Just a thought...


Well-Known Member
Am I a minority on this site??? Don't get me wrong, I love to toke and listen to music, do alot of activities that tokers love to do ex. roddies and hiking while high, but my political and social view seem to be way different then manys others here. I am a republican, have a white collar job, and watch Fox news. Are there any other people on this site that can say the same? I would love to talk to them and share ideas. Don't get me wrong. I love this site but sometimes I feel like I'm out on a limb when I respond to others threads sometimes. Anyone else feel the same?


Well-Known Member
i think 7xStall, viredd, and close.cult would make you feel at home. they usually hangout in the politics section.


Well-Known Member
And Silk......he's a rightwing nutjob too......
Yeah ok. All you liberals resort to name calling because you're uneducated and don't know any other way to express your thoughts. I could call you a commie who is undeserving of living in my country. But I don't.


Master of Mayhem
Yeah ok. All you liberals resort to name calling because you're uneducated and don't know any other way to express your thoughts. I could call you a commie who is undeserving of living in my country. But I don't.
Um OK...I was trying to help you, but I guess you're just interested in picking fights:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
There is a need for politicians, but to stereotype and say I hate Republicans is just plain ignorant. Take Ron Paul, he has some of the most unorthodox republican views in HISTORY, and is mocked and ridiculed by his own party, yet is still REPUBLICAN. My point in this whole little rant is to say that before you say something, make sure you are aware of what it is you are talking about, and especially if it is politics, be prepared to duel over your beliefs because they surely won't be the only ones circulating.


Well-Known Member
There is a need for politicians, but to stereotype and say I hate Republicans is just plain ignorant. Take Ron Paul, he has some of the most unorthodox republican views in HISTORY, and is mocked and ridiculed by his own party, yet is still REPUBLICAN. My point in this whole little rant is to say that before you say something, make sure you are aware of what it is you are talking about, and especially if it is politics, be prepared to duel over your beliefs because they surely won't be the only ones circulating.
I hate Republicans...Now what they gonna do about it?


Well-Known Member
Agreed hahahahaha

Republican, Democrat, whatever, have your own fucking beliefs and ideals, everyone does anyways.
I really wish that there were no parties. Just individual people running. I realize though that people by nature need to feel that they belong to a certain group. So I understand the 2 to 3 or 4 party thing. Too Bad!


Too many brownies
I really wish that there were no parties. Just individual people running. I realize though that people by nature need to feel that they belong to a certain group. So I understand the 2 to 3 or 4 party thing. Too Bad!
I think parties ruin voting...most of the time people arent voting for the person running for candidacy, they are just voting for their party.