Anyone ever eating morning glory seeds?


Well-Known Member
so i was just on and i read something about morning glories and if you ingest like 250 seeds (sounds alot right? but they're really small) you will trip so i read so more found some news articles about it, apparently poor hippies were doing it back in the day. they say it's 1/10 of the strength of acid. well i found on amazon 750 seeds for $4.99. so it's worth a try especially for that much.

anyone one ever done it?
so i was just on and i read something about morning glories and if you ingest like 250 seeds (sounds alot right? but they're really small) you will trip so i read so more found some news articles about it, apparently poor hippies were doing it back in the day. they say it's 1/10 of the strength of acid. well i found on amazon 750 seeds for $4.99. so it's worth a try especially for that much.

anyone one ever done it?

I had a friend who tried it. He puked of course. He hasn't really tripped exactly before, or after either, but he said it was as if he was under a globe, and there were some visuals. Mostly he said he was just really high.

If anything get a san pedro, put it in a pot to grow it, only a 12-incher is necessary. Beat the shit out of it, stab it, make long scratches in the skin of it. It will produce a lot of mescaline. After a month of that you will trip balls if you prepare it correctly.

Anyways, my friend prepared his morning glory seeds somehow, I would suggest you do that instead of just throw em back.
If you do plan on ordering LSA (the stuff in Morning Glory Seeds that make you "trip") Order Hawiaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds. I forget the exact range of percentage... if that makes sense but with Morning Glory Seeds the LSA contained in them is around 0.093% while Hawiaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds is around 0.3%. In lamence terms instead of swallowing 250+ seeds you could instead swallow 8-10 seeds and get the same effect. I used to eat Hawiaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds a lot practically on a regular basis and I puked everytime... though if you got the guts and don't mind up chucking a bit then it is definetly worth it. You won't trip but you'll get an intense stoned yet floaty feeling that well is just great :hump:. Though I did once trip on LSA after I smoked some dank... and I mean dank! Home grown AK-47 from a friend of mine who's dad has a big time grow OP and I had no tolerance to weed at all and about 7-8 bong rips... let's just say I became the walrus that day ;).
wow, why would you trip on something that makes you puke every time? lol, what kind of signal from your body are you waiting for!? Anal bleeding??
eat them if you want, but do you realize you gotta get the ones that arent coated with the shit they spray on em to keep people from eating them? i saw a great tutorial vid on this that explained it all real good, ive eaten them(as have a few friends) and the trip was alright, i didnt puke or nothing, but i got the ones w/o poison sprayed on em. its worth trying once, you might like it more than i did. btw, it was nothing like an acid trip imo. i know its the lsa that makes you trip which is like lsd but the trips feel alot different(to me at least)
haha ive taken them before when I was like 17. They make you feel sick but you do get a mild trip outta it! Gotta make sure to grind em up very well and wash them VERY well before taking them. ahhh Goodtimes, lol
yeah, i gotta agree, if they make you puke everytime why not move on to one of the many other legal highs? lots of legit shit will fuck you up pretty nice, why put your body through that? did you just really really like the trip?
well i didn't know it'd make you puke but i'll take some anti nausea medicine before i take them and i read that they have to tell you if it has poison on it on the bag
try some salvia, i did it the other day and it was fuuun... although it lasted like 3 minuts, i wanted to do it a couple of times but i had a long drive the next day so i had to go to zzzzz

i'm doing it again tomorrow... :)
ive done lsa in the form of woodrose,

didint like it at all,

just spent hours half naked in a field sweating my arse off thinking that the sun was falling on me, ( i was with about 4 friends ) only 2 of us were on it.
I went to a bench in the field and started talking to something about life and shit that was really nice but it was really horrible coz i sort of felt ill when i was on it. But i did it when i was young so i dnno, If i dont like shit alot or feel really good the next day, i dont usually do it again.
Years ago, my friends used to collect Jimson Weed seeds and make tea - it looks like a morning glory, not sure if it is, or if it's in the same family. I did it a couple of times; small amounts. I wasn't so into it. But, some of my friends experiences were crazy. One woke up the next day in a construction site, naked - no memory of how or why. Another time, a friend went into someone's open garage and started searching around (he doesn't remember why). When police came and arrested him, apparently he was at one point asking them if he could make a grilled cheese in their toaster oven... he was talking about the police radio in their car.
After seeing those experiences, and a couple of others, I've been skeptical of that kind of stuff. (Not trying to talk anyone out of anything, just sharing a funny story.)