Fox Farm's feeding schedule adjustment for indoor growing?


i was wondering about the adjustments to the fox farm feeding schedule for the grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom as well as for their solubles. according to FF, the chart is set up on a 12 week indoor grow, but since the strain im growing is an indica dom plant and has a shortened growing cycle of 9-10 weeks as opposed to the FF 12 week grow cycle, how do i adjust the feeding schedule to accomodate a 9-10 week grow as opposed to a 12 week? thanks in advance for any and all input.


Active Member
If you don't veg for that long just switch the nutes to the flowering schedule when you switch the lights to 12/12 and then follow their schedule for next 8 weeks.


Well-Known Member
That schedule isn't very accurate. It says to use 2 tbl spoons of big bloom, and 1 tbl spoon for tiger bloom. I've used as many as 4 of the big bloom, and 2.5 tbl spoons in a feeding and never had any burn. That's a VERY safe schedule.


Active Member
That schedule isn't very accurate. It says to use 2 tbl spoons of big bloom, and 1 tbl spoon for tiger bloom. I've used as many as 4 of the big bloom, and 2.5 tbl spoons in a feeding and never had any burn. That's a VERY safe schedule.
That's what I find also but I've read quite a number of people on here had a problem with nute burn following the schedule. My plants are pretty big and in 5 gallon pots so they can probably handle a little more.

Always better to start out with less and feel out your plants.


Well-Known Member
That's what I find also but I've read quite a number of people on here had a problem with nute burn following the schedule. My plants are pretty big and in 5 gallon pots so they can probably handle a little more.

Always better to start out with less and feel out your plants.
They might get burned in Hydro, but in soil it's a light schedule from my experience.


They might get burned in Hydro, but in soil it's a light schedule from my experience.
im growing in soil as well, fox farm ocean forrest to be exact. how much do you normall run for the veg as well as for flowering of the Grow Big, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom? im also using 5 gal containers as well. in addition to the FF trio i also use Botanicare Sweet as well as Liquid Karma from them as well as Oneness from Humbolt. and lastly, would you still run what Fox Farm recommends for the soluables? (the open seasame, beastie bloomz and cha ching?)


That's what I find also but I've read quite a number of people on here had a problem with nute burn following the schedule. My plants are pretty big and in 5 gallon pots so they can probably handle a little more.

Always better to start out with less and feel out your plants.
do you think the Botanicare Liquid Karma as well as the Humbolt's Oneness would be enough protection from nute burn and salt accumulation if i upped the ammount of nutes from FF's feeding schedule guide?


Well-Known Member
I used to burn the crap out of my plants even using the recomended schedules and doses until I got a ppm, ec meter. Now, I don't kow what I would do without it.:joint:

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
I don't know what schedule you all have, but mine that folds out on full color with soil and hydro is right on target for feeding and it reflects an 8 week flowering cycle.

You always want to use half-strength nutes though, unless you water with pure distilled every other or 3rd watering. I follow the FF schedule religiously (I don't have to reference the chart anymore) and my crops are banging. Check out some of my pics thru the 'a blast from the past!' link in my sig. I will have new ones up shortly. All my girls get FF the whole way thru.