homemade liquor


i put like two cups sugar 1 ounce of yeast and some kool aid in a two liter will this work and get me Fucked up???

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Dude, if you're not in jail, get some alcohol. Moonshine is not for the unskilled. You will probably become sick as fuck before you get fucked up.


Well-Known Member
you might die or something,

if you want to brew your own beer or wine its not that hard though...buy some wine yeast on the net or whatever and its easy, just google it.

Or go to a store and buy some...


Well-Known Member
no it wont work. theres a lot more. most licquors are made from korn or potatos. there are also quite a few made from fruit and yeast.


Well-Known Member
tchnically you will get some alcohol but not much. you shouldnt get sick as long as it doesnt mold or anythin and you will need to prevent air from getting itno it but you need to let co2 out of it. so go get an airlock. other than that your better off just using strawberriesor other fruits and look up a simple wine recipe. takes months but its cheap and tasty if you can pull it off. I brew my own beer and i usually wont drink any thing else


Well-Known Member
no it wont work. theres a lot more. most licquors are made from korn or potatos. there are also quite a few made from fruit and yeast.
Yes it will work. The sugars are broken down into alcohol by the yeast. Will it tast good? no. but there will be alcohol in it. I have made snapple wine when i was younger there is no reason this wont work unless he kills off the yeast.
The only reason they use corn or potatoes is because they are cheap and you can free the sugars from the starches easily. Liquor can be made from anything the yeast will eat but it still has to be distilled


Well-Known Member
and for the OP its not a loquor unless you distill the product with the alcohol in it. So technically its a wine or if your lucky enough to get alcohol over 12% its a malt beverage.


Active Member
this sounds like he's planning to throw it all in a bottle, shake it up and down it, hoping to get wasted...so I'm going to say no, this will not get you "fucked up" the fermentation of yeast only yields <20% alcohol in ideal conditions and takes weeks to get there, not just throwing random amounts of sugar and yeast into a bottle.

My prediction is you'll just get some nasty ass kool aid


Well-Known Member
As a youngster always on the lookout for some alcohol, my friends and I used to make crappy wine. I lived near orange groves. We'd collect oranges; chop them up; add yeast, sugar, and water; then stick a balloon on top of whatever container we used (cheap fermentation lock) - take note fk13, you do need a lock, or you'll most likely end up with something tasting even worse than you're already heading towards... or something dangerous. Ours tasted pretty bad, but did the job. Scrounging enough change, and finding someone to buy us alcohol turned out to be a much better use of our time. (Also, putting the cap back on your 2L bottle does not count as a fermentation lock - unless you're looking to make a slow time-bomb).

Kash Krop

Well-Known Member
Like Smoke said,that's not liquor.It' more of a beer or wort<google that.Yeast will change sugar to alcohol but it still needs food & that's where the grains/potatoes/fruit etc. come in.Malt is also used to convert the starches in grain/potatoes to sugars.To determine proof an alcohol specific hydrometer is used.Proof is double the % of alcohol so 20% = 40 proof. 100 proof liquor is 50% alcohol. A rough recipe for whiskey mash is,
10 gallons of water for every 5 pounds of grain,1 pound of sugar for every gallon of water.Bring this mixture up to 160 deg. F & add 1 pound of malted barley.When this mixture cools to 86 deg. F add yeast.any hotter kills the yeast.Cover & let ferment one week & distill.


Well-Known Member
Like Smoke said,that's not liquor.It' more of a beer or wort<google that.Yeast will change sugar to alcohol but it still needs food & that's where the grains/potatoes/fruit etc. come in.Malt is also used to convert the starches in grain/potatoes to sugars.To determine proof an alcohol specific hydrometer is used.Proof is double the % of alcohol so 20% = 40 proof. 100 proof liquor is 50% alcohol. A rough recipe for whiskey mash is,
10 gallons of water for every 5 pounds of grain,1 pound of sugar for every gallon of water.Bring this mixture up to 160 deg. F & add 1 pound of malted barley.When this mixture cools to 86 deg. F add yeast.any hotter kills the yeast.Cover & let ferment one week & distill.
good recipe for a decent white whiskey. but o side note the hydrometer really only tells spcific graity and is highly dependant on temps. i threw mine out after the third batch of bre. i dont really care how much alcohol is in my brew those damn hydrometers and their stupid ass formulas. god just thinking about it make me wanna dig the fucker up an gie it a good stompin


Yes it will work. The sugars are broken down into alcohol by the yeast. Will it tast good? no. but there will be alcohol in it. I have made snapple wine when i was younger there is no reason this wont work unless he kills off the yeast.
The only reason they use corn or potatoes is because they are cheap and you can free the sugars from the starches easily. Liquor can be made from anything the yeast will eat but it still has to be distilled
how good will it be
will just a 2L work???


Active Member
you are making wine at the least and very poor wine. to really make booze, you have to distill it. you are better off drinking mouthwash. you must be 12 or something. too funny.