Iran Update...

Victory is getting rid of foreign insurgents in Iraq ... accomplished.

Victory is decimating Al Queda on the battlefield ... accomplished.

Victory is creating a stable govt. representative of the people ... accomplished.

Afghanistan ... Obama is now going to be the new sponsor of Eggo waffles. He constantly threw barbs at Bush about Iraq, and kept saying, even in his campaign speeches, that Afghanistan is where the war on terror will be won or lost.

Now? Ooops, my bad. Yes, that's true leadership. Obama is either a liar, a hypocrite, or inexperienced in the ways of the world. take ur pick, though I suspect 2 out of 3 are applicable.

Afghanistan ... Obama is now going to be the new sponsor of Eggo waffles. He constantly threw barbs at Bush about Iraq, and kept saying, even in his campaign speeches, that Afghanistan is where the war on terror will be won or lost.

hey, i knew we could agree on something, while disagreeing on everything else...

i'm dead set against afganistan. the soviet union wanted that piece of shit because they knew that having that on it's east border made it impenetrable... all they have to do is wait a couple of winters, any army, no matter how advanced, doesn't stand a chance...

the only people who can live there are people who are happy living in isolation... the soil's infertile, there's limited water, no real space to develop any kind of meaningful metropolis, and smack in the middle of the most religiously-loyal place on earth (I'M A FUCKIN ATHEIST!!!!)......
Victory is getting rid of foreign insurgents in Iraq ... accomplished.

Victory is decimating Al Queda on the battlefield ... accomplished.

Victory is creating a stable govt. representative of the people ... accomplished.

Afghanistan ... Obama is now going to be the new sponsor of Eggo waffles. He constantly threw barbs at Bush about Iraq, and kept saying, even in his campaign speeches, that Afghanistan is where the war on terror will be won or lost.

Now? Ooops, my bad. Yes, that's true leadership. Obama is either a liar, a hypocrite, or inexperienced in the ways of the world. take ur pick, though I suspect 2 out of 3 are applicable.

2 out of three? The first 2 for sure. :spew::idea:
Victory is getting rid of foreign insurgents in Iraq ... accomplished.

Victory is decimating Al Queda on the battlefield ... accomplished.

Victory is creating a stable govt. representative of the people ... accomplished.

Afghanistan ... Obama is now going to be the new sponsor of Eggo waffles. He constantly threw barbs at Bush about Iraq, and kept saying, even in his campaign speeches, that Afghanistan is where the war on terror will be won or lost.

Now? Ooops, my bad. Yes, that's true leadership. Obama is either a liar, a hypocrite, or inexperienced in the ways of the world. take ur pick, though I suspect 2 out of 3 are applicable.
:lol: :lol: yep mission accomplished jax :roll: :wall:
That's a great pic of him, but in the end Bush did the tough decision making and pushed hard when all were running for political cover. That is TRUE leadership. Whether you like him or not, that is a leader.

Tough choices demand tough leaders.

We're in a real tough place right now. Feel comfortable with who's leading? Is he leading? I think not.

This pic is much more representative of the Bush's efforts..... and yes, mission accomplished.

Victory is getting rid of foreign insurgents in Iraq ... accomplished.

Victory is decimating Al Queda on the battlefield ... accomplished.

Victory is creating a stable govt. representative of the people ... accomplished.

you got to be kidding me these are your claims to victory in iraq?

Victory is getting rid of foreign insurgents in Iraq ... accomplished.

foreign insurgents only turned up in iraq becuase they watched you invade a country with the sole purpose of overthrowing the legel leader of country
discounted as its a situation cause by your presence there

Victory is decimating Al Queda on the battlefield ... accomplished.

al queda were NOT in iraq before the invasion. al queda thought of saddam as an infidel and wanted him dead too.
the foreign insurgents were not part of al queda proper so when did you fight al queda in iraq?

Victory is creating a stable govt. representative of the people ... accomplished.

other throwing the old dictator - accomplished. Its actually way to early to say whether or not iraq is gonna spend next century pulling itself apart from the inside out stable government?? you wish

the only thing's that have been accomplished in iraq-
saddam gone
-- yet another region in that area is now a boiling pot for future terrorists
---the rest of the muslim world is drawn further away from liking america due to crap like no "WMD's"
NEW YORK, Nov. 29, 2001 - The United States took the unprecedented step this week of demanding that foreign airlines provide information on passengers boarding planes for America. Yet in the past week, a half dozen or more Pakistani air force cargo planes landed in the Taliban-held city of Kunduz and evacuated to Pakistan hundreds of non-Afghan soldiers who fought alongside the Taliban and even al-Qaida against the United States. What’s wrong with this picture?

Jax I thought you said we "eliminated" Al Queda . . . . .

And the "Bush a good leader" still has me laughing man funniest thing I've heard all day.:lol:
Iran is digging there own hole, soon they will be attacked, I would not want to be anywhere near that area when it happens.
you got to be kidding me these are your claims to victory in iraq?

Victory is getting rid of foreign insurgents in Iraq ... accomplished.

foreign insurgents only turned up in iraq becuase they watched you invade a country with the sole purpose of overthrowing the legel leader of country
discounted as its a situation cause by your presence there

Victory is decimating Al Queda on the battlefield ... accomplished.

al queda were NOT in iraq before the invasion. al queda thought of saddam as an infidel and wanted him dead too.
the foreign insurgents were not part of al queda proper so when did you fight al queda in iraq?

Victory is creating a stable govt. representative of the people ... accomplished.

other throwing the old dictator - accomplished. Its actually way to early to say whether or not iraq is gonna spend next century pulling itself apart from the inside out stable government?? you wish

the only thing's that have been accomplished in iraq-
saddam gone
-- yet another region in that area is now a boiling pot for future terrorists
---the rest of the muslim world is drawn further away from liking america due to crap like no "WMD's"

Ur off ur rocker son.

Mussolini was the legal leader of his country as well. ur logic is massive!!
:lol: ??

Iran has now announced it intends to build TEN more nuclear enrichment plants. :lol:

Ultimately, they will have the capability of creating 160 nukes per annum.

That sure will calm the Middle east down..... right?

Wake up noobies.
:lol: ??

Iran has now announced it intends to build TEN more nuclear enrichment plants. :lol:

Ultimately, they will have the capability of creating 160 nukes per annum.

That sure will calm the Middle east down..... right?

Wake up noobies.

I'd like to hear your alternative solution Cracker.

What do you suggest be done?

Sanctions? Don't work (and ultimately cause harm to the civilian population). UN resolutions? Don't work. Military action would only worsen the situation, imo. So what's left?
I'm not with most conservatives on Iran. The difference between Iran and Saddam's Iraq or, say, North Korea is that Iran is a functioning state with a history as such and an educated people who prefer not to be vaporized. Iran knows nukes are for having not for using. And even the mullahs understand they can't let that stuff fall into the hands of the jihadists, again because of not wanting to be vaporized.

The mullahs in Iran are slowly on the way out, they remind me of Brezhnev. Iran is going to make it and the mullahs will drift away - the only thing that could save them is a US attack. We're not going to be suckered into that, the right medicine for Iraq is not the right medicine for Iran. In fact, I challenge you to conjure up a vision of peace in the middle east that does NOT include Iran as a stabilizing force, a pillar of security even.

Iraq had to be brought along by force because it was an obstacle. Iran has to be brought along by peace (and time) because it is a necessary facilitator. Even though I'd love to take the little shithead down, gotta keep perspective, it's Iran that matters not him.
I'm not with most conservatives on Iran. The difference between Iran and Saddam's Iraq or, say, North Korea is that Iran is a functioning state with a history as such and an educated people who prefer not to be vaporized. Iran knows nukes are for having not for using. And even the mullahs understand they can't let that stuff fall into the hands of the jihadists, again because of not wanting to be vaporized.

The mullahs in Iran are slowly on the way out, they remind me of Brezhnev. Iran is going to make it and the mullahs will drift away - the only thing that could save them is a US attack. We're not going to be suckered into that, the right medicine for Iraq is not the right medicine for Iran. In fact, I challenge you to conjure up a vision of peace in the middle east that does NOT include Iran as a stabilizing force, a pillar of security even.

Iraq had to be brought along by force because it was an obstacle. Iran has to be brought along by peace (and time) because it is a necessary facilitator. Even though I'd love to take the little shithead down, gotta keep perspective, it's Iran that matters not him.

wow very good post + rep normaly i dont like alot of what you have to say but that post has changed my mind (i might not agree in its entirety) about who i thought you were.
if i thought more people on here held these views i wouldnt be posting in this forum half as much :)
I never try to figure out who people are. I know from experience that on boards like this, many if not most posters are playing games of one kind or another, acting out and talking smack. Every now and then I forget what website I'm on and post something serious. ;-)
its rather selfish how some people have the attitude of "iran must not have nukes"

we have enough to kill everyone on the planet but iran juts cant have any because they dont like us

seriously? thats pretty selfish

they have not done anything wrong... they are just trying to catch up with the rest of the planet...

ill say it once again

they have done nothing wrong
I never try to figure out who people are. I know from experience that on boards like this, many if not most posters are playing games of one kind or another, acting out and talking smack. Every now and then I forget what website I'm on and post something serious. ;-)

lol i had started out thinking you were being satirical then i got the idea you actualy believed what you were typing now lol i dont really know where you stand lol but at least you dont want a glass parking lot in tehran.

if you dont mind me asking tho how much of what you say on here does reflect your beliefs?