do LED lights work?


too expensive

when price comes down, its ssomething to think about...

give them another year i'd say...


Well-Known Member
just take into consideration, that those 12x12 squares only cover one plant, so that would get very pricey


just take into consideration, that those 12x12 squares only cover one plant, so that would get very pricey

plus... i've never seen any harvest off of LEDs

i'm not too sure on there flowering capabilites

they are too horrible at vegging... but i'd still wait

buy some floros


Active Member
Well they would work, but like everyone else said, thats alot of money. And if you do it might be a better idea to buy one with blue spectrum for veg cycle and a seperate one for flowering. I dont like the idea of two in one. Thats my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I am doing a grow 4 bagseed with LEDs and they are doing very well. check out my journal I got

Pullin' weeds

Well-Known Member
I just wanted to point out to all interested in LEDs...

With the "holidays" approaching, all the retailers have out thier prettiest strands of LED holiday lights at reasonable prices.

A few strands of white, maybe mixed with red....A couple of hours to arrange the individuals into a grid....

I'm just sayin'.....



Well-Known Member
i dont even need tew click that, fer one, properly, hps is only for buding, not for veggin, 25 days under a 400 mh, using fox farm ocean forest, earth jewce, and my gurls are always a solid 14 inches, and trunks 1/2 inch, tight nodes, i dont know how much better yew can really do<?> all organic, the only way ot go, btw, i'm on day 42 and have 8 beautiful 19 inch females, but the point is , you dont need tew spend boat loads to get these results, dont fall into the lastest fad, just stick wiff wut werks!


Active Member
i dont even need tew click that, fer one, properly, hps is only for buding, not for veggin, 25 days under a 400 mh, using fox farm ocean forest, earth jewce, and my gurls are always a solid 14 inches, and trunks 1/2 inch, tight nodes, i dont know how much better yew can really do<?> all organic, the only way ot go, btw, i'm on day 42 and have 8 beautiful 19 inch females, but the point is , you dont need tew spend boat loads to get these results, dont fall into the lastest fad, just stick wiff wut werks!

but lol @ the holiday light idea


New Member
LEDs will grow veg alright. we've seen a few people try. but there's not enough juice in them yet for harvest. plus, the expence.


Active Member
Depends which led lights you get. There has been some crap out there but the newest ones are good.

The best is the SmartLamp from a company called Theoreme innovation. It's tested to be the same as 600 watt hps. they also have this cool water cooled unit which should really help with the indoor heat

all the leds are expensive but they pay for themselves on the electricity bill to more than make-up for it. Plus the run so cool. definitely a good investment for the extra cash.

there is a good site that tests leds -- Experiments with Hydroponics, Aeroponics, and LED Grow Lighting and i see they started a test with the smartlamp on tomatos - really worth watching to see how they do. There is also lots of info on these lights on GROW REVOLUTION Your online source for LED horticultural lighting. .

Anybody out there growing with them?:peace:
