1st grow, is there a problem with this?


Well-Known Member
hahaha.I name all my plants it might sound pathetic but its a good way to get by through the grow this plant is gonna be named Bubbles haha.neways i cant wait to see how ur plant is doing today im sure its doing good


Well-Known Member
she is looking good and fuzzy.
2nd pic she is really having a hard time coming out of her seed it seems to be stuck on her back for about 2 days now. Has anyone ever tried to help them out by gently pulling this seed husk off?

3rd pic the ph looks to be right at where it needs to be.

4th pic the temp is a tad low but will get up to about 84 deg. F. and the humidity is good.

5th pic dad gum look at the stock on that thang already.


Well-Known Member
so cute!and i dont know aboout pullin goff the seed husk i would but dont listen to me im dumb! hahaha.I cant wait till my plant is at this point its so cute and wonderful to see.I might buy an aerogarden this week because of u


Well-Known Member
so cute!and i dont know aboout pullin goff the seed husk i would but dont listen to me im dumb! hahaha.I cant wait till my plant is at this point its so cute and wonderful to see.I might buy an aerogarden this week because of u
that would be cool if u did.
I noticed that the 1st set of leaves are uncurling and the 1st true set are twice as big as they were yesterday.


Well-Known Member
man i love my camera, its a canon rebel xt. i got it about 4 years ago when they first cam out. it takes bad ass close up pics. so when she starts (in hopes its a girl) crystallizing we will be in for a good show.


Well-Known Member
ok got my answer from another thread. DO NOT pull off the seed husk.

i will listen to the masters of grow science. lol


Well-Known Member
lol, yeah, dont pull it off, the grow looks real nice, if you think the growth now is amazing wait till they REALLY take off. lol. im getting excited thinking about it and it isnt even my grow! lol


Well-Known Member
is my thread even showing up?
need help. center leaf is yellowing and the tip. 1st grow. and 1st set of true leaves.


Well-Known Member
sorry i havent been on in a few days.its looking nice i cant tell the yellowing from my pics maybe its just my pc.hang in there stoner barbie!


Well-Known Member
btw i started my grow and posted a thread its in my sig check it out.Try to get some pics of the yellowing for me so i can see it more thanks hun


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt worry over it. the 2nd pic of the seedling that yellow part looks like a bit of the case that will soon fall off. pic 1 of the seedling wouldnt worry me yet, if it gets worse then maybe worry, maybe. lol


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3466124]Jus keep your pH under control and they should be fine, 5.7-5.8

how old are they now?[/QUOTE]

they are only six days from germination. my ph is about 6.0 or under right now my test kit only goes to 6.0 ( i have 2) do you know of a cheep digital meter?