Cloning Methods


What sort of cloneing systems does everyone use? I was looking at the Daisy Clone 8 its a cheap cloner so any advice?


Well-Known Member
16oz solo cups filled halfway with soil and saran wrap on top. Works best for me, I tried the heating matt with humidity dome and all and did not like my results.

cups work great and cheap


16oz solo cups filled halfway with soil and saran wrap on top. Works best for me, I tried the heating matt with humidity dome and all and did not like my results.

cups work great and cheap
I used to do things that way but now trying to go the full hydro route.

strain stalker

New Member "easycloner"'ll get 100% success rates by a 1/4 strength solution of micro,grow,bloom. No clone gel/rooting hormones needed! It's awesome!

strain stalker

New Member
Were is the best place to clip the plant for a clone?

...go four stems down from each top, cut at 45 degree angle with clean razor...

...some say that the lower tops have more of the rooting hormone naturally...therefore start to root faster. good luck!