HACKERS REVEAL!! Climate change scientists have been manipulating and fixing data


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, but then you don't understand how ice works my friend.

When ice GAINS in the middle, it becomes very very heavy at the edges, and pieces break off.
Falling ice can very well mean the entire ice pack is gaining.

Almost all of the global warming data is taken from the square. Now put on ur thinking cap and ask urself scientifically, what's wrong with this equation?

Common sense.... use it ... it's a blast!

for the ice to be building up it means the water must be coming from somewhere. yeah? so why are sea levels rising if you claim is true?


New Member
Many of us live in the Mountains.

We understand the snow to ice transformation process quite intimately.

Please flesh out "Almost all of the global warming data is taken from the square"

Was that for one particular study, or all studies?


New Member
Well, if you think I'm going to run down every global alarmist paper for source, uhhh, no.

How about this ... much much simpler. You find a antarctic paper that doesn't use that area. Good luck!!

Yes, Ginja, what the data is revealing is that man is nowhere near comprehending the long term global weather cycles, let alone measuring our effect upon it.

It's very possible that global warming (which has ceased for a decade now) will increase moisture at the poles and create massive amounts of new ice, thereby slowly decreasing the amount of fresh water available for food production.

We just don't know, and that's exactly why the Global warming mongers resemble Fundamentalist Christians. They insist that they do know, but cannot provide unadulterated data to prove their wisdom.

Unscientific. Now, they claim they will release all of the data requested, but not the RAW data. This has somehow been "lost". Uh huh. Only the extrapolated and manipulated data will be released. Now put on ur thinking caps again, and ask urself, what's wrong with that equation?

Back to common sense again ... :wink:


Well-Known Member
Many of us live in the Mountains.

We understand the snow to ice transformation process quite intimately.

Please flesh out "Almost all of the global warming data is taken from the square"

Was that for one particular study, or all studies?
The real debate isn't whether climate is changing or not. Are we causing it? Scientists pretty much agree that climate is always changing. Is this simply a natural cycle or are we nudging it along by burning fossil fuels? There is compelling data that suggests we may not be the cause of it. I remember seeing something not that long ago that said 1 major volcanic eruption spews out more CO2 than all of humanity since the beginning of the industrial revolution. I have said and continue to say that we need to get off of fossil fuels. But not for the reasons you might think. It is a dead end. We have to phase our technology into cleaner and more renewable resources. Fact is we will run out of oil and coal. And why are we sending our money overseas to the very people who hate us? It's stupid! Looking at the data will not prove the climate change debate one way or the other. The data can't be trusted. Modern science is still in it's infancy. We have to stop being so arrogant and thinking that we know it all. We've barely scratched the surface on the knowledge to be gained. Don't worry about the earth. If we fuck it up too much the earth will simply sneeze and you and I will go the way of the dinosaurs and 99% of the species that have ever existed. :peace:


New Member
Humanity understands that it is already at the end of an Ice Age.

Humanity also understands that it is extracting the carbon that is storing the accumulated energy of hundreds of millions of years of Global incident sunlight out of the ground and putting it into Humanities atmosphere.

Those who fixate on detailed comprehension of every life process of every tree before believing the forest exists will never see a forest.

For All The Money In The World

The dislocation of reality
suffered by modern urban humans,
because they are in daily contact only
with non-living, inanimate, man-made objects
befalls, unfortunately, in its most acute form,
humans in positions of power
who should be bearing the responsibilities
for mankind’s weal and woe.
Yet what is real for them,
what they affect and what
reciprocally affects them
and what they think about continually
is influence and money . . .
No wonder, then, that ecologists
are regarded as “nostalgic dreamers”
when they warm that cash in paper or metal,
even in gold itself,
or numbers in a bankbook or on a balance sheet
are mere symbols
and that the real necessities of life,
such as pure air and un-poisoned water
and uncontaminated soil
and an intact protective ozone layer
above the earth’s surface,
will very soon no longer be buyable

for all the money in the world.

- Loren Eisley


New Member
"Yes, we can all just wing the hard stuff... "

Humanity is in this fucking position now.

The Good thing is, Humanity picked its own fucking position and Earth can move when it no longer feels good.


New Member
I've got no problem with that. In a Gaia way of thinking, we're a virus. Crackers been there and back again. I've climbed the mountain, long ago.

Man made global warming is one more carny huckster trick. They just keep coming folks. Let's face it, we're stuck with each other.


Well-Known Member
"Yes, we can all just wing the hard stuff... "

Humanity is in this fucking position now.

The Good thing is, Humanity picked its own fucking position and Earth can move when it no longer feels good.
I sense your frustration Hippie. What is your solution to the problem? And let's be realistic. Cars and factories aren't going anywhere.:leaf:

Big P

Well-Known Member
we all know the answer

get rid of 5 billion people:lol:

and start a 2 kids per person rule:bigjoint:

hitler was a pussy, we need somone to do it right and kill everyone equally until we reach 1 billion population, and yes i just picked that figure outa the air:bigjoint:

call it the death lottery, 5 out of 6 people will die:lol:

Big P

Well-Known Member
Remember that movie? The Lottery.


never seen it,

but heres a sick idea for a movie, say the bad guys in the movie plan to cull the world of all but 1 billion humans,

so they introduce a certain drug into the targeted populations water system that causes people to want to commit suicide

some will be affected more than others, and these will be the weaker ones

they will off themselves and we will be able to drive so many SUV's it wont even be funny:mrgreen::blsmoke:

now i just pictured what would happen in the movie when the kids drank the waterbongsmilie prolly a bad idea :neutral:


Well-Known Member
never seen it,

but heres a sick idea for a movie, say the bad guys in the movie plan to cull the world of all but 1 billion humans,

so they introduce a certain drug into the targeted populations water system that causes people to want to commit suicide

some will be affected more than others, and these will be the weaker ones

they will off themselves and we will be able to drive so many SUV's it wont even be funny:mrgreen::blsmoke:

now i just pictured what would happen in the movie when the kids drank the waterbongsmilie prolly a bad idea :neutral:
Sounds like The Happening.


But the bad guys were trees and shit - vegetation. Plants emitted a chemical that made people suicidal.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Big P - Groovy interpretation of Nostradamus

holy shit what if I am the anti christ Nostradamus was talking about!!!

damn man i was the anti christ this whole time and didnt even know it lolz:mrgreen:

maybe we can leave 2 billion people on earth and just kill the 4 billion?

or what if we just let the 4 billion live but sterlize them so that way we will eventually get rid of them without having to kill them:mrgreen:

after all i think ammo is in short supply these daysbongsmilie

ok then thats the plan we sterilize 4 billion of the worst human strains around so we can end up with only the good geneticsbongsmilie but now i feel like im sounding too hitlerish bongsmilie