Making Mescaline HCL A Bold Reality!


Well-Known Member
I just put the skins in the bowl so people can see what I'm removing, just the hard outer skin, will add more comments to the pics later.


Well-Known Member
eish not even a mm, its realy like a thin hard skin, impossible to miss once you get started.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone personally read Aldous Huxley "The Doors of Perception?"

Its interesting when people relate their mescaline journeys, as many other psychoactives are told as identifying the drugs effects on the body such as visuals, where as mescaline has such a clear state of understanding, like their is no visuals but just a clear mentality with very lucid thoughts that magnify the human soul, nature, and the collective universe. It seems so much more of a smart drug then anything else!


Well-Known Member
Your finger nail, it realy comes off like a big scab, pretty easy. Almost like peeling a fruit.... fruit with a very thin skin.

Ok 3 more pics with notes up.


Well-Known Member
Your finger nail, it realy comes off like a big scab, pretty easy. Almost like peeling a fruit.... fruit with a very thin skin.

Ok 3 more pics with notes up.
I love scraping off scabs, this should be nice... while not when you looking at scraping kilos of it off :lol:

Awesome, I'll take a look in a bit!


Well-Known Member
nah, it is like one skin, just start at a corner, you don;t have to fight with lots of small pieces... its just very snotty work.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i have a few of my own growing i bought at a garage sale/cactus sale i can still get more from that source some are really big. the other day i was out training and along a fence by some large ranch were at least 50+ san pedros growing every few feet some rooted some pieces had broken and were laying on the ground starting to root i took a few home. i have done lsd shrooms the basics but never tried mescaline before and do want to i just want to find the best method either extract or simply preparing fresh cacti. i dont know what its like in other locales but here i find san pedro growing all over the place in yards businesses etc.... people like cacti and other drought resistant plants out here.


Well-Known Member
Ah busy with last boil before starting reduction of strained pots of snot.
Only one new pic added so far.


Well-Known Member
Hello their "bicycle racer" it doesn't look like we've formerly meant but I see your surrounding by so many succelents, how lucky you are!

Did you pick any up along the way? Where do you reside in cali.?