Anxiety Attack From Weed?


Well-Known Member
Fiberglass would be hard to get into bud though, and just look obvious on the outside. Sounds more like a mold, they can grow fibers that would look like you describe.


Active Member
I hear ya man. Before my dude started growing his answer to "what kind is this?" was "green bud" or some obviously made up name like "pink fairy tutu". :bigjoint:

Start with a small amount and wait about 15-20 minutes. That way you'll have time to judge the effects. If you're smoking in a circle stop as soon as you think you might be getting too high.


Active Member
I hear ya man. Before my dude started growing his answer to "what kind is this?" was "green bud" or some obviously made up name like "pink fairy tutu". :bigjoint:

Start with a small amount and wait about 15-20 minutes. That way you'll have time to judge the effects. If you're smoking in a circle stop as soon as you think you might be getting too high.
Nah of course not, dealer don't know shit bout sativa or indica but I'm saying, "whether the strain be a 100% sativa/more of sativa then you'll probably get that anxiety heart racing paranoia thought" poopoo feeling. Cause if you sit bk an think bout it, "it's all in ya head"... Just sayin...

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Uhhh, actually I think you have it pretty much completely backwards there Oregon. I'm no molecular scientist, but everything I've ever read states the opposite.

From what I've read THC raises heart rate and can cause anxiety in some individuals.

CBD (cannabidiol) seems to have a positive effect on inflammatory conditions like arthritis, etc.

CBN (cannabinol) seems to have a positive effect on anxiety, and would position it as an anxiolytic.

As plants mature, the chemical reactions form THC first, and then degrade/progress into CBD and CBN. That's why harvesting later on results in more 'stoney' weed that is LESS apt to make one over-anxious or panic-ridden. More of the THC has degraded into CBD and CBN.

Sativas typically have higher amounts of THC, and indicas generally have higher amounts of CBD and CBN.

Everyone has felt what you felt at some point I would say. If that's not your thing, then just stick with a later harvest and an indica strain. :joint:
I agree, different knds of weed do that to some people.. especially if its really good and you havent had any for a while...

not only that, but if you have a lot of stress going on and you smoke out, it may make it worse...


Well-Known Member
has this happened to anyone else? im guessing its the strain of weed that causes it? i picked up some dank for 150 for half an O.. i stay away from commercial as much as possible cus all the contaminants so im suprised dank dro caused this.. this shit shit is dark green smells piney(not chemical pine good pine) , no visible trichomes...
yea happen to me b4 but i think it wuz cuz i wuz smokin some fire ass sativa i think indica is the weed u dont have to worry about that happening


Well-Known Member
Uhhh, actually I think you have it pretty much completely backwards there Oregon. I'm no molecular scientist, but everything I've ever read states the opposite.

From what I've read THC raises heart rate and can cause anxiety in some individuals.

CBD (cannabidiol) seems to have a positive effect on inflammatory conditions like arthritis, etc.

CBN (cannabinol) seems to have a positive effect on anxiety, and would position it as an anxiolytic.

As plants mature, the chemical reactions form THC first, and then degrade/progress into CBD and CBN. That's why harvesting later on results in more 'stoney' weed that is LESS apt to make one over-anxious or panic-ridden. More of the THC has degraded into CBD and CBN.

Sativas typically have higher amounts of THC, and indicas generally have higher amounts of CBD and CBN.

Everyone has felt what you felt at some point I would say. If that's not your thing, then just stick with a later harvest and an indica strain. :joint:
:clap: couldnt say it better +rep

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
So all in all it's basically based on if the strain is more of sativa/indica I believe... Correct me if I'm wrong but does it make sense, cause I know when I smoke sativa or more % of sativa strains I get all nutty (heart racing, uncontrollable thoughts, same movements etc) but when I smoke pure indicas or more towards indica I feel more calm without all poopoo. Then again, I think it all depends on the person and class type of reefer they smoke and all that poopoo. Can't explain ahaha but you feel me?
Some indicas have a high paranoia factor, and some sativa's don't. It's strain specific.

I didn't have any paranoia until I started smoking super potent indica's that I believe were - more often than not - harvested too early.

I grew out some sativa that didn't give me any paranoia, but I also grew some blue moonshine, and when I sampled some immature buds, I experienced a lot of paranoia... Not so much once it's fully ripe though (40% amber trichs)

I let all my strains ripen longer from now on, and looking forward to experimenting with several more strains :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Uhhh, actually I think you have it pretty much completely backwards there Oregon. I'm no molecular scientist, but everything I've ever read states the opposite.
Yes you're right, I said I couldn't recall for sure in the original post which cannabanoid did what...

I sort of got the gist of it right, I think. There are a lot of conflicting opinions and books on this, but my experience says in general stay away from immature bud of either type. I don't know about overly mature bud, I don't usually have any last that long.


Well-Known Member
Dude. I couldnt even read all the posts, I had to reply to this thread.. I use to get really BAD paranoia and anxiety attacks from weed. For a while, all I could do was smoke weed in my room, because I couldnt handle being out high. I talked to a friend of mine about it, and he suggested I wasn't smoking ENOUGH weed, and I really laughed at him.

Later on though, as this was getting worse, I decided to try it. I dont know if its just that my tolerence is higher so i dont get AS high, but I fucking just smoked through that wall... Now I am a daily smoker and grower (Ca. Prop 215 med patient) and I dont get the heebie jeebies no more.

I also think some of it has to do with the bad rap stoners get in themedia. Youre buying into the bs man, and letting it fuck with your high.. seriously...



Active Member
I think Green Cross is spot on about it being strain specific.

Some Sativa's are notorious for creating a real speedy mind fuck high, while some Sativa dominant strains like the Strawberry cough are more mild and recommended for helping anxiety. TGA Dairy Queen and Deep Purple is also suggested as an 'anti-depressant' but who knows how true that is.

Same scenarios can be applied to different Indica's I imagine.

Depression and weed is a very slippery slope, if you cant shake it and your going out less and less you need a slap over the face and a break from it.

I had psychosis when I gave up cold turkey when I was 18, right around my birthday actually, always smoking this and that weed off dealers and lost some of best years of my life. Now back into it the last few years at 27 I have no problems growing which strains I like and sticking with what I enjoy which is mild social Sativa's. Yoy just have to be very aware of what your doing to yourself, especially in the long term.

Never overlook nutrition as well, what you feed your body is going to result in how your brain functions months and years down the track, depression/axiety can simply be caused by a shit diet. Been using 10-12 grams of fish oil for a year now with a good balanced diet, high protein, go to the gym, never been better and never looking back.


Active Member
Haha shit sorry, I molded two threads into one with my response, this thread had nothing to do with depression but oh well :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yeaaa.. im the same way.. but its deff only with certain weed.. some weed i can take a few hits and be fine.. others.. i take like one hit.. and i can feel my heart start racing like crazy.. most of the time.. when it happens.. it only lasts for like 10-15 min... even tho it seems like FOREVER!! i hate it!! alot of it is in your head too.. if you think about it.. it will happen.. but it you try to just lay back and relax.. its less likely to happen.. but one time i smoked.. i only took 1 bong hit.. an di had anxiety for almost an hour!!! it was the worst feeling EVER!! like everything looked different.. i had to walk it off.. and i ended up gettin lost when i was walkin cuz everything lokoed sooo wierd.. ughhh.. i HATE it!!