Veg room size 4 clones 1 mother?


Well-Known Member
I have a space of 600mm x 800mm x1200mm in which to build a veg / clone room , would this suffice for 1 mother and 4 clones with a 500 reflecor with 3 x 27w 2700k cfl's and 3 x 6500k cfl's , a computer fan for exhaust into the flowering room for warmth in the dark period , i have about 6 m of 100mm flexible ducting to connect with a couple of bends for light leak prevention . . . is this a decent size? I'm growing white widow and height isnt really a problen.


Active Member
I have a space of 600mm x 800mm x1200mm in which to build a veg / clone room , would this suffice for 1 mother and 4 clones with a 500 reflecor with 3 x 27w 2700k cfl's and 3 x 6500k cfl's , a computer fan for exhaust into the flowering room for warmth in the dark period , i have about 6 m of 100mm flexible ducting to connect with a couple of bends for light leak prevention . . . is this a decent size? I'm growing white widow and height isnt really a problen.
I didn't get out a ruler, but I'd say it can be done. This pic can't be much larger than the area you described and I have 18 clones, 2 mothers, and 6 high output t-5s.

Also, my tent is in my flowering room, so when the flowering room needs to be dark I close the tent and due to lack of fans at the moment, there is no air circulation for those 12 hours. I'm sure my plants don't love this environment, but it has yet to kill them. If, unlike me, you're wanting to properly vent your small area I'm sure you'll be just fine.



Well-Known Member
Looks about the same size as mine , man that mylar stuff is the devils own . . . . tryna wrap it and bind it , made me sweat quiet a bit , then the b/w plastic had me swearing some more . . I'll do the vents at a later date, i ran out of patience with the tent haha, got my lady in darkness now so she should be getting ready for some nice flowers soon :D the pistil's are on full view and deffo female . . . . countown to greeness is on :)