A little more information about your grow room would be very helpful but without any I would say you shouldn't really worry about too much heat from such a small HPS. Try it out in your specific situation and if you still need to cool it off just a small oscillating fan should do the trick.ok im buying a 150 watt HPS and i will need a cooling method.. cooling tubes are so expensive (the ones ive seen ) and i dont know of any silent cheap cooling fans.. any ideas?
ya some oscillating fans will keep it cool for sure and you'll need air circulation anyway.. you can get some very quit fans for pretty cheap.. how many plants are you planning on growing with your 150w hps?
I Seamore
If sound is an issue, I am guessing that smell will also be an issue. You can remedy both issues with a small carbon filter + inline fan.
Foam bed coverings at Target or KMART are great for insulating noise and vibration. You can wrap your fan and or line your walls with it. I would also recommend insulting ducting, this stuff really muffles sound of inline fans.
If you don't have the $$ yet maybe you should wait until you can get all the stuff you need. It's not a good idea to start any plants until you have your grow room set up and ready to go. A fan is a must! They aren't that expensive. I don't know what size of a grow you are doing but you can get a small fan for pretty cheap and they usually aren't too loud.well i dont have much money to spend on the bedding and smell is not too much of a problem i live in the basement so thats where its going to happen. just trying to find some kind of either silent fan or some way to cool the light so i could also get it closer to my plants
well without ventilation your making a great recipe for failure.your light is going to get hot over a period of a few hours and kill your plants.t-8's dont even come close in the amount of heat created by even 150 watt light.i grew 3 lovely plants in this area before with 16 t8 florescents but i have to keep the door closed and i cant make any holes or anything in the walls.. so the only time the door will open is when i go in the room..