Help with cooling..


Active Member
ok im buying a 150 watt HPS and i will need a cooling method.. cooling tubes are so expensive (the ones ive seen ) and i dont know of any silent cheap cooling fans.. any ideas?
ok im buying a 150 watt HPS and i will need a cooling method.. cooling tubes are so expensive (the ones ive seen ) and i dont know of any silent cheap cooling fans.. any ideas?
A little more information about your grow room would be very helpful but without any I would say you shouldn't really worry about too much heat from such a small HPS. Try it out in your specific situation and if you still need to cool it off just a small oscillating fan should do the trick.
well its an isolated room about 8'x8' to 10'x10' and im trying not to use a fan that makes noise... want it really quiet
That should be too hot but you need to move air around anyway. You can get very quiet fans, they just cost more.
I grow in a closet 2.5'x3.5'x6.5' and use a 400 Watt HPS i only use a 10' in line fan for my exhaust and only a 4' intake tube and my temps stay pretty reasonable,there is a couple of months in the summer that get a little hot but i usually keep pretty stable in a room your size you are gonna need ventilation of some kind even if its just you opening the door a couple of times a day and a fan from wally world, one that ocillates if possible.Cool fresh air constantly coming in and going out would make this a non issue though .
ya some oscillating fans will keep it cool for sure and you'll need air circulation anyway.. you can get some very quit fans for pretty cheap.. how many plants are you planning on growing with your 150w hps?
well i have no way of exhausting the air from the room so thats y im looking for something to make the light not so hot or something
ya some oscillating fans will keep it cool for sure and you'll need air circulation anyway.. you can get some very quit fans for pretty cheap.. how many plants are you planning on growing with your 150w hps?

going to try to get 3 to 4.. i know its alot but im not planning on getting the most amount as possible
I Seamore

If sound is an issue, I am guessing that smell will also be an issue. You can remedy both issues with a small carbon filter + inline fan.
Foam bed coverings at Target or KMART are great for insulating noise and vibration. You can wrap your fan and or line your walls with it. I would also recommend insulting ducting, this stuff really muffles sound of inline fans.

I Seamore

If sound is an issue, I am guessing that smell will also be an issue. You can remedy both issues with a small carbon filter + inline fan.
Foam bed coverings at Target or KMART are great for insulating noise and vibration. You can wrap your fan and or line your walls with it. I would also recommend insulting ducting, this stuff really muffles sound of inline fans.


ya this would be the correct way to do things.. but if you really don't have the money to spend, then you at least need some fans to move the air around your room which should keep it from getting too hot..
well i dont have much money to spend on the bedding and smell is not too much of a problem i live in the basement so thats where its going to happen. just trying to find some kind of either silent fan or some way to cool the light so i could also get it closer to my plants
well i dont have much money to spend on the bedding and smell is not too much of a problem i live in the basement so thats where its going to happen. just trying to find some kind of either silent fan or some way to cool the light so i could also get it closer to my plants
If you don't have the $$ yet maybe you should wait until you can get all the stuff you need. It's not a good idea to start any plants until you have your grow room set up and ready to go. A fan is a must! They aren't that expensive. I don't know what size of a grow you are doing but you can get a small fan for pretty cheap and they usually aren't too loud. bongsmilie
Listen to Knowm, regardless of whether you have a heat issue or not you are still going to have to exchange air unless you plan on running co2.
fly like an eagle is right,There has to be some kind of exchange and blowing the air around the room with no exhaust will keep temps at bay for a little while, but will eventually start to rise.
also agree with doc111.when i started i got in a hurry without all the right equipment and killed off 2 sets of clones.My friend refused to give me anymore till i did it right.
Is the room your talking about seperated from the room you live in?
if so you might want to think about either building a closet smaller than the room or a grow tent and ventilate.I know you want a silent fan but every fan ive seen or tried made a noise or vibration of some kind.You can dampen it but never fully due away with all noise. I use a Kool operator jr. from wally world,.its pretty quiet.its a 10" fan but on high it makes a little racket.but When you try to force air out of a 10" hole faster the air alone makes alot of noise therefore youll never find a silent fan for what you need it for.
sorry, but yea you might want to wait till you can do it right.
i grew 3 lovely plants in this area before with 16 t8 florescents but i have to keep the door closed and i cant make any holes or anything in the walls.. so the only time the door will open is when i go in the room..
i grew 3 lovely plants in this area before with 16 t8 florescents but i have to keep the door closed and i cant make any holes or anything in the walls.. so the only time the door will open is when i go in the room..
well without ventilation your making a great recipe for failure.your light is going to get hot over a period of a few hours and kill your plants.t-8's dont even come close in the amount of heat created by even 150 watt light.
Dude, it is very easy to cut a realatively small hole through the sheet rock in a closet/room, and then use spackling/fresh paint and the cut out piece to make it 100% unnoticeable. Gotta get good with tools/construction if u are gunna grow. I lived in a house once that had tons of holes in the ceiling with piping/wires and when we moved out the land lord (who was an anal fuck) didnt see shit. Its that, or you either cut a small hole in the door for outtake and just buy a new door when you leave. Its alot easier (could argue against that), but a lot more expensive. HOWEVER, you are only using a 150W HPS. You are also in a very large room, 8' by 8' or something? Opening and shutting the door a couple times a day might be fine. Also.. dont expect to get much off using a 150W for 3-4 plants. Lots of people use a 150W for seedlings or 1-2 plants. Hope this helps some..