Crack-Cocaine questions..


I know you said not to say it but do not do it you will give all your money to someone who doesn't deserve it

you can easily blow through 100's of thousands of dollars in just a few months.... its fuckin ridiculous.... too damn bad if this isnt what he wants to hear, its the harsh reality of crack;-)


If you try crack you will spend the rest of your life battling relapse and low points of you would spend all of your income plus any other you could get your hands on. Do things you will surely regret and be embarrassed of, just to get the money for that high.. From experience i strongly advise you to not even try it once. Although i know nothing any one says can really change your mind most likely as it couldnt mine =/. I tried it when i was young and it can slip into a very scary habit with out even realizing it. I try to stay away from it at all cost. even stopped drinking alcohol almost all together cause when ever im drunk i want to get some rock and a few 100 dollars in a night is very easy to do. very expensive drug sounds cheap but really isnt since u use alot and the high lasts seconds.


If you try crack you will spend the rest of your life battling relapse and low points of you would spend all of your income plus any other you could get your hands on. Do things you will surely regret and be embarrassed of, just to get the money for that high.. From experience i strongly advise you to not even try it once. Although i know nothing any one says can really change your mind most likely as it couldnt mine =/. I tried it when i was young and it can slip into a very scary habit with out even realizing it. I try to stay away from it at all cost. even stopped drinking alcohol almost all together cause when ever im drunk i want to get some rock and a few 100 dollars in a night is very easy to do. very expensive drug sounds cheap but really isnt since u use alot and the high lasts seconds.

hey!! see you've been there too:lol:.....

welcome to RIU bro:leaf:


Well-Known Member
If you try crack you will spend the rest of your life battling relapse and low points of you would spend all of your income plus any other you could get your hands on. Do things you will surely regret and be embarrassed of, just to get the money for that high.. From experience i strongly advise you to not even try it once. Although i know nothing any one says can really change your mind most likely as it couldnt mine =/. I tried it when i was young and it can slip into a very scary habit with out even realizing it. I try to stay away from it at all cost. even stopped drinking alcohol almost all together cause when ever im drunk i want to get some rock and a few 100 dollars in a night is very easy to do. very expensive drug sounds cheap but really isnt since u use alot and the high lasts seconds.
This guy just signed up for the site to tell you all that please dont do it


Well-Known Member
Well he's right, people who offer you crack are not your friends... ask an old crack fiend.


bud bootlegger
have you ever tried whip it's or nitrous? they don't call it hippy crack for no reason... crack high? you get the wawawawa"s in your ears.. you want to have sex but your dick don't work, and of course, it may last about a minutes.. and no, not like a minute of the good part and a few hours of goodness.. it is maybe a minute of goodness and then nothing... you can blow throught $100 in half and hour .... you will find yourself peaking thru the door thinking that the cops are after you.. and once you run out the fun really begins.. you will find yourself crawling on the floor looking for that rock that you know that you dropped and then end up smoking things like pieces of a life saver or carpet cleaner cause you swear it looks just like the rock that you dropped... nothing better than the taste of a hit of carpet fresh... NOT...
and the come down from crack is the worst in my eyes.. especially if you don't have any pills or alchohol to help you out with the crash.. the crash can last for up to maybe three or four hours... the worst four hours of your life... honestly... the come down from crack is the worst part of the whole deal... the pits..
and how much rock does it take for you to get high? one hit my brother... but how much money will you spend chasing that first hit? ALL OF IT... YOURS, MINE, THIERS, HIS, HERS, MOMS, DADS, BROTHERS, SISTERS, NEIGHBORS... WHO EVERS...
i have done just about every drug imagineable, and crack has got to be right up there with herion for the crappiest drug to do... i too don't even drink anylonger as the alcohol makes me want either crack or coke, and it is soooooooooooooo not worth it just to be drunk... it took me a long time to rid my self of the monkey on my back that was crack.. and this was really only achieved by trading drugs.. not for one any better either... you may have laughed at the guy suggesting that you will find that you will be using herion after smoking rock, but i did.... it works great for coming down off of rock.. one of the best things in my eyes... yeah... works great.. only problem now is you will forget all about crack, and start just using herion everyday.. first you will just give it a lil snort.. the high will last you for hours on the littlest bump... then or course your tolerence will build.. one bag will be one line, and you will find yourself doing ten bags a day... not to get high anymore, but just not to be sick.. thats so much fun.. you wake up, don't have any.. shit your pants and puke till you manage to find ten dollars to get a bag... then you think how shooting up will make the high last longer and harder hitting, and reduce your intake... so you do... fun stuff.. of course i am joking about the fun part.. you will quite your job as of course finding money and finding the drug becomes a full time job for you. your family will no longer trust you to be anywhere near them as every time you are you steal everything that is not nailed down, and somethings that even are... they kick you to the curb.. you find yourself all alone in the world.. no love, no friends, nothing.. but the best part is that you don't even care... good stuff..
now... if you are lucky like i was... you may find yourself able to kick all of these drugs.. kicking the drugs is really the easy part of the equation... ten rehabs or so later, you've got it down no problems... now... try and see if you can gain the trust of your family and loved ones back... this is where the real fun begins.. why? because it is not up to you... you have done all of these terrible things to them and they have every right not to trust or love you for the longest of times, and some of them even forever..

good luck with that crack my friend... but don't say i didnt warn you along with others... it leads down a long dark desperate road called addiction... i wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.....


New Member
LOL... are we watching the decline of someone's life? First you try cocaine, now crack-cocaine... I got an idea, next one you should try is meth! Then then then... try some heroin, gotta inject it in between your feet though so no one sees the needle marks.

After the heroin, go ahead and pop some painpills... then, do them all at once! Smoke some crack, snort come cocaine, inject some heroin, smoke a little meth, pop some painkillers... then your mission (in my opinion of what your mission should be) will be complete.
LOL, Just a teenager experimenting recreationally.. I'm sure you've all been there.. Just trying to enjoy life while it lasts, if it kills me than I guess I fucked up.. haha :fire:

Done heroin three times actually, never again.. I don't like anything IV it scares the shit outta me.. Plus after three times I felt like I still needed MORE and MORE.. I honestly even think I had withdrawls after doing 3 sessions within a 48 hour period.. Maybe it was just mind-games, who knows..

Don't have access to meth, that I know of..

Experimented with the PK's and other pills nothing I really like yet.. EX is amazing though, only done it.. twice? mixed both times..


New Member
Oh, and honestly because of your feedback on this site I decided not to go with it..
Thanks everyone for your honest advice. I trust this community I figured what better of a place to get unbiased advice.. Since 90% if not all of you suggested against it/viable alternatives I will skip on this one!

Gonna go roll up a J instead



Active Member
Oh, and honestly because of your feedback on this site I decided not to go with it..
Thanks everyone for your honest advice. I trust this community I figured what better of a place to get unbiased advice.. Since 90% if not all of you suggested against it/viable alternatives I will skip on this one!

Gonna go roll up a J instead

you live to smoke anotha jay
Happy holidays.


Active Member
Glad thats what you decided! because use of crack ends up in two places....dead or in Prison...and depending on where they send you both!


Well-Known Member
if you ever want more than weed, go eat 5 grams of shrooms or smoke DMT, do mescaline or just eat/drink cactus... those are good alternatives that will probably end in you being a better person in the long run.
fuck that I'm bout to put my soldiers in the game n tell ya how to make crack from cocaine 1 - look for the nigga wit the whitest snow 2 - no buying from no nigga that you don't know Make yo way to the kitchen where the stove be You get the baking soda I got yo D Get the triple beam and measure out yo dope Mix one gram of soda every seven grams of coke An shake it up until it get harder Then sit the tube in some ready made cold water Twist the bitch like a knot while it's still hot And watch that shit while it can rise to the fuckin top Now ya cocaine powder is crack Nigga I hopes you strapped cause you might get jacked


New Member
if you ever want more than weed, go eat 5 grams of shrooms or smoke DMT, do mescaline or just eat/drink cactus... those are good alternatives that will probably end in you being a better person in the long run.
Haha, yeah man you posted on my shroom log and actually ever since i've tried to get the word out about DMT.. See if anyone has any, i'm considering trying doing an extraction myself!

Shrooms are by and far my favourite drug, even though I had what most would consider "a bad trip" one of the last times I did it (ate 4.6) it changed my life forever.. Such an amazing and eye opening drug.. I normally dosed 2 grams but after that I changed as a person.. I can actually say it changed my life, or my outlook on it at least..

Actually, I think im just chasing the ultimate high/experience.. but really.. I think I might just buy a quarter of shrooms and pop them this weekend :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
like i told you before, just extract it yourself... don't do street drugs.... It will only take an afternoon.