f%#@king spider mites

so i got spider mites wah wah i know its a sad story but since im so close to harvest i dont wnat to spay inceticides or anything so i figured i would freeze em out. i was thinking i would get the temps low day before harvest to slow em down then once i cut em and trim em i would actually dip them in frezzing cold water and give em a good shake to knock the little fuckers to the ground and then to avoid mold problems during drying i would do a quick dry in the oven. if there are any holes in this plan please let me know i dont want to smoke bugs :bigjoint:

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
if your that close to harvest, you cant do shit.

when you cut em down, put a light above your drying lines and they will migrate towards the light to the end of the branches, and off the buds. also, you can knock the webs and mites off the buds with compressed air. get a can of co2 and blow em off. if you got an air compressor, use that.

you should dry slow, like a 4 or 5 day dry. i think the freezing water thing aint gonna work. you can get pyrethrum, and use it a week before harvest. it doesn't leave harmful residue.
i know that cold water paralizes these miites so a quick dry would counter act the extra moister that the water bring i know how i should dry and cure what i would like to know is if this idea is possible in theroy, but i do like the compressed air idea i probley go that route thanx

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
once you have mites, you have them until you exterminate them. your going to have to buy some pesticide, use it before you are so far into flower, the next round.


Well-Known Member
Listen to Captain, if you're ready to harvest now just used compressed air and blow them off. They don't hang around on the buds much anyway, they like leaves.
once you have mites, you have them until you exterminate them. your going to have to buy some pesticide, use it before you are so far into flower, the next round.
i know what needs to be done in the future but im trying to fix my problem now. bugs on my plants dont want to use insecticides harvesting soon once this harvest is done i got a plan of action to erradicate my mite infestations


Well-Known Member
Will lady bugs live in the grow room? If so I will get some even if I dont have spider mites. lol

Oh and ya dude good luck. I am a noob. But I know that I would smoke the little bastards.

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
i'm telling you man, hang them on a line and put a small light above them. i just had a harvest this morning and i had some mites, those fuckers love the greenhouse.

just put a light a few feet above the branches. they climb towards the light thinking they are following the sun, up towards the light.

look at the photo, i leave the light on for a day, then shut it off. before i do i wipe them buggers off the top of the branches with a paper towel soaked in rubbing alcohol.

also, you can use a small painter's brush to get the webs off the buds. these are the methods i use for my smoke.
If it works it works and It took care of my spider mite problem, the buds taste the same.
still u have to see that its a chemical going into your body that wouldnt normally be there and if it kills bugs then it has destructive propertys the farthest i would go to kill buugs is neem oil and predator bugs all that shit out the factory i dont trust