where do i start


i am starting a grow box....it is 3'x3'x3'.......i have the box built and now i am lookin for my next step....


i am planning to grow with the CFL's........For growing i am going to use 3- 42 watt CFL, and for flowering 2-27 watt and a 30 watt CFL is that correct?




Well-Known Member
If you want results go for a 400 watter hps and fans for inter/exit as well a circulation. Stay with cfls and you will waste lot of time playin with constant light movement and very questionable results. You won't go cfl for more then 2 grows without moving on so why wast the money on cfls. cfls for veg. only now we are talking a good idea! good luck and read a ton before wasting money. I went on a reading trip for a month before buying. Sure helped and I changed my mind several times before final room purchases. 3 x 3 = 400 watter....with air cooled hood.....


Well-Known Member
oh, it will all work out great on a cost if you go hps and grow 3-6 plants at a time. That way you can have enough to you wont be constantly growing. You don't want to grow one plant because if it die, sick or hermie your out time and money and no results. strive for 5 to 6 plants (400 watter hps) and grow only one or 2 times a year for personal stuff.


look around. do you see many non-newbe using cfl for flower?
i see that your way is the way to go......but i am just starting and i need to learn to grow before i get to much money into it.......what if i start and bug out and think that the feds are comin for me......then i only have 100 dollars in it then 500 dollars in it......

i guess my question was what cfls should i use during what period.......and how many for my area


Well-Known Member
you really cant put a number on it you can start out with 2 to a plant (seedling) but as they grow so does the amount of lights your gonna need...check out the cfl thread for more pointers on what else you will need...


Well-Known Member
BS CFLS at that wattage range can return results as good as a 400 HPS. Their PAR rating is so close that it is redic.

Stop listening to one persons misinformation about CFLS. If they are used properly they do produce. Infact Roseman consistently looks to harvest lbs with them.

CFL PAr rating and their ability to be kept close to the plant are their two best points.

Lumen ratings are at 1 foot generally, so if your cfl is 2700 lumens at a foot it should be 5400 at half a foot.

Do what you can, grow what you can, and learn.

It is your first time so have fun, pro equipment doesn't mean shit. The Sun always beats a light for production but you don't see outside growers harping on inside growers for doing it all wrong so...


Active Member
the 6500k are the cfl's that you want for vegging and 2500k for flowering. your guna need more for flowering however and read up on the cfl thread off indoor growing. its verrrry helpful


Well-Known Member
BS CFLS at that wattage range can return results as good as a 400 HPS. Their PAR rating is so close that it is redic.

Stop listening to one persons misinformation about CFLS. If they are used properly they do produce. Infact Roseman consistently looks to harvest lbs with them.

CFL PAr rating and their ability to be kept close to the plant are their two best points.

Lumen ratings are at 1 foot generally, so if your cfl is 2700 lumens at a foot it should be 5400 at half a foot.

Do what you can, grow what you can, and learn.

It is your first time so have fun, pro equipment doesn't mean shit. The Sun always beats a light for production but you don't see outside growers harping on inside growers for doing it all wrong so...
The key to the dumb ass comment here is you will constantly be moving lights to be an inch from the plant all around it. Plants can grow an inch a day in flower so every day hassle or burn em. No hassle with hps just put the plants about 9-12 inchs away and be done till next water usually. If you notice I said questionable results with cfl (IN FLOWER). You wont waste much money in cfls light bulbs because when you get tired of moving lights you can use the cfl in your house. You are not misinformed when you have the experience. HASSLE is key. If you don't have the money fine, you should go with cfls. You will need about $500 to get it done with hps, fans, venting.

If your just starting go with cfl for 3-4 weeks veg. I suggest Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil without question from a hydro store for success. That way you don't need nuts. in veg (4 weeks) and wont kill em with nuts.

What I am doing is overall going to save you money and with 2 grows vs. buying locally off the streets your money is a returned investment.

Oh, Roseman is unique and a great grower with experience in these parts. You will find a rare cfl (flowering) grower. Not many with experience. I wonder how much time he spends in a huge cfl grow? Rare breed...

My suggestion take a look at this companys products and this cfl for veg. http://www.htgsupply.com/viewproduct.asp?productID=51907 and can be used for flower. It is HOcfl so the High Output is great. Ive burned young plants and seedlings with it at 3 inchs. 9 inchs is normal for HOcfls. the cfls you buy from lowes are not as strong and can be put an inch away. I stopped partaking in cfl threads upon hps buy because all the cfl kids (I am sure most are young and have no money) because they get sensitive and thro stupid numbers out. Stay open minded if your into this hobby for results continue your search for hps. I have the perfect set up for up to 6 plants. A closet with one side cfl veg. and other side 400 watt hps lumatek. An s and p fan for low noise. Get a air cooled hood of choice.

Lastly, no way to be busted if you dont talk about it. Period, The scoop ive been hearing is for every person you tell about your grow- being busted goes up 10%. NOone needs to know other then you have great weed and not where you get it. The most difficult thing is to be toasted and a great grow going you want to show friends. Don't do it......Talk here and not to anyone else you will be good...Oh, and most importantly is the smell Carbon filter. Good Luck, I am not back on this thread to compare hps/cfl.


Well-Known Member
If your plants are growing at an optimum 12" from your light you still have to move your light one inch per day or risk light bleaching. You just have to move one light instead of many.

If you concentrate on training your plants rather then moving your lights it reduces the work load substantially.

Thanks for being snide though, it really works to your advantage.

When I grew with CFLs I did not have to move my light more then 6 inches the final month and a half of flowering.


Well-Known Member
If your plants are growing at an optimum 12" from your light you still have to move your light one inch per day or risk light bleaching. You just have to move one light instead of many.

If you concentrate on training your plants rather then moving your lights it reduces the work load substantially.

Thanks for being snide though, it really works to your advantage.

When I grew with CFLs I did not have to move my light more then 6 inches the final month and a half of flowering.
HPS 400 watters have a depth of almost 2 ft. penetration on plants. CFL do not. That range makes for the difference. You will be hard pressed to find someone who has grown with hps still talking cfl for flowering. You made the stupid comment and I responded. You started it pal.


HPS 400 watters have a depth of almost 2 ft. penetration on plants. CFL do not. That range makes for the difference. You will be hard pressed to find someone who has grown with hps still talking cfl for flowering. You made the stupid comment and I responded. You started it pal.
when you say train it what do u mean by that


Well-Known Member
When I say optimum I need optimum. As in a HPS has an optimum lighting at 1.5 feet from the bulb. You can grow bud on with a CFL at a foot, or you can grow it at two inches.

With an HPS you can grow it at 1 foot or you can grow it at 4 feet. The optimum lighting distance is still the optimum sir.

"Plants can grow an inch a day in flower so every day hassle or burn em. No hassle with hps just put the plants about 9-12 inchs away" So you could grow more bud if you spent time in there every day adjusting your light. You just don't.

You keep acting like you are in an arguement here but you are arguing with yourself saying that one has an optimum where you have to adjust it every day and one where you don't.

Yeah you don't hear alot about HPS people using CFLs for flower. The skill level involved with CFL growing is a bit higher in my opinion to achieve the same results. The fact of the matter is they should grow how they want to when they want to where they want to.

Stop acting like there is only one way of growing weed. Optimum is optimum no matter what light you have. Just because your light is so powerful that you don't care to waste some of the energy it is using doesn't mean it doesn't have an optimum. And if your plant is growing an inch a day you should be adjusting your plants or lights for optimum lighting every day for even growth through out the garden.

And to top it off the original post in this thread is merely pertaining to the fact that it can be done and can be worth while. I didn't start anything I merely said CFLs can harvest big. Sure there are repercussions, there are others with every other equipment choice.


Well-Known Member
Good Luck. I believe in helping others as I have learned from people on this web site. I pick a couple threads ever so often to provide my experience so others can save both time and money to get into the hobby. Newbes need to look at the big picture if results are the objective. You can get results using cfls. I would rather spend time in other areas then spending my day tweeking cfls. HPS is used by commercial growers large and small so results are more predictable.