a whole community believes fervently are witches.
Sam Ikpe-Itauma is one of the few people in this area who does not believe what the evangelical 'prophets' are preaching. He opened his house to a few homeless waifs he came across, and now he tries his best to look after 131.
'The neighbours were not happy with me and tell me "you are supporting witches". This project was an accident, I saw children being abandoned and it was very worrying. I started with three children, then every day it increased up to 15, so we had to open this new place,' he says. 'For every maybe five children we see on the streets, we believe one has been killed, although it could be more as neighbours turn a blind eye when a witch child disappears.
'It is good we have this shelter, but it is under constant attack.' As he speaks two villagers walk past, at the end of the yard, pulling scarfs across their eyes to hide the 'witches' from their sight.
Ikpe-Itauma's wife, Elizabeth, acts as nurse to the injured children and they have called this place the Child Rights and Rehabilitation Network, a big name for a small refuge. It has found support from a charity running a school in the area, Stepping Stones Nigeria, which is trying to help with money to feed the children, but the numbers turning up here are a huge challenge.
Mary Sudnad, 10, grimaces as her hair is pulled into corn rows by Agnes, 11, but the scalp just above her forehead is bald and blistered. Mary tells her story fast, in staccato, staring fixedly at the ground.
'My youngest brother died. The pastor told my mother it was because I was a witch. Three men came to my house. I didn't know these men. My mother left the house. Left these men. They beat me.' She pushes her fists under her chin to show how her father lay, stretched out on his stomach on the floor of their hut, watching. After the beating there was a trip to the church for 'a deliverance'.
A day later there was a walk in the bush with her mother. They picked poisonous 'asiri' berries that were made into a draught and forced down Mary's throat. If that didn't kill her, her mother warned her, then it would be a barbed-wire hanging. Finally her mother threw boiling water and caustic soda over her head and body, and her father dumped his screaming daughter in a field. Drifting in and out of consciousness, she stayed near the house for a long time before finally slinking off into the bush.Mary was seven. She says she still doesn't feel safe. She says: 'My mother doesn't love me.' And, finally, a tear streaks down her beautiful face.
Gerry was picked out by a 'prophetess' at a prayer night and named as a witch. His mother cursed him, his father siphoned petrol from his motorbike tank and spat it over his eight-year-old face. Gerry's facial blistering is as visible as the trauma in his dull eyes. He asks every adult he sees if they will take him home to his parents: 'It's not them, it's the prophetess, I am scared of her.'
Nwaeka is about 16. She sits by herself in the mud, her eyes rolling, scratching at her stick-thin arms. The other children are surprisingly patient with her. The wound on her head where a nail was driven in looks to be healing well. Nine- year-old Etido had nails, too, five of them across the crown of his downy head. Its hard to tell what damage has been done. Udo, now 12, was beaten and abandoned by his mother. He nearly lost his arm after villagers, finding him foraging for food by the roadside, saw him as a witch and hacked at him with machetes.
Magrose is seven. Her mother dug a pit in the wood and tried to bury her alive. Michael was found by a farmer clearing a ditch, starving and unable to stand on legs that had been flogged raw.
Ekemini Abia has the look of someone in a deep state of shock. Both ankles are circled with gruesome wounds and she moves at a painful hobble. Named as a witch, her father and elders from the church tied her to a tree, the rope cutting her to the bone, and left the 13-year-old there alone for more than a week.
There are sibling groups such as Prince, four, and Rita, nine. Rita told her mum she had dreamt of a lovely party where there was lots to eat and to drink. The belief is that a witch flies away to the coven at night while the body sleeps, so Rita's sweet dream was proof enough: she was a witch and because she had shared food with her sibling - the way witchcraft is spread - both were abandoned. Victoria, cheeky and funny, aged four, and her seven-year-old sister Helen, a serene little girl. Left by their parents in the shell of an old shack, the girls didn't dare move from where they had been abandoned and ate leaves and grass.
The youngest here is a baby. The older girls take it in turn to sling her on their skinny hips and Ikpe-Itauma has named her Amelia, after his grandmother. He estimates around 5,000 children have been abandoned in this area since 1998 and says many bodies have turned up in the rivers or in the forest. Many more are never found. 'The more children the pastor declares witches, the more famous he gets and the more money he can make,' he says. 'The parents are asked for so much money that they will pay in instalments or perhaps sell their property. This is not what churches should be doing.'
Although old tribal beliefs in witch doctors are not so deeply buried in people's memories, and although there had been indigenous Christians in Nigeria since the 19th century, it is American and Scottish Pentecostal and evangelical missionaries of the past 50 years who have shaped these fanatical beliefs. Evil spirits, satanic possessions and miracles can be found aplenty in the Bible, references to killing witches turn up in Exodus, Deuteronomy and Galatians, and literal interpretation of scriptures is a popular crowd-pleaser.
Pastor Joe Ita is the preacher at Liberty Gospel Church in nearby Eket. 'We base our faith on the Bible, we are led by the holy spirit and we have a programme of exposing false religion and sorcery.' Soft of voice and in his smart suit and tie, his church is being painted and he apologises for having to sit outside near his shiny new Audi to talk. There are nearly 60 branches of Liberty Gospel across the Niger Delta. It was started by a local woman, mother-of-two Helen Ukpabio, whose luxurious house and expensive white Humvee are much admired in the city of Calabar where she now lives. Many people in this area credit the popular evangelical DVDs she produces and stars in with helping to spread the child witch belief.
Ita denies charging for exorcisms but acknowledges his congregation is poor and has to work hard to scrape up the donations the church expects. 'To give more than you can afford is blessed. We are the only ones who really know the secrets of witches. Parents don't come here with the intention of abandoning their children, but when a child is a witch then you have to say "what is that there? Not your child." The parents come to us when they see manifestations. But the secret is that, even if you abandon your child, the curse is still upon you, even if you kill your child the curse stays. So you have to come here to be delivered afterwards as well,' he explains patiently.
'We know how they operate. A witch will put a spell on its mother's bra and the mother will get breast cancer. But we cannot attribute all things to witches, they work on inclinations too, so they don't create HIV, but if you are promiscuous then the witch will give you HIV.'
As the light fades, he presents a pile of Ukpabio's DVDs. Mistakenly thinking they are a gift, I am firmly put right.
Later that night, in another part of town, the hands of the clock edge towards midnight. The humidity of the day is sealed into the windowless church and drums pound along with the screeching of the sweat-drenched preacher. 'No witches, oh Lord,' he screams into the microphone. 'As this hour approaches, save us, oh Lord!'
His congregation is dancing, palms aloft, women writhe and yell in tongues. A group moves forward shepherding five children, one a baby, and kneel on the concrete floor and the pastor comes among them, pressing his hands down on each child's head in turn, as they try to hide in the skirts of the woman. This is deliverance night at the Church of the True Redeemer, and while the service will carry on for some hours, the main event - for which the parents will have paid cash - is over.
Walking out into the night, the drums and singing from other churches ring out as such scenes are being repeated across the village.
It is hard to find people to speak out against the brutality. Chief Victor Ikot is one. He not only speaks out against the 'tinpot' churches, but has also done the unthinkable and taken in a witch to his own home. The chief's niece, Mbet, was declared a witch when she was eight. Her mother, Ekaete, made her drink olive oil, then poison berries, then invited local men to beat her with sticks. The pastor padlocked her to a tree but unlocked her when her mother could not find the money for a deliverance. Mbet fled. Mbet, now 11, says she has not seen the woman since, adding: 'My mother is a wicked mother.'
The Observer tracked down Mbet's mother to her roadside clothing stall where she nervously fiddled with her mobile phone and told us how her daughter had given her what sounded very much like all the symptoms of malaria. 'I had internal heat,' she says, indicating her stomach. 'It was my daughter who had caused this, she drew all the water from my body. I could do nothing. She was stubborn, very stubborn.' And if her daughter had died in the bush? She shrugged: 'That is God's will. It is in God's hands.'
Chief Victor has no time for his sister-in-law. 'Nowadays when a child becomes stubborn, then everyone calls them witches. But it is usually from the age of 10 down, I have never seen anyone try to throw a macho adult into the street. This child becomes a nuisance, so they give a dog a bad name and they can hang it.
'It is alarming because no household is untouched. But it is the greed of the pastors, driving around in Mercedes, that makes them choose the vulnerable.'
In a nearby village The Observer came across five-year-old twins, Itohowo and Kufre. They are still hanging around close to their mother's shack, but are obviously malnourished and in filthy rags. Approaching the boys brings a crowd of villagers who stand around and shout: 'Take them away from us, they are witches.' 'Take them away before they kill us all.' 'Witches'.
The woman who gave birth to these sorry scraps of humanity stands slightly apart from the crowd, arms crossed. Iambong Etim Otoyo has no intention of taking any responsibility for her sons. 'They are witches,' she says firmly and walks away.
And by nightfall there are 133 children in the chicken coop concrete house at Esit Eket."

Islam by default is no more intolerant than any other religion. it is as peaceful as any other religion. it can be perverted and twisted like any other religion.

stop taring islam with the same brush as the incredibly small amount of extremist terrorists as by you doing so you are spreading religous hatred just as dangerous in the long run as anything the extremist clerics can sprout out
"How likely is it that a person who had never heard a shred of any religious teachings, would believe Christianity, via the Bible, after reading it for the very first time, cover to cover, at the age of 18?"

Is there anyone here who thinks this question is intelligible? What is this question asking? Is it asking how a person not raised to believe in the Bible would come to believe in it? If so, I would direct that question to a Christian theologian. Since I am not one of them, and the question has nothing at all to do with the point of this thread, I fail to see the point of the question.

Padaw, if there is one thing I ask it is that you stop dishonestly putting words in my mouth. Now you have repeated a few blatant lies that you know are untrue. I repeat, I am not Christian and I am not religious. Why do you keep referring to me as such?

Nor did I say that I personally take issue with Homosexuality. Yet, you keep lying and saying I did. Did your parents, as part of your secular upbringing, teach you to be a liar or is that something you developed on your own?

Like it or not, Christians have a right to their beliefs regardless of what you think and even if they are sometimes silly. The fact that you can't tolerate this does in fact make you a bigot. You can try to parse words all you like, but in the end you are trying to rationalize your bigotry in the exact same manner as every other bigot. You attack Christians who, nut jobs not withstanding, believe in loving their neighbor and doing good, and you defend Muslims who are defined by intolerance. You use the attitudes of Christians toward gays as proof that they are equally as dangerous as Muslims. Yet in Christian countries gays are being afforded the same rights as other people, while in Muslim countries they are systematically murdered. And still, you lie by omission when you continue to disregard this fact instead choosing to bash Christians. If that isn't a confession of your own bigotry I don't know what is.

In case you need a reminder, this thread is about the media coverage of an even that clearly involved an element or radical Islam - the discussion is a valid one. The fact that you feel compelled to shift the focus of the conversation to what you perceive as an equal threat from Christianity proves beyond a reasonable doubt that you are an anti-Christian bigot and nothing more.

Rick, you know exactly what the question was asking, and in exactly what context I was asking it, you also know the point to the question, and you still, simply cannot answer it honestly. That is amazing. You would rather know you're wrong about something and still hold onto the belief than admit you're wrong. Or maybe you're at least smart enough to discard the belief in your own mind, but still stubborn enough not to admit it.. In any case, it's a valid question. Maybe it doesn't belong in this thread, but you fundies seem to have been avoiding my Atheism thread... Wonder why that is... :)

Christianity, like all organized religion, would die without parents indoctrinating (brainwashing) their children from birth. If a well enough developed mind read through any religious text, they would quickly realize this is not how reality works. You know that, and you're not man enough to admit it. That is pretty pathetic sir.

You disapprove of homosexuality, something someone cannot change. I disapprove of ignorance, something anyone can change. See the difference? Religion doesn't get to skirt the tests of reality and just be accepted as true, that is ignorant.

I keep referring to you because I don't believe you're not religious. You defend religion as if you were, so that's enough for me. Ignorance is ignorance none the less.

You don't admit you take issue with homosexuality. But your actions speak louder than your words ever could. You don't think homosexuals should have the right to get married, or adopt children, etc. You would actively vote against that. That sounds like taking issue to me...

I never said Christians don't have a right to their beliefs. I've always agreed that they do. But what they do not have the right to do is bring their beliefs into the public arena where I am subject to their stupidity, against my will. What the hell makes you think you have that right? I take a completely defensive position when dealing with religious nonsense. You guys are the ones pushing, I am simply pushing back and standing up for what I believe in.

You don't understand what the word biggot means.

Again, I challenge you to find me one quote where I defended Islam. You're a liar.

The same rights? Long shot, another blatant lie. Last time I checked homosexual couples were not recognized at the federal level. (and people like you still don't recognize them as equal, or deserving of equal rights)

Anti-Ignorance Biggot, I kinda like it.

Beware of the AIB Rick!
1. Religion is not inculcated by the reading of books. Not at 18 or any other age.

2. It's not about hatred for America. It's about the world changing in ways the ultra-traditional muslim mind is having a difficult time with. America is merely symbolic of the wave of inevitable change they see coming. But every time a chunk of that world is propelled into the future, as Iraq has been, the radicals lose a little more ground.

3. Pad, you do not have the right to be free of any exposure to the religion of others. Your comments remind me of the suit that was filed because a public school bus route went by a church with a large cross. You say you are tolerant of religion but it sounds as if you want it to be practiced in shame and secrecy behind drawn curtains.
But every time a chunk of that world is propelled into the future, as Iraq has been, the radicals lose a little more ground.

sorry but that sounds like your saying that you being in iraq is gonna mean less terrorists? dont you realise you being there has made it worse?
I doubt Paddy has a problem with a school bus passing a church.

His objections stem from religion infringing on his right not to believe, in the public square.

Examples include:

'In god we trust' on our currency;
Prayer before a high school football game;
'Under god' in the Pledge of Allegiance;
Ad Valorem tax exemptions for houses of worship; and
The nativity scene on the grounds of City Hall.
1. Religion is not inculcated by the reading of books. Not at 18 or any other age.

Are you saying the same amount of people would walk away a believer after having read or learned about religion for the first time at the age of 18 as they would have if they'd just been indoctrinated since birth?

2. It's not about hatred for America. It's about the world changing in ways the ultra-traditional muslim mind is having a difficult time with. America is merely symbolic of the wave of inevitable change they see coming. But every time a chunk of that world is propelled into the future, as Iraq has been, the radicals lose a little more ground.

The exact same could be said for Christianity in America.

3. Pad, you do not have the right to be free of any exposure to the religion of others. Your comments remind me of the suit that was filed because a public school bus route went by a church with a large cross. You say you are tolerant of religion but it sounds as if you want it to be practiced in shame and secrecy behind drawn curtains.

Religion should be practiced behind closed doors. Why does your faith insist on dictating my way of life? I do infact have the right, to be free from religion.
Are you saying the same amount of people would walk away a believer after having read or learned about religion for the first time at the age of 18 as they would have if they'd just been indoctrinated since birth?

The exact same could be said for Christianity in America.

Religion should be practiced behind closed doors. Why does your faith insist on dictating my way of life? I do infact have the right, to be free from religion.

Duh, I'm saying it doesn't come from books. And no, the same can not be said about Christianity in America. Christianity has gone through enormous change and continues to adapt. Its orthodox may cringe at that change, but they aren't committing mass murder to try to stop it.

Now, please illuminate us as to where you think your right to be free from religion originates? You appear to be a bigot.
Duh, I'm saying it doesn't come from books. And no, the same can not be said about Christianity in America. Christianity has gone through enormous change and continues to adapt. Its orthodox may cringe at that change, but they aren't committing mass murder to try to stop it.

Now, please illuminate us as to where you think your right to be free from religion originates? You appear to be a bigot.
I can understand you defending your faith! Spirituality is very important to a lot of people, faith in something bigger keeps them going.

There has always been bloodshed in the name of religion! Christianity is not exempt from this. Look at the crusades, the Salem witch hunts and the IRA.

To me it would be hard to say where it actually originated. But freedom of religion "or the lack of" is guaranteed us in the constitution.

I personally would take a look at what a word means before I toss it around as a slam!!!!:lol:
"A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices.
The correct use of the term requires the elements of obstinacy, irrationality, and animosity toward those of differing devotion."
I can understand you defending your faith! Spirituality is very important to a lot of people, faith in something bigger keeps them going.

There has always been bloodshed in the name of religion! Christianity is not exempt from this. Look at the crusades, the Salem witch hunts and the IRA.

To me it would be hard to say where it actually originated. But freedom of religion "or the lack of" is guaranteed us in the constitution.

I personally would take a look at what a word means before I toss it around as a slam!!!!:lol:
"A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices.
The correct use of the term requires the elements of obstinacy, irrationality, and animosity toward those of differing devotion."

First, let me disabuse you of your misconception - I have no faith. I have not been in a church since I was 14. But I have great respect for the religion of others and I believe that anyone who says religion should be confined behind drawn curtains and practiced in secrecy is a bigot. No better than a racist or any other form of bigot. If there is anything worse than hating jews or some other religion, I guess it is hating them all equally. Freedom of religion is guaranteed in the constitution, and that would include the right to be an atheist. But there is nothing in the constitution that guarantees anyone the right to keep their religion from your view. Why don't you tell us what you really would like to see? I'm sure it includes the elimination of Christmas and what else? Jail terms for wearing a cross?
First, let me disabuse you of your misconception - I have no faith. I have not been in a church since I was 14. But I have great respect for the religion of others and I believe that anyone who says religion should be confined behind drawn curtains and practiced in secrecy is a bigot. No better than a racist or any other form of bigot. If there is anything worse than hating jews or some other religion, I guess it is hating them all equally. Freedom of religion is guaranteed in the constitution, and that would include the right to be an atheist. But there is nothing in the constitution that guarantees anyone the right to keep their religion from your view. Why don't you tell us what you really would like to see? I'm sure it includes the elimination of Christmas and what else? Jail terms for wearing a cross?
Glad we got the faith thing out of the way, kinda.
Actually being an atheist is faith, faith there is no God and you don't have to fear his wrath. :lol: But that is another discussion.
Freedom of religion is guaranteed in the constitution, and that would include the right to be an atheist. I couldn't agree more with you as you have read in my post you quoted.
The remaining parts of your post must be directed at another member. I'm a strong believer in freedom of religion and feel people have the right to worship as they see fit. Or not if that is their choice.

I am more interested in your view on Christianity being non violent or not committing mass murder. As stated in your previous post.
First, let me disabuse you of your misconception - I have no faith. I have not been in a church since I was 14. But I have great respect for the religion of others and I believe that anyone who says religion should be confined behind drawn curtains and practiced in secrecy is a bigot. No better than a racist or any other form of bigot. If there is anything worse than hating jews or some other religion, I guess it is hating them all equally. Freedom of religion is guaranteed in the constitution, and that would include the right to be an atheist. But there is nothing in the constitution that guarantees anyone the right to keep their religion from your view. Why don't you tell us what you really would like to see? I'm sure it includes the elimination of Christmas and what else? Jail terms for wearing a cross?

I have respect for people with religions. I don't have respect for people like you that blindly defend ONE religion (christianity), while considering Scientologists, Muslims, Hindus, etc. as some sort of anomaly, identifying them as animals, violent, among the other words I have seen you identify ppl who are NOT christian.

let me set you straight.

Religion is guaranteed by the constitution because the people who wrote it were PURITANS. They believed that very same fairy tale, and said anyone who wants to believe fairy tales as true has the right to do so. I have no problem with that.

What I cannot understand is how people can follow religion so faithfully when it's something based on speculation, and full of extra-ordinary happenings. Things that are impossible, things that don't happen, are possible for people that believe religion. This is a very dangerous mindset. But since it is guaranteed by the constitution I have to be quiet.

I cannot comprehend how religion (a fantasy) can be defended by the government and sexuality(a natural instinct) is repressed.

see, what happens is that religion is taught, it's something that you learn, and it's full of promises and threats that have to do with eternity (a concept humans don't understand, can't understand, and will never get to experience)...

sexuality is a completely natural part of being alive. even plants experience sex.

um, the government will defend you're right to believe fantasy,

but oppresses something natural, like sex. If you don't think the government doesn't oppress sex, go to a local public highschool, take a survey of how many kids have been taught how to use condoms at school this year, you will get an astonishing zero percent. if you get a survey that asks how many have been taught about abstinence, you will get a 100% yes response rate.

homosexuality,another natural urge, (i have a friend that has been an out of the closet gay since second grade, and a couple more that knew they were gay since they were very VERY VERY young, but kept it in the closet) is also oppressed...

gays cannot get married, and for the longest time did not enjoy any of the benefits unmarried, heterosexual couples enjoyed...

get what i'm saying??

i'm all for the constitution, and freedom of religion, but i don't really get the whole, let christians show they're christian,

but fuck gays and casual sex....... christianity, the fantasy, is defended and encouraged, yet sexuality, nature, is oppressed.....

yes, christianity should be practiced in shame and behind curtains, just like my gay friends are relegated to certain parts of town (if I go out with my gay friends to the non-gay parts of town, they are bigoted against constantly, it's both annoying and heartbreaking). Why? because those same christians have used fear and manipulation to oppress other religions, people with differing sexual views, even other christians who go to other churches....

a gay man: lives his life happily, leaving everyone alone.

Christian man: lives his life worried about every other christian not being christian enough, or his particular flavor of christian. Trying to impose his christianity on others and anyone who thinks he's wrong is relegated to "inmorality, indecency, a threat to the establishment, etc etc etc....)

so yeah, that's my drunk/full rant for today...

Happy Start of the Brutalizing of American Natives Day....
Duh, I'm saying it doesn't come from books. And no, the same can not be said about Christianity in America. Christianity has gone through enormous change and continues to adapt. Its orthodox may cringe at that change, but they aren't committing mass murder to try to stop it.

Now, please illuminate us as to where you think your right to be free from religion originates? You appear to be a bigot.

99% of biologists worldwide accept the theory of evolution. 35% of the American public accepts it. Do you know why that is? Because the Christain base refuses to change their opinion. Nothing but creation makes sense to them.

My freedom from religion comes from the US Constitution. I don't have any right to gather as many people as I can convince of my bullshit together, lobby the government and get laws passed that affect you or other people that might not buy into it. Understand? That is a right you do not have. You guys think you do have this right. If you do, I do too. How would you feel if I (and a few million of my fellow atheists) decided that our new belief held that in order for us to repent we have to convert someone to our faith? It's our faith, how can you deny me that? It's religious freedom right? I have the freedom to practice my religion, whatever it's teachings require, including converting people. ---see, that's where you go wrong. If the teachings of your religion stick it's nose into my business (or you believe they do and act accordingly) and affect my way of life in any way, shape, or form that I do not feel comfortable with, then you do not have the right.