I have said it over and over and over when giving people marine aquarium advice; When it comes to keeping fresh water, its best to change, and change often.
For fish, they absorb minerals and salt through osmotic process and gill structure. Roots absorb through osmotic pressure. Basically everything in the water is immediately available to plants and animals and so will affect them nearly immediately. The best way to correct any problem is to start with the absolute best water you can find. Pure, unpolluted rain is probably the best, followed by Reverse osmosis water (w/o silicon filter for plants), then typical city rain, filtered through activated carbon, and um... "enriched" deionized distilled water -- where you treat with trace minerals, spring, etc im sure you get the picture.
If pH gets too out of wack, just start over. Your plants will always love more water. However, tossing out those nutes doesnt feel too good, being that in 2 weeks I am about to have to buy a new set of GH. So I only change once a week which is still good, but twice a week would hurt the wallet.
That said, I have worked with the Sulphuric Acid more today, and while on lunch, I took the instructions here
http://www.marijuanapassion.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-37804.html (SORRY its from another forum! I dont care where my research comes from, i want the damn answers now, post haste. So wherever they come from thats that.) I ended up with
[2oz,59mL,1/4cup] of
sulphuric acid [32oz, 946mL, 4cup] into
distilled water. Using rubber chemgear gloves, I poured the
acid into a
[2oz, 59mL,1/4 c.] measuring cup and funneled into a milk gallon jug filled with
[32oz, 946mL, 4cup] distilled water. I decon everything with
1c arm n hammer in a plastic bowl of agua. a little fizzing. pH of
diluted acid is 3.5 with a ppm/ec of negative. I measure and apply to res; it takes
[2oz, 59mL,1/4 c.] of
diluted acid at this strength to reduce pH by .1 to final 6.8 and i dont really like that strength. So I come home after work, take same jug and add
[6oz,177mL, 3/4cup] distilled water and
[2oz, 59mL,1/4 c.] sulphuric acid. pH reads 1.5 and ppm of negative. End results are
[4oz, 118mL, 1/2cup] sulphuric acid diluted in
[38oz, 1124mL,4-3/4cup] distilled water, A grand total of
[42oz, 1242mL, 5-1/4cup] of pH Decreaser™ Made at home for a grand total of
$13.18. If I bought that much Jungle pH Decreaser™, it would cost me about
AND I still have
[96oz, 2839mL, 12cups] of
distilled water and
[124oz, 3667mL, 15-1/2cups] of
sulphuric acid.
Took this down to the res. Took a before reading of pH 6.5 and ppm of 1430. Applied 2 tbsp of diluted acid to res and observed changes in realtime on immersed Milwaukee™ tester. Immediately the reading began to flicker between 6.5-6.4, and after 13 seconds dropped to 6.4 and stayed. Added another 2 tbsp to reach 6.3, then added 4 tbsp -- 6.0.
(8 tbsp - 1/2 cup - 4oz - 118mL) to drop the pH in MY res of currently 20 gallons by .5 is the
exact strength of Jungle™ Aquatics Ph Decreaser™ (4oz/entire bottle).
So if you want to make your own, the above is exactly as I diluted sulphuric acid, took readings, and applied to my res. I prefer stringer still, so I hope to achieve two strengths of about 1oz per .5 pH drop for large adjustments, and 2oz per .5 drop for finer tuning. That way I will be able to use teaspoon measurements effectively.
I dont really care so much about the quick pH adjustments as these are just bagseed and they flourish under moderate abuse. I have to provide them
everything they need, heh. They had started to grow maybe .25"-.5" after I came home from work, from the earlier pH adjustment to 6.5.
I am going to check my pH again in a little bit, but I am fairly sure it will be settled at around 5.3-5.6. I try to change the res every friday or saturday, so its got a change soon anyway.
I plan on being much more gentle on the WW; this is my calculated crash course =)