why wont anything grow


I think i fried my seedlings... i finally got a temp thing and it said the temp was 109 so they died... i started more seeds.. soaked them in water for 24 hours and planted them in dry dirt and watered them. so now they are sitting in a dark warm place about 81 F anyone know if there is anything else i can do that will increase my chance of them actually sprouting and getting leaves at least??
Yea 81 degrees is the around the normal temp for growing. The ideal temp is like 70-80 degrees. So you should see some sign of life in about 2 days or so. Good luck and welcome to RIU.
buy a humidity dome with pete pellets at walmart for 5 bucks. After they sprout get a cfl on them and let them grow for like a week or until they hit the top of the dome. you could also get a seedling mat to warm up the humidity dome to speed up the process.
Walmart only has their seasonal things out i asked for planting stuff on sunday and it was a no go?? lows maybe??
can a heating pad be used ??? iv got the cfl ready for when they need it... can i use surran wrap until i get a dome??
I fried some seeds once when I put them in a dixie cup next to a window sill. I think the temps were around 90-100. Then once I over watered the soil and they got moldy. It happens. Now I watch temps and humidity a little better. Lately, I'm getting 100% germination without even trying. I did 10 seeds in soil + worm casting + perlite and they popped in a 3-4 days. Then last week I got my hands on some White Rhino seeds and I decided to germinate them by soaking for 4 hours in a solution of rooting hormone & water. Then I put them in a paper towel and brown bagged them and put them on top of my mac mini. They germinated in two days so I put them in soil. 2 days later they popped their little heads up. Sadly, this morning I caught a mouse in the pot and it bit of the head of one seedling. :( I never knew mice like weed. lol.
Heating pad, bottle warmer, heated germination pad, they all do the same thing. Even Renolds wrap over the top of the container helps trap moisture and heat. You could also cut a soda bottle in half and use it as a humidity dome. Glade disposable tupperware boxes work good too.