High or Not


I dont know if i should get blazed or not because my school is having a random drug test in 2 days so im putting it up to you guys because i really wanna get high but idk..:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yea if they cant do anything then fuck them.But if you live in the suburbs and are in high school never admit your high unless you aren't trying to finish school cause i knew this kid who flat out admitted it and they made him take 8 NA classes for 80 dollars a piece that's fucking outrageous and if he didn't finish he would get expelled I think it was all bullshit about them throwing him out but im glad I didn't go to that school I would of been thrown out day one.


Well-Known Member
If you have smoked in the last month...might as well smoke now too:bigjoint:

And if you are under age...you should not be here!



Well-Known Member
And if your on the wrestling or football team they might need you to piss for them to make sure you don't die of dehydration while playing for them its got nothing to do with weed or anything.Because I never heard of a school actually drug testing students


Well-Known Member
Fuck I'm not even a month older than you and I'm in college.
Yeah, he might've started school late or stayed back a year or something.

I'm two months older than you and a freshman in college. :joint:

Yeah, there's no way you'll be clean for that drug test if you've smoked recently. So, might as well smoke right now.

I'd say play hooky from school the day they drug test, just to be on the safe side.

I didn't even know that schools could do that to their students. I was high every morning and sometimes even at lunch during high school. In college, I choose to remain sober for class because college isn't a joke like high school is.

I actually have to be able to pay attention and respond IN REAL TIME. A lot different from zoning out in the back of class because high school classes were so boring and so easy.


Well-Known Member
alot of schools are doing that.. the worst thing they can do is tell your parents... I think.. i'm not sure.. they might be able to expell you.. IDK you may wanna read your student handbook and find out what the penalties are for failing a drug test..