
Mr. No Go

Best dogs in the world if bred and trained properly, otherwise they can be a ticking time bomb. Its too bad that the media has vilified this amazing breed but society seems to pick a new breed of dog to hate every ten years or so. I have one Jeep, sable brindle female for now but hope to have a male friend for her in the next few months. I had two other dogs that were of the Dibo bloodine but they both passed of old age (17 & 18.5 yrs old).

Its too bad that the popularity of a breed always signals its demise. Overbred and misunderstood.


Active Member
Best dogs in the world if bred and trained properly, otherwise they can be a ticking time bomb. Its too bad that the media has vilified this amazing breed but society seems to pick a new breed of dog to hate every ten years or so. I have one Jeep, sable brindle female for now but hope to have a male friend for her in the next few months. I had two other dogs that were of the Dibo bloodine but they both passed of old age (17 & 18.5 yrs old).

Its too bad that the popularity of a breed always signals its demise. Overbred and misunderstood.
any race of people or breed of dog you'll have some trouble makers.
i hate the media, theyve made humans cowards, scared of everything.
whoa, ive never heard of anydog living that long. sorry for your loss but the time they were here was long!
I hate when pets pass on, its bad to say but i take it worse then family members so far.


Active Member
thanks to all, i thought this thread wouldnt go anywhere for some reason.
if that was all id be satisfied,but still keep it coming


Active Member

Organic homegrown/homemade food with raw meats and veggies is the key. The oldest who was 18.5 was also a 70lb Wallace bred dog. Huge for that lineage.
crazy, i hear alot of people who make their own food, especially breeders, i wish the customers would follow through
they woudlnt have to deal with puppy-shits...
I was told years ago they can't digest cooked meat becouse all the enzymes are killed, since then raw is how i go
my girlfriends cats love me, i feed them raw beef all the time while im cutting it to cook.


Well-Known Member
GREAT DOGS!!!! recently i was on my way home from work and I thought i heard a bably screaming so i started looking under cars and all around,
there was a black and white boston terrier that had been hit by a car(i assume), I picked it up and ran to the store to call the human sociaty.
They wouldnt pick it up becouse it was past 11 pm and that when they stop sending out vans.I had him at home with me until the next day, his back right leg was completly crushed, and the other backleg just his foot was injured.

i got a call to check up on him the other day and he is now a 3 leged dog, he seems very happy though.
noone has claimed him and the vet offered him to me for free or she would take him home
i told her to keep him. i cant afford a dog right now.
anyways way off track,
i really like boston terriers,along with staffies they were used to hunt groundhogs back in the day.
they are great at getting in tight spots!
this just recently happened to me last week.. with my own boston terrier. i also have a apbt, and looking for another as replacement for my boston terrier. if not another apbt.. probably a cane corse or presa canario.. i think i want to go bigger.



Well-Known Member
hey i noticed alot of people on here have staffordshire terriers(pitbull) greatest dogs on earth, have one post a pic tell me about your companion pup
I dont have one yet but in a couple years i'll get one, i just realized i can't be doggi-racist so anybreeds are welcome
please dont let this be a waste of space thread i need to see some staffies
btw, a staffy is NOT an AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER.:lol::lol:

its common for me to see this.. but it aint so.


Active Member
btw, a staffy is NOT an AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER.:lol::lol:

its common for me to see this.. but it aint so.
im aware ,just nobody knows what im talking about when i say staffie,(in my city atleast)
thanks though, i appreciate when people point out mistakes
the only way people some learn


Active Member
this just recently happened to me last week.. with my own boston terrier. i also have a apbt, and looking for another as replacement for my boston terrier. if not another apbt.. probably a cane corse or presa canario.. i think i want to go bigger.
sorry to hear that.
i find the biggest dogs are the most affectionate, my brother has a presa canario named savo
biggest lapdog ever, i recomend either breed


Well-Known Member
so i finally got around to taking pics of the puppies.. i remember i read someone wanted to see them...

the mom is an american rot... the dad is the pit...

she had 14 pups total (First litter)... 4 died tho, within the first 48 hours...

out of 10 i only have 6 left... the 5 in the pics i have taken and the runt... he is sleeping still and i dont want to wake him to take a pic... he's so small and so weak that i keep him for the most part seperated from the pack... he's in my bedroom sleeping.. so is the girl friend.. dont want to wake either to be honest...


they were 8 weeks on friday...

the black and white in the very back of the first pic is a male named collie

the black and white one sitting on her butt is a female named princess

the one in the front of the pic is a female named precious

the solo brendle pic is of a female name mary jane

and the REALLY light brendle is a male named captain jack



Well-Known Member
I've been waiting until I had new pics of him, so this is the perfect opprotunity.

*Note: My wife took these pics, so If he looks sad, confused, hurt, etc...Blame



Well-Known Member
i own a english bull terrier, all white with one black ear, 3 year old bitch, soft as shite