Liberal Media - Fort Hood Spin

Every one mind thier own biz......

And throw out all the illegal

Calling a illegal alien a undocumented worker is like calling a drug dealer a unlicensed pharmacist.....
You bringing up the towers is ludacris. are you incapable of reasonable debate? and furthermore all people deserve a trial whether American or not. That not just is what is right. Clearly you have a very pessimistic world view and im sure you have never actually been to the middle east or fought in the middle east.
And i am a real man and a soldier and i would gladly lay down my life in defense of America that goes without saying. You sir have nothing but hate in you and cant seem to think from anothers point of view. America need to back off and worry about our own problems here at home.

okay, i will play your silly game.

which part of "kill all the jews and drive them into the ocean" which part of that "point of veiw" would you like me to be optimistic about? should i mirandize these guys if i catch em?

how about launching home made rockets into neighborhoods. which part of that do you have sympathy for?

which part of openly killing gays in the name of religion. which part of that should we be sympathetic too?

how a bout mercy killings of their own daughters becasue they disobeyed their father, just wnondering what part i should "open my mind too"?

i am hateful? you bet your ass i am. i stood at ground zero about 2 months after it happened. smoke was still coming out of the ground. they were still pulling body peices out of the hole. you bet your fucking ass i am hateful.

so hateful that i will fight these barbaric fucks until their river runs red with their own blood. and just like when we toppled hitler, history will thank me.
okay, i will play your silly game.

which part of "kill all the jews and drive them into the ocean" which part of that "point of veiw" would you like me to be optimistic about? should i mirandize these guys if i catch em?

how about launching home made rockets into neighborhoods. which part of that do you have sympathy for?

which part of openly killing gays in the name of religion. which part of that should we be sympathetic too?

how a bout mercy killings of their own daughters becasue they disobeyed their father, just wnondering what part i should "open my mind too"?

i am hateful? you bet your ass i am. i stood at ground zero about 2 months after it happened. smoke was still coming out of the ground. they were still pulling body peices out of the hole. you bet your fucking ass i am hateful.

so hateful that i will fight these barbaric fucks until their river runs red with their own blood. and just like when we toppled hitler, history will thank me.

well have you actually fought against these people??? well i have along with alot of close friends. AND you are wrong the mid east as a whole is not that way. Yes there are extremist and yes those things did happen and yes they are terrible and yes those evil people deserve whats coming to them, but what about the people caught in the crossfire. AND HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHY 9/11 EVEN happened. Do you really think its because we are free? do you think its because we are a great country??? no it because of our interference in the world affairs for over fifty years and our bombs...look at the hundreds of thousands of muslims that have been killed over the years thanks to us. And now finally america sheds some blood. Its wrong either way you look at it.
Two wrongs don't make a right man...
well have you actually fought against these people??? well i have along with alot of close friends. AND you are wrong the mid east as a whole is not that way. Yes there are extremist and yes those things did happen and yes they are terrible and yes those evil people deserve whats coming to them, but what about the people caught in the crossfire. AND HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHY 9/11 EVEN happened. Do you really think its because we are free? do you think its because we are a great countery??? no it because of our interference in the world affairs for over fifty years and our bombs...
Two wrongs dont make a right man...

20 years USAF. and no i havent wondered why 911 happened. they told us very clearly why it happened. then they made it happen again (england)and they told us again. then it happened again (spain) and they told us again. then it happened again (pakistan) and they told us why. then it happened again ft hood, and they told us why. do i need to go on?

why would you still be wondering why it happened? they have told us a thoousand times.

i have no problem with loving people anywhere on the planet. i will assist them anyway possible. nobody is condoning killing innocent people. by enlarge, the people who are being killed are barbarians. the innocents in the middle, may God be with them. the barbarians, i will shit on their grave.
20 years USAF. and no i havent wondered why 911 happened. they told us very clearly why it happened. then they made it happen again (england)and they told us again. then it happened again (spain) and they told us again. then it happened again (pakistan) and they told us why. then it happened again ft hood, and they told us why. do i need to go on?

why would you still be wondering why it happened? they have told us a thoousand times.

i have no problem with loving people anywhere on the planet. i will assist them anyway possible. nobody is condoning killing innocent people. by enlarge, the people who are being killed are barbarians. the innocents in the middle, may God be with them. the barbarians, i will shit on their grave.

wELL first lemme say thank you for your service man. seriously thank you, but that aside i obviously know the terror attacks of the past ten years. aND YA MAN IM WITH YOU ON THE FACT THAT I WOULD LITE A FUCKING TERRORIST UP ALL DAY. But like you said the innocents in the middle. There have been to many peoplre that have died because of our bombs. That is just as wrong as the terrorists. Im sure you can grasp the fact that our government have exspoilted the attacks of 9/11 for political gain. Yhis is what im against. i REMEBER WHEN THOSE TOWERS CAME DOWN . i grew up seeing those. But i firmly believe that we are going about this all wrong and frankly we need to take a few steps back and re-evaluate our game plan. We were not attacked because we are free. We were attacked because we have been poking our nose and fucking these people for generations. AND if i lived in one of these places i would probably hate the us if my country got bombed all the time by the us. We need our government back in the hand of the people and not in the hands of imperialist corporate fat cats.... nuff said.bongsmilie this is coming from a guy that served just like you.
listen guys, i dont need you to thank me. i am not looking for any thanks, i did it gladly and had a great time doing it.

my point is this, somehow certain members of our society have tried to con people into thinking this is somehow our fault. dont believe that for a minute. the only reason they are doing this is because the hate us because of what we have and they want to take it away. no hidden secrets. they tell us. the only way to get them to stop killing us is 1 kill them forst 2 convert to muslim jihadist. i will take option 1 thank you very much.

dont fall prey to folks who say its our fault anymore than you would blame the victims of the oklahoma city bombing. mcveigh did it and no matter what his reasoning, we killed him. if the fbi would have been tipped off, we would have caught him and maybe stopped it. well, these barbarians are showing us daily that they want to kill us. ITS NOT YOUR FAULT! kill em back!

we have a real enemy, looking us dead nuts in the face. dont let him stare you down into submission. fuck him and keep americans safe at all costs. if it means we invade a country, so be it. we didnt start this fight, but we better damn sure end it or the whole world will be sorry.

God bless you all!
They are fanatically committed to maintaining a world that cannot be maintained. They are doomed, history is gobbling them up and spitting them out. They are a cornered and dangerous animal.
listen guys, i dont need you to thank me. i am not looking for any thanks, i did it gladly and had a great time doing it.

my point is this, somehow certain members of our society have tried to con people into thinking this is somehow our fault. dont believe that for a minute. the only reason they are doing this is because the hate us because of what we have and they want to take it away. no hidden secrets. they tell us. the only way to get them to stop killing us is 1 kill them forst 2 convert to muslim jihadist. i will take option 1 thank you very much.

dont fall prey to folks who say its our fault anymore than you would blame the victims of the oklahoma city bombing. mcveigh did it and no matter what his reasoning, we killed him. if the fbi would have been tipped off, we would have caught him and maybe stopped it. well, these barbarians are showing us daily that they want to kill us. ITS NOT YOUR FAULT! kill em back!

we have a real enemy, looking us dead nuts in the face. dont let him stare you down into submission. fuck him and keep americans safe at all costs. if it means we invade a country, so be it. we didnt start this fight, but we better damn sure end it or the whole world will be sorry.

God bless you all!

"Somehow"? - You mean those of us who have considered the past, history, that very important aspect of our development as a species that you've already admitted you don't care anything about? If you really didn't know how we came to actually hold this position, which is already pretty skewed to begin with, which I'll explain in a second, then there is your answer. We were educated about it. Not simply "told a thousand times", like you were.

"they hate us because of what we have and they want to take it away" - That's gotta be honestly the stupidest most simple explination I've ever heard regarding the conflict in the middle east and American foreign policy... That's a talking point you've "been told a thousand times" that you don't even understand. What do they hate Jeff? Our freedoms? Our liberties? Our materialistic posessions? What is it they hate exactly? Why would they hate it? We seem to be a pretty prosperous people, why would any other human beings hate something we all enjoy so much? Think about it.

The main reason there is so much tension between the east and the west in the middle is because of American foreign policy the past century. We established governments and invaded nations for our own interest, that is obvious. The Shah in 53' in Iran, Sadaam, we gave American made weapons to the Taliban, billions in aid and training to covertly fight the USSR. American foreign policy, focused on American corporate interests, were a big part of why the Bin Ladin family was so powerful. Billions a year in aid to Saudi Arabia, Billions a year to Pakistan (both Islamic nations). But the deepest hand in our pocket has always been Israel. Which consequently is the second largest factor contributing to tension between the east and the west, imo. We support their actions no matter what, even terrorism, and justify it by saying it's reactionary or necessary, business as usual to keep American interests -- that is a powerful Ally and launching point in the middle east -- safe.

The only way to solve this problem is to stop the cycle of violence, via the established rule of law and western justice system.

It's not our fault, in the sense of you personally and me personally. No. That's not what I'm saying, I've never said that. It's our governments fault, it's our foreign policies fault, it's the fault of corruption, it's partly the fault of holes within the capitalist system, and like most problems, it's partly peoples ignorance of all these different individual aspects of the problem at large. None of these problems are unsolvable.

Their violence is reactionary to our policies, I guarantee that.

The ones that wish to kill or convert every non Muslim - fuck em. If that's their belief, and they cannot be reasoned with by any means, then I wouldn't have any problem fighting a war against them. That is true evil, evil against freedom and democracy and freedom of choice and freedom of thought. Everything I am against as a human being, if there is anything I would be glad to fight a war over, it would be that. But there are other ways to do this, to solve this problem. You do not need to resort to violence. Have you never heard the phrase "the pen is mightier than the sword"? Education is KEY, intelligence disolves ignorance. When people begin to think for themselves and stop listening to their governments and media at large, the group mentality falls apart and what is the 'norm' becomes something desperately needing introspection. The way we handle things as humans is so primal and basic, it's almost laughable to call us intelligent. When it comes down to it, we are simply animals, and we act as such at our most vulnerable state. We react on emotion, and justify it with fear to make the little voice in our head remind us it's all OK, and we were on the right team. To that I leave you with a brilliant quote after the costliest war in human history "war doesn't decide who is right, only who is left" - Einstein.

Your mentality is disturbing Jeff. Ever seen a psychiatrist?

May God be less. :D
What matters is what he said while shooting. Did he cry out Ahla Akbar or not? If he did- he was acting in line with the Wahabist sect of Islam. If he didn't- he went postal. Now, pull a Shara Palin and check his garbage to see what makes him tick. Then, being a lib press, hide the fact that he wrote a letter to Ala stating his love for Jihad and rewrite your lead-in that he was a confused Christian who hated Islam.

Many of you who made earlier posts did the liberal two step and changed the direction this thread was intended for. You made it something it was not and this bitch about the answers to your asinine questions and statements. Go back to school and learn Comprehension 101 and then go to a civics class and learn how to judge a matter properly. No matter what- grow up and quit acting like this is your personal MySpace page.
My understanding is he cried out, "God is great." That is allahu akbar defined.
Being in line with the jihadist train of thought does not fall under a need to be a Wahabbi.
I'm sure many mean well when defending the 'helpless' muslim, but there is no defense.
Islam IS jihad, period, point blank. Islam means submission to allah, and allah COMMANDS jihad.
Unfortunately for numerous in this country, it will take one or two more 911's to even begin to grasp the reality of what Islam means to this country.