Some Can Rate ...Other's Can't ... Why?


Well-Known Member
I am curious as to why some members can rate a thread while others can't ... when I try to rate I get a message that I already rated ... which I had not. I've asked other members and they tell me it happens with them as well yet I still see ratings which indicates someone is still able to rate ... what's up with that?:?:
Is this another one of those situation where you don't know what is happening so you are going to ignore my question?:sad:
You added it 1 star
Yes ... I know ... it always says that whether I rate or not ... I've ask other members and they get the same response and I was wondering why ... looks like only one person on the forum can rate ... I said that in my first post. Why do you tell it says I already rated when I told you that what it said it my first post?:confused:

I didn't add any stars ... :-|
yea same for me it says i rated this one and i assure you i havent oh well its not really important to me any way. good question though.
yea same for me it says i rated this one and i assure you i havent oh well its not really important to me any way. good question though.
Same here ... not really important ... just wonder why it does it ... :confused:

it tells me i have rated this thread. i have NOT.
That's what I be saying ... why is it doing that? I see at least one person can rate ... but it seems most of us can't. Like I said ... no big deal ... just makes me scratch my head and wonder.:?:

any one having troubles connecting to the servers today? seems to be timing out alot
I did earlier ... just decided to come back later and see if there is an improvement ... and there is ...
Stewie .... for goodness sakes stop touching yourself like that! LOL!
I also wonder this question yet there is no answer concerning WHY???

Well it appears only certain people can rate and the webmaster obviously doesn't want to discuss that fact. When you look at the ratings ... there is only one person rating ... that may be the only one that can.
My guess is they only want certain individuals to be able to rate ... what ever ... :-|
I'm sorry, the rating of a thread is one of the last problems to be considered when troubleshooting the entire site. Please be patient.
