
nice catch man I went out in the ocean to fish and didn't get nothing.But when we went out in the delaware river I caught a foot long catfish and I think the other was a trout im not sure though nothing comparable to that monster .I haven't gone fishing in a while I need to get back out there.

You need to go on the better boat Voyager based out of Point pleasent NJ and the "Big Jamaica" based out of Brielle NJ. 2 of the best boats. I know alot more boats if your in the area let me know. I can show you the ropes :blsmoke:
You need to go on the better boat Voyager based out of Point pleasent NJ and the "Big Jamaica" based out of Brielle NJ. 2 of the best boats. I know alot more boats if your in the area let me know. I can show you the ropes :blsmoke:
thanks for the offer but i'll have to pass seeing how house arrest wont let me get anywhere near a boat let alone my back yard.
snitches are bitches that get stitches and wind up in ditches.


this should go in the rap lovers thread.
ask my dad all about that. hes a genovese solider

i dont like to get into family business anymore though. thats why i moved to the west.

btw how do i delete my account? im never on anymore.
one sentence from a ninja named smoke talkin about some kids in some random thread sparks the snitches wit stitches in dithches and fishes. lol thats what happens when ya drink FireFly. cheap ass nasty ass sweat tea flavored vodka bluck
Now making a deal with the pigs (by trading your freedom for that of another) to get out of your own bad luck is reprehensible.

That's what a snitch is to me. If YOU fuck up, and to get time off your sentence you give them me. There's no coming back from that, protective custody, witness protection... SNITCH.

Luckily, I haven't had to deal with someone like that up to this point in my life. But if someone ever did get me locked up, I would like like to say that when I get the chance I would probably kill them. You take me away from my family and friends over your fuck up and to me that is unrepairable damage, time lost. That's all we have in life, time + money

snitches are the dirtiest fuckin people alive, depending on the "crime"
snitches are bitches that get stitches and wind up in ditches.


this should go in the rap lovers thread.

Aint seen Luda inawhile. whats the deal with that besides your old head rhyming? lol fdd Xmas is right around the corner so you need to give up that link to get some glass from you. My wife is treating me real nice this year round:blsmoke:8):hump:
I don't know what this is but it's beautiful. :-D
