Liberal Media - Fort Hood Spin


see, what happens is that religion is taught, it's something that you learn, and it's full of promises and threats that have to do with eternity (a concept humans don't understand, can't understand, and will never get to experience)...

sexuality is a completely natural part of being alive. even plants experience sex.

um, the government will defend you're right to believe fantasy,

but oppresses something natural, like sex. If you don't think the government doesn't oppress sex, go to a local public highschool, take a survey of how many kids have been taught how to use condoms at school this year, you will get an astonishing zero percent. if you get a survey that asks how many have been taught about abstinence, you will get a 100% yes response rate.

homosexuality,another natural urge, (i have a friend that has been an out of the closet gay since second grade, and a couple more that knew they were gay since they were very VERY VERY young, but kept it in the closet) is also oppressed...

gays cannot get married, and for the longest time did not enjoy any of the benefits unmarried, heterosexual couples enjoyed...

get what i'm saying??

i'm all for the constitution, and freedom of religion, but i don't really get the whole, let christians show they're christian,

but fuck gays and casual sex....... christianity, the fantasy, is defended and encouraged, yet sexuality, nature, is oppressed.....

yes, christianity should be practiced in shame and behind curtains, just like my gay friends are relegated to certain parts of town (if I go out with my gay friends to the non-gay parts of town, they are bigoted against constantly, it's both annoying and heartbreaking). Why? because those same christians have used fear and manipulation to oppress other religions, people with differing sexual views, even other christians who go to other churches....

a gay man: lives his life happily, leaving everyone alone.

Christian man: lives his life worried about every other christian not being christian enough, or his particular flavor of christian. Trying to impose his christianity on others and anyone who thinks he's wrong is relegated to "inmorality, indecency, a threat to the establishment, etc etc etc....)

so yeah, that's my drunk/full rant for today...

Happy Start of the Brutalizing of American Natives Day....

not only are you drunk but you are amazingly niave when it comes to christianity. you really do know nothing when it comes to people of faith.

when is the last time (in modern history) you saw a band of biblethumpers walking around looking to punish gays? my guess is never. now, when was the last time you heard of a muslim country that opens their arms to gays? again, my guess is never.

the only time the church gets involved in homosexual issues is when the radical gays try to shove their religion down everybody elses throat.

what you fail to recognize is the only reason you have the rights you do have, gay or otherwise, is becuase a bunch of christians were willing to stand up to kings and say, fuck you, we will worship the way we want and if we want. we arent gonna comply to your demands and our people will be free from your oppression. and we will fight to the death to protect everyone equally. is it perfect? no but its because of christianity you have the constitution that protects your bigot ass.

your argument reminds me of a guy whose house was on fire and the fireman came and put out the flames. then you got mad at him because he got your stuff wet.

explain why you hate a bunch of people you know nothing about? and it is crystal clear from your posts that you have no idea of what the church teaches kids. anyone who has ever spent any time in a church can easily see that you are clueless about matters of fiath.

i used to have a grandpa that hated blacks. to my knowledge, he never actually knew one. you sound very much like him. much like you, he was a racist but we can substitute bigot in your case.
not only are you drunk but you are amazingly niave when it comes to christianity. you really do know nothing when it comes to people of faith.

when is the last time a band of biblethumpers walked around looking to punish gays? my guess is never. now, when was the last time you heard of a muslim country that opens their arms to gays? again, my guess is never.

the only time the church gets involved in homosexual issues is when the radical gays try to shove their religion down everybody elses throat.

what you fail to recognize is the only reason you have the rights you do have, gay or otherwise, is becuase a bunch of christians were willing to stand up to kings and say, fuck you, we will worship the way we want and if we want. we arent gonna comply to your demands and our people will be free from your oppression. and we will fight to the death to protect everyone equally. is it perfect? no but its because of christianity you have the constitution that protects your bigot ass.

your argument reminds me of a guy whose house was on fire and the fireman came and put out the flames. then you got mad at him because he got your stuff wet.

explain why you hate a bunch of people you know nothing about? and it is crystal clear from your posts that you have no idea of what the church teaches kids. anyone who has ever spent any time in a church can easily see that you are clueless about matters of fiath.

i used to have a grandpa that hated blacks. to my knowledge, he never actually knew one. you sound very much like him. much like you, he was a racist but we can substitute bigot in your case.

this is the third time i posted this second time in this thread yet no one has addressed it yet... and you all keep harping on about christianity being "pure"
christianity has thousands of denominations that is a big clue that not every part is the same

the same text that started the witch hunts before are still there

what might be an enlightening watch for you
not only are you drunk but you are amazingly niave when it comes to christianity. you really do know nothing when it comes to people of faith.

when is the last time (in modern history) you saw a band of biblethumpers walking around looking to punish gays? my guess is never. now, when was the last time you heard of a muslim country that opens their arms to gays? again, my guess is never.

the only time the church gets involved in homosexual issues is when the radical gays try to shove their religion down everybody elses throat.

what you fail to recognize is the only reason you have the rights you do have, gay or otherwise, is becuase a bunch of christians were willing to stand up to kings and say, fuck you, we will worship the way we want and if we want. we arent gonna comply to your demands and our people will be free from your oppression. and we will fight to the death to protect everyone equally. is it perfect? no but its because of christianity you have the constitution that protects your bigot ass.

your argument reminds me of a guy whose house was on fire and the fireman came and put out the flames. then you got mad at him because he got your stuff wet.

explain why you hate a bunch of people you know nothing about? and it is crystal clear from your posts that you have no idea of what the church teaches kids. anyone who has ever spent any time in a church can easily see that you are clueless about matters of fiath.

i used to have a grandpa that hated blacks. to my knowledge, he never actually knew one. you sound very much like him. much like you, he was a racist but we can substitute bigot in your case.

what the fuck are you talking about?? i was raised in a christian home, going to church on wednesdays, fridays and sundays. my mother's an ordained priest.

i went to a WESLEYAN school, for 10 years (K-9th), before I grew some balls and punched the principal in the face, because he called me a sinner, because I refused to get up for prayer while having a sprained ankle.

i know the Bible and christians more than you. I can guarantee it.

the same people that told me if I get struck to turn the other cheek, and forgive, kicked me out of school, tried to file a lawsuit, have me thrown in jail, and used there christian friends in high places to make my one of my mother's business venture fail by not providing a retail license.

i know the bible, i know christians, believe me, i drank that bullshit for 15 years before i realized it's al a facade.

and it is not because of christianity that I have rights, it is because the founding father's lived in oppression, and realized what needed to be done to prevent further oppression in the society they were trying to build. the rights of man are granted by nature, by decency, and by respect.

not christians, and certainly not god.

good bye.
not christians, and certainly not god.

good bye.

well, not only are you stupid when it comes to evil biblethumpers, you dont know much about american history.
see if you can tell what document this was pasted from.

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

nothing to see here people, no God or christians at all involved in the above forming of a country. just a vast right wing conspiracy into tricking people into been free...move along now...:dunce:
well, not only are you stupid when it comes to evil biblethumpers, you dont know much about american history.
see if you can tell what document this was pasted from.

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

nothing to see here people, no God or christians at all involved in the above forming of a country. just a vast right wing conspiracy into tricking people into been free...move along now...:dunce:

the people that wrote the constitution were revolutionaries and intellectuals that happened to be christian. those rights were going to be included in the constitution, whether they believed in God or not. It is my belief they included god in the wording so that the common folk would not get insulted that their puritan society was not starting a government that wasn't blessed by god.

this argument isn't about right/left.

it's about religion, or as I call it, fantasy.

if you believe that you have rights because god gave them to humanity that's cool.

since I don't believe in fantasy then i believe they are a part of society that should be respected, regardless of whether "god" said so or not....
Has anyone posting in this thread ever studies religion in an academic sense? Have you studied the different philosophic concepts regarding theism and the existence and different definitions and concepts of "God"? Such notions have occupied the minds of history's greatest thinkers and wisest philosophers and yet people here dismiss all of this as silly superstition. It must really be something to be smarter and wiser than all of history's great thinkers.

Is it at all possible that religion is contemplated, taught and practiced in ways and manners other than that which you are personally aware of based on your minuscule personal observations?

I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know his thoughts. The rest are details. (The Expanded Quotable Einstein, Princeton University Press, 2000 p.202)
Has anyone posting in this thread ever studies religion in an academic sense? Have you studied the different philosophic concepts regarding theism and the existence and different definitions and concepts of "God"? Such notions have occupied the minds of history's greatest thinkers and wisest philosophers and yet people here dismiss all of this as silly superstition. It must really be something to be smarter and wiser than all of histories great thinkers.

Is it at all possible that religion is contemplated, taught and practiced in ways and manners other than that which you are personally aware of based on your minuscule personal observations?

I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know his thoughts. The rest are details. (The Expanded Quotable Einstein, Princeton University Press, 2000 p.202)
It's funny how most of those religious thinkers never even knew what an atom looked like. Hell, the vast majority of them never even heard of an atom. It's sort of hard to be awed by a thinker who is behind the eight ball.

Well, all I can say is I went to one of the largest private universities in the U.S.

A school well known for its connection to one of the largest denominations in the U.S.

I have taken numerous courses in religion, religious history, and philosophy.

Do you know what I took away from this very expensive education?

How to screw - Freshman year.
How to drink - Sophomore year.
How to smoke weed - Junior year.
How to fake enough knowledge to graduate - Senior year.
It's funny how most of those religious thinkers never even knew what an atom looked like. Hell, the vast majority of them never even heard of an atom. It's sort of hard to be awed by a thinker who is behind the eight ball.

Well, all I can say is I went to one of the largest private universities in the U.S.

A school well known for its connection to one of the largest denominations in the U.S.

I have taken numerous courses in religion, religious history, and philosophy.

Do you know what I took away from this very expensive education?

How to screw - Freshman year.
How to drink - Sophomore year.
How to smoke weed - Junior year.
How to fake enough knowledge to graduate - Senior year.

Go irish!!:lol::lol::lol:
It's funny how most of those religious thinkers never even knew what an atom looked like. Hell, the vast majority of them never even heard of an atom. It's sort of hard to be awed by a thinker who is behind the eight ball.

Well, all I can say is I went to one of the largest private universities in the U.S.

A school well known for its connection to one of the largest denominations in the U.S.

I have taken numerous courses in religion, religious history, and philosophy.

Do you know what I took away from this very expensive education?

How to screw - Freshman year.
How to drink - Sophomore year.
How to smoke weed - Junior year.
How to fake enough knowledge to graduate - Senior year.

Heck Johnny I probably coulda saved you and your parents alot of dough...we learned all that stuff in high school out in the sticks where I grew up! :bigjoint:
^^^^ No shit.

I can't tell you the number of times I have wished my folks had sent me to private secondary school and a public undergrad.

For all the good it did me....
What the Catholics did during the crusades and during the Inquisition and in Ireland have nothing to do with 'pure' Christianity. Even the Pope a number of years ago asked to be forgiven of these autyrosities.

For me. I was never raised knowing one thing about God or the bible. But there was a time when I wanted to know God but not be a part of religion.

I beleive that you can NOT find God in religion. No. It's only be dedicating one's self to doing what is right in His sight.
So... for me the first leason was to find the one living God. What dose the eveidence say? Was does the history in the dirt testify to? How about science?

That all helped a bunch but- what really got me is when I asked a number of questions, seperasted during a number of years, and had them answred in the most flat out awesome way.

It was instantanious. Alive and not in my head or coming from my head. It was a voice like someone speaking to me. But not in words. It was more like the 'giving of a complete conversation and all the subconversations' in a single moment.

And this was in responce to my very first question of 'God'. "If you are so real and you love me sooo much- why don't you make yourself know to me in a way I can Not dispute."
Boy howdy! He did. And it was flat out huge!

And it's happened many times since then.

Religion? No. Relationship? Yes.

And I do believe in the long hair that hung-out with street people. First miricle- turning water into wine at a wedding- How cool was that.

What religion and sceptics have done is many ignorent things regarding truth. But 'wise men', such as themselves, can always justifiy their inconsistancies.

For me. I don't believe in God. I know him. And he knows me.
I also know that one day I will die- but I won't be dead. No. I just won't be in an 'earth-suit' anymore. But I will still be alive just as I am know- having my whole life and memories in my 'head'.

Let the evidence in the dirt testify of God being God. History speaks. And liars deceive.
What the Catholics did during the crusades and during the Inquisition and in Ireland have nothing to do with 'pure' Christianity. Even the Pope a number of years ago asked to be forgiven of these autyrosities.
So that justifies it...

It was instantanious. Alive and not in my head or coming from my head. It was a voice like someone speaking to me. But not in words. It was more like the 'giving of a complete conversation and all the subconversations' in a single moment.
So that's what God is?

This is exactly what happened to you, explained in a rational, scientifically supported manner. You were thinking about God, asking a question directed towards God, expecting a response from God, and so that's what you got. Your preconceived religious biases influenced your subconscious mind, making you think what you "heard" came from God. That's it, it's that simple. Wanna test it? I'll give you a question to ask God for me, you tell me how he responds. You can communicate with God, so why should this be hard?
It's funny how most of those religious thinkers never even knew what an atom looked like. Hell, the vast majority of them never even heard of an atom. It's sort of hard to be awed by a thinker who is behind the eight ball.

I see, so you are smarter and wiser than all of history's great philosophers and leaders, including our founding fathers. I suppose you think Benjamin Franklin was "behind the eight ball" as you put it - how about Aristotle?

I fully believe you when you say you learned absolutely nothing at the private school you attended.
So that justifies it...

So that's what God is?

This is exactly what happened to you, explained in a rational, scientifically supported manner. You were thinking about God, asking a question directed towards God, expecting a response from God, and so that's what you got. Your preconceived religious biases influenced your subconscious mind, making you think what you "heard" came from God. That's it, it's that simple. Wanna test it? I'll give you a question to ask God for me, you tell me how he responds. You can communicate with God, so why should this be hard?

Why don't you nut up and start your own anti-Christian thread instead of continuing to jack this one. I'm sure you will have plenty of support.
I see, so you are smarter and wiser than all of history's great philosophers and leaders, including our founding fathers. I suppose you think Benjamin Franklin was "behind the eight ball" as you put it - how about Aristotle?

I fully believe you when you say you learned absolutely nothing at the private school you attended.
The discussion was confined to religious philosophers, but you want to expand it now. I can see why. It is a common tactic to change the subject when bested.

Both Franklin and Aristotle were scientists as well as philosophers. Both would be exhilarated by modern developments in science. I can't say the same for Moses Maimonides or St. Thomas Aquinas. If they were writing today, the product might be much different. I say might because we just don't know; as they were writing from a very limited perspective.

A very limited perspective - like your critical thinking skills. Not evolved at all.

So that's what God is?

This is exactly what happened to you, explained in a rational, scientifically supported manner. You were thinking about God, asking a question directed towards God, expecting a response from God, and so that's what you got. Your preconceived religious biases influenced your subconscious mind, making you think what you "heard" came from God. That's it, it's that simple. Wanna test it? I'll give you a question to ask God for me, you tell me how he responds. You can communicate with God, so why should this be hard?

Look at the question! What is amazing is the answer that came in his perfect time. ( a few days later).

One thing is certain. I, and many others, walked through a door or gateway and you, who have never walked through that door and seen what we've seen and heard what we've heard say that it does not exsist.
Kind of like those that said the world was flat and that we'd never go to the moon.

You are only as good as the questions you ask in life. And it's sad that of all the answers you received from the many people on this site- you have never learned from their answrs.

One day you will see what many of us already have. You too will hear what many of us have but.... when you do- that will be when there is no time left for a second chance. It will be too late for you and many others who mock what and who they don't know. Even though you've had plenty of time to meet him and get to know him

BTW... the bible is the only book that reads you as you read it. But some people are just afraid to look in the mirror of their own lives or see themselves through Gods eyes.

God is not a religion. He is someone with whom you can have a relationship with. He is the creator of the Laws of Nature and is Natures God. And only those that seek him- find him. He's not hiding. No matter how much you want to bury him. You can't hide him. But you can hide from him.
This was not an act of terrorism. This was act of war.

Terrorism targets civilians. This was was a military target on our own soil.

We were engaged in a clash of civilizations. We were not at war with a nation, but with an ideology. I say 'were' because our coward in chief has already surrendered.

Now we must submit. The very definition if Islam.

This right here... says it all.

How quickly it slipped off of the media channels besides fox. Alternative media caught more info before the MSM anyway, and whether or not he was american or iranian or chinese or whatever, he was a muslim, who obeyed sharia law before the american governments laws and the army's regulations.

Act of terror. Completely downplayed.
Originally Posted by Johnnyorganic
This was not an act of terrorism. This was act of war.

Terrorism targets civilians. This was was a military target on our own soil.

We were engaged in a clash of civilizations. We were not at war with a nation, but with an ideology. I say 'were' because our coward in chief has already surrendered.

Now we must submit. The very definition if Islam."

I totally agree!!! Well said! Every point is solid.