Liberal Media - Fort Hood Spin

the world need to be dragged into the 21st century??

it is impossible to "westernize" the islamic world.

Personally, I think that's where we have the best chance of success. I may be overly optimistic, but I think with the spread of the internet and other media the world's cultures are slowly being homogenized (mostly westernized). It's going to get harder and harder for people to go on living with their heads up their asses, pretending they're in the middle ages. With each generation, the children will see more of the outside world. Living in a bubble is getting harder to do. Obviously, people living in caves aren't going to have the internet anytime soon, but the influence will spread form the cities - even in backwards places. It's not something that will happen quickly. It'll take MANY generations, but I think it will happen. In the meantime, we do need to defend ourselves from that steaming pile of religious fanaticism.

all the west can do is stay away, and hope they take their aggression out on themselves, instead of over here.....

Too late for that (if it even ever was an option).
Personally, I think that's where we have the best chance of success. I may be overly optimistic, but I think with the spread of the internet and other media the world's cultures are slowly being homogenized (mostly westernized). It's going to get harder and harder for people to go on living with their heads up their asses, pretending they're in the middle ages. With each generation, the children will see more of the outside world. Living in a bubble is getting harder to do. Obviously, people living in caves aren't going to have the internet anytime soon, but the influence will spread form the cities - even in backwards places. It's not something that will happen quickly. It'll take MANY generations, but I think it will happen. In the meantime, we do need to defend ourselves from that steaming pile of religious fanaticism.

That is one of the major reasons they are at war with us.
It's happening quickly and that's why the Islamists are freaking out. They have a competing vision for the world and they see it slipping away. They are right, there is only one way this can end and that's with them in the past where they belong. But they're a mean ass bunch of suckers and they're taking as many with them as they can.

We should be offering the middle east another path, a competing vision and then do all we can to sell it and strip as many away from the jihadists as we can. But when their hard core has its heels dug in I say kill them. No-one should mourn the killed cancer cells.
what you, and other conservatives, and other right wing media pundits seem to be so completely blind to, is the fact that Christianity is just as bad, and that is the point I was making. Islam is litterally 1/2 the problem, Christianity is the other 1/2. There are 4.4 BILLION believers in one of these two religions, all of them are the problem, not just the Islamic ones. Murdering people is not the only way cause harm. You refuse to acknowledge that fact, and only see ISLAM as the problem, while Christianity gets a free pass. (even though you personally claim to be a non practicing Jew) Just because you cannot see the harm organized Christianity causes doesn't mean it's not there. From a non believers perspective, aka non biased, all organized religion is dangerous. Do you understand my point of view?

Are you really that stupid that you think everyone here doesn't know exactly what you are saying? Do you think your opinion is that complex that nobody else can see it but you? Guess what, your opinion is simplistic as hell, of course I know what you are saying as does anyone with an IQ over 90.

The simple answer is that you are, beyond question, uncategorically, unequivocally and demonstrably wrong.

Now, I'm going to try one more time to get this rather simple concept through that titanium ball you have for a skull. See if you can focus like a laser beam on what I am about to say.

We all know that fundamentalist Christians can be a pain in the ass. We know that many think their views are the one true faith and that everyone else is going to hell. Many of us are annoyed by a number of things they do. Fundamentalist Christians seek to over turn Roe Vs Wade which will never happen, they refuse to redefine marriage to include Gays, they prohibit the sale of liquor on Christmas and on Sunday in some states. They also proselytize to us when we don't want to hear it, they try to ban strip clubs in certain neighborhoods and they push for school prayer. I'm sure there are other such annoyances.

Try to comprehend that none of these things is the equivalent of blowing up a pizza parlor, bombing a night club or multiple busses filled with women and children with nail filled bombs designed to maximize carnage. None of these things is as horrific as flying commercial jets into sky scrapers, bombing a Marine barracks or bombing an aircraft carrier or a hospital at which you have been previously treated.

There is nothing in Christianity that promotes murdering ones daughter or wife because they were seen talking to another man. Nor do Christians hang mentally challenged 16 year old girls in the public square for crimes against chastity.

No Christian nation is trying to acquire nuclear weapons for the purpose of obliterating another country and bringing about a second Holocaust.

Christian schools do not teach their children math with examples that say "if there are 10 Jews and a martyr blows up 6, how many still need to be killed." They do not teach their children that the highest honor one can have is to die for jihad and that they will receive 72 virgins in heaven if they do. Christian Countries do not broadcast Government propaganda in the form of children's programming depicting martyrdom and that Jews are evil. Christian schools do not put on school plays featuring children wearing suicide vests and pledging to kill for the sake of jihad.

Now, are you able to understand that while Christians may be annoying, and while some of their beliefs must never be allowed to become law (which they won't due to the courts), there is absolutely nothing in Christianity that is anywhere near as dangerous as Islam.

But, since I already know you lack the capacity to process this information, why don't you give us some examples of the horrific threat we face from Christianity. Don't give us any BS about Gay rights as there are no Gays being stoned for being gay. And don't give us any BS about the 2 or 3 people who attacked abortion practitioners or any other isolated incidents.

Demonstrate how and why a rational person should fear radical Christians as much as radical Muslims. I await your next boat load of bullshit.
That is one of the major reasons they are at war with us.

True, but I don't think they'll be able to stop it - just slow it down.

And, I agree with your last post. Christianity is often very annoying, and can seem pretty stupid at times, but is not even close to islam in how dangerous it is. The bible has its share of craziness justifying slavery, selling daughters, stoning people, etc., but luckily christians stopped taking a lot of the bible literally back in the middle ages. Now, if islam would start catching up with the rest of the world and reality...
Are you really that stupid that you think everyone here doesn't know exactly what you are saying? Do you think your opinion is that complex that nobody else can see it but you? Guess what, your opinion is simplistic as hell, of course I know what you are saying as does anyone with an IQ over 90.

The simple answer is that you are, beyond question, uncategorically, unequivocally and demonstrably wrong.

Now, I'm going to try one more time to get this rather simple concept through that titanium ball you have for a skull. See if you can focus like a laser beam on what I am about to say.

We all know that fundamentalist Christians can be a pain in the ass. We know that many think their views are the one true faith and that everyone else is going to hell. Many of us are annoyed by a number of things they do. Fundamentalist Christians seek to over turn Roe Vs Wade which will never happen, they refuse to redefine marriage to include Gays, they prohibit the sale of liquor on Christmas and on Sunday in some states. They also proselytize to us when we don't want to hear it, they try to ban strip clubs in certain neighborhoods and they push for school prayer. I'm sure there are other such annoyances.

Try to comprehend that none of these things is the equivalent of blowing up a pizza parlor, bombing a night club or multiple busses filled with women and children with nail filled bombs designed to maximize carnage. None of these things is as horrific as flying commercial jets into sky scrapers, bombing a Marine barracks or bombing an aircraft carrier or a hospital at which you have been previously treated.

There is nothing in Christianity that promotes murdering ones daughter or wife because they were seen talking to another man. Nor do Christians hang mentally challenged 16 year old girls in the public square for crimes against chastity.

No Christian nation is trying to acquire nuclear weapons for the purpose of obliterating another country and bringing about a second Holocaust.

Christian schools do not teach their children math with examples that say "if there are 10 Jews and a martyr blows up 6, how many still need to be killed." They do not teach their children that the highest honor one can have is to die for jihad and that they will receive 72 virgins in heaven if they do. Christian Countries do not broadcast Government propaganda in the form of children's programming depicting martyrdom and that Jews are evil. Christian schools do not put on school plays featuring children wearing suicide vests and pledging to kill for the sake of jihad.

Now, are you able to understand that while Christians may be annoying, and while some of their beliefs must never be allowed to become law (which they won't due to the courts), there is absolutely nothing in Christianity that is anywhere near as dangerous as Islam.

But, since I already know you lack the capacity to process this information, why don't you give us some examples of the horrific threat we face from Christianity. Don't give us any BS about Gay rights as there are no Gays being stoned for being gay. And don't give us any BS about the 2 or 3 people who attacked abortion practitioners or any other isolated incidents.

Demonstrate how and why a rational person should fear radical Christians as much as radical Muslims. I await your next boat load of bullshit.

Radical Islam was a factor in the Fort Hood shooting, I agree, the left wing media omitted this fact, I agree. But what you, and other conservatives, and other right wing media pundits seem to be so completely blind to, is the fact that Christianity is just as bad, and that is the point I was making. Islam is litterally 1/2 the problem, Christianity is the other 1/2. There are 4.4 BILLION believers in one of these two religions, all of them are the problem, not just the Islamic ones. Murdering people is not the only way cause harm. You refuse to acknowledge that fact, and only see ISLAM as the problem, while Christianity gets a free pass. (even though you personally claim to be a non practicing Jew) Just because you cannot see the harm organized Christianity causes doesn't mean it's not there. From a non believers perspective, aka non biased, all organized religion is dangerous. Do you understand my point of view?

Well if that's the case, it's a contradictory question, because Sharia Law is anything but peaceful. But you made the claim, your job to source it.

Today, the threat from Radical Christianity is serious. These guys are not a small group of impotent thugs. They are rulers of Nations who have nuclear weapons and wish to conquer the World. And there may come a day when the supposedly peaceful Christians here in the US turn against us. To ignore this is to be willfully ignorant.

What do you say about the spread of democracy? To any outside observer, wouldn't they maybe consider that "taking over the world", especially when reflecting on the US governments methods of doing so?

you truly are an idiot....oh, and a bigot against christians. hopefully someday your beloved govt Equal Oppurtunity and Treatment will rule against you in a court and your hatred will cost you money.

and dont even try this bullshit about conservatives wanting to imprison all muslims. nobody on here has said or advocated that. it only happened in your itty bitty little tiny brain. DOPE.:evil:
When a picture explains a thousand words: (If the links don't work- go to the thread in the Politics section. )
Shahnaz Bibi, 35, poses for a photograph in Lahore, Pakistan, Sunday, Oct. 26, 2008. Ten years ago Shahnaz was burned with acid by a relative due to a familial dispute. She has never undergone plastic surgery.

Rick White posted the following: "There is nothing in Christianity that promotes murdering ones daughter or wife because they were seen talking to another man. Nor do Christians hang mentally challenged 16 year old girls in the public square for crimes against chastity."

More on that subject can be found on the Politics thread entitled: GRAPHIC CONTENT- The "faces" of Islam (12 images)

Here are a few more...

Shameem Akhter, 18, poses for a photograph at her home in Jhang, Pakistan, Wednesday, July 10, 2008. Shameem was raped by three boys who then threw acid on her three years ago. Shameem has undergone plastic surgery 10 times to try to recover from her scars.
Saira Liaqat, 26, poses for the camera as she holds a portrait of herself before being burned, at her home in Lahore, Pakistan, Wednesday, July 9, 2008. When she was fifteen, Saira was married to a relative who would later attack her with acid after insistently demanding her to live with him, although the families had agreed she wouldn't join him until she finished school. Saira has undergone plastic surgery 9 times to try to recover from her scars.

The Koran teaches that killing is a way to heaven and it is only by choice that some sects do not push what is taught in that book.

Islam.... A religion of peace??


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It's become pointless with you Rick. On the one hand I want to remain civil and explain my position, on the other you don't bother considering anything I say and automatically resort to personal attacks. Same thing goes for your cheerleaders, Babs and Jeff. Except you can't ever seem to break down anything I say and tell me where I'm wrong. And that's the thing, nobody ever can. I don't hold positions I think are wrong, if you could logically break down any argument I present and point out where I'm wrong, I'd change my position, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's actually a good thing. A concept completely foreign to you, religion and Americanism..

Are you really that stupid that you think everyone here doesn't know exactly what you are saying? Do you think your opinion is that complex that nobody else can see it but you? Guess what, your opinion is simplistic as hell, of course I know what you are saying as does anyone with an IQ over 90.

Nah, honestly, I didn't think it was really that complex... A lot of you guys sure have been sending that message though. Babs certainly doesn't get it. Jeff's way too far gone to even see past the surface of what I'm talking about. All they see is what they perceives to be an attack on Christianity because I'm simply speaking out against the things that can go wrong within religion. Misinterpretations and such. That last sentence sure says something about your support eh? lol

We all know that fundamentalist Christians can be a pain in the ass. We know that many think their views are the one true faith and that everyone else is going to hell. Many of us are annoyed by a number of things they do. Fundamentalist Christians seek to over turn Roe Vs Wade which will never happen, they refuse to redefine marriage to include Gays, they prohibit the sale of liquor on Christmas and on Sunday in some states. They also proselytize to us when we don't want to hear it, they try to ban strip clubs in certain neighborhoods and they push for school prayer. I'm sure there are other such annoyances.

It's a lot more than small annoyances Rick. That's what you don't get. See if you can follow me for a second...

Every American counts for a single vote, do they not? When Americans hold beliefs that affect the way they cast their vote, huge problems can arise. It's honestly one of the simplest concepts to understand. These beliefs are responsible for inequality in America, they're responsible for higher teen pregnancy rates in "conservative" states, they're responsible for higher theft and homicide rates in "conservative" states. You don't connect the dots and see the bigger picture that religion (and specifically Christianity because we live in America) brainwashes children that are incapable of believing anything else because their brains are still physically developing when indoctrination begins. (you even indirectly admitted as much when you wouldn't answer the simple question I asked earlier...)

If the bullshit was true, indoctrination before youth wouldn't be required. You'll never get past that fact Rick, whether you admit it or not.

Try to comprehend that none of these things is the equivalent of blowing up a pizza parlor, bombing a night club or multiple busses filled with women and children with nail filled bombs designed to maximize carnage. None of these things is as horrific as flying commercial jets into sky scrapers, bombing a Marine barracks or bombing an aircraft carrier or a hospital at which you have been previously treated.

Isn't subjective opinion great? Whose to say that brainwashing billions of young minds isn't as bad as any of the things you listed? In my opinion, it's at the very least equally as bad. Arguably worse because it's a continuious cycle of bullshit that reaches beyond an innocent human beings death. Once they're dead, that's it, the harm is done, but with religion, the indictrination continues through the generations, generation after generation, to ones own family no less, the people you are supposed to care the most about and protect under all circumstances... So yeah, now that I think of it, I would say it's actually much worse. Kill someone and that's it, indoctrinate them and you might get their grandchildren!

There is nothing in Christianity that promotes murdering ones daughter or wife because they were seen talking to another man. Nor do Christians hang mentally challenged 16 year old girls in the public square for crimes against chastity.

Besides the fact that is completely irrelevant to the conversation because, again, I agree with you Islam is dangerous too, instead you've got a book that says people live to be 900, the world is flat, snakes talk, virgins give birth, people rise from the dead...

No Christian nation is trying to acquire nuclear weapons for the purpose of obliterating another country and bringing about a second Holocaust.

Irrelevant again. Islam is dangerous. Though the only nation to ever use an atomic bomb in war did have a Christian majority...

Christian schools do not teach their children math with examples that say "if there are 10 Jews and a martyr blows up 6, how many still need to be killed." They do not teach their children that the highest honor one can have is to die for jihad and that they will receive 72 virgins in heaven if they do. Christian Countries do not broadcast Government propaganda in the form of children's programming depicting martyrdom and that Jews are evil. Christian schools do not put on school plays featuring children wearing suicide vests and pledging to kill for the sake of jihad.

Nah, instead Christian schools teach kids that dinosaurs walked with humans, that evolution is "just a theory" that doesn't hold any scientific validity, that the universe is 10-6 thousand years old... This shit is just as bad as your example. Look past the surface. I don't know how you can't see the implications having these idiotic beliefs has on the rest of society at large. The beliefs themselves are partly responsible for the reactionary behavior from the rest of the world you hate so much, specifically the Islamic world, and you can't even see it. The beliefs right wing fundamentalist Christians lobby for are responsible for the policies that get passed and voted on into laws. They're the reasons bombs fall on some of these countries, and they all come from the Bible and are misinterpreted by ignorant Christians. All fundamentalism is in any religion is strict adherence to ones own religious text. If you followed the Bible litterally, you would undoubtably be a fundamentalist, same thing with Islam and the Quran.

Now, are you able to understand that while Christians may be annoying, and while some of their beliefs must never be allowed to become law (which they won't due to the courts), there is absolutely nothing in Christianity that is anywhere near as dangerous as Islam.

Christians beliefs result in insane foreign policy, corruption, greed, and above all, and most importantly IGNORANCE. It's much more than a simple little annoyance.

But, since I already know you lack the capacity to process this information, why don't you give us some examples of the horrific threat we face from Christianity. Don't give us any BS about Gay rights as there are no Gays being stoned for being gay. And don't give us any BS about the 2 or 3 people who attacked abortion practitioners or any other isolated incidents.

Demonstrate how and why a rational person should fear radical Christians as much as radical Muslims. I await your next boat load of bullshit.

The horrific threat we face from Christianity? - Ignorance, greed, more crime, more censorship, more drug laws, more war, less scientific/medical advancement, more teen pregnancy, higher divorce rates, higher STD rates, crappier movies/music, more international anti-Americanism, more inflation, higher taxes for the lower/middle class while the upper class enjoys more tax breaks, less environmental protection, more endangered species, more pollution, lower GDP, higher debt, lower average lifespan, more stripping of our rights... etc. Basically every aspect of life is worse when the Christians are in charge... So whatever you can think of right now, think of how that can be 10x's worse, and that's some idea of the horrific threat we face from Christianity.
It's become pointless with you Rick. On the one hand I want to remain civil and explain my position, on the other you don't bother considering anything I say and automatically resort to personal attacks. Same thing goes for your cheerleaders, Babs and Jeff. Except you can't ever seem to break down anything I say and tell me where I'm wrong. And that's the thing, nobody ever can. I don't hold positions I think are wrong, if you could logically break down any argument I present and point out where I'm wrong, I'd change my position, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's actually a good thing. A concept completely foreign to you, religion and Americanism..

Nah, honestly, I didn't think it was really that complex... A lot of you guys sure have been sending that message though. Babs certainly doesn't get it. Jeff's way too far gone to even see past the surface of what I'm talking about. All they see is what they perceives to be an attack on Christianity because I'm simply speaking out against the things that can go wrong within religion. Misinterpretations and such. That last sentence sure says something about your support eh? lol

It's a lot more than small annoyances Rick. That's what you don't get. See if you can follow me for a second...

Every American counts for a single vote, do they not? When Americans hold beliefs that affect the way they cast their vote, huge problems can arise. It's honestly one of the simplest concepts to understand. These beliefs are responsible for inequality in America, they're responsible for higher teen pregnancy rates in "conservative" states, they're responsible for higher theft and homicide rates in "conservative" states. You don't connect the dots and see the bigger picture that religion (and specifically Christianity because we live in America) brainwashes children that are incapable of believing anything else because their brains are still physically developing when indoctrination begins. (you even indirectly admitted as much when you wouldn't answer the simple question I asked earlier...)

If the bullshit was true, indoctrination before youth wouldn't be required. You'll never get past that fact Rick, whether you admit it or not.

Isn't subjective opinion great? Whose to say that brainwashing billions of young minds isn't as bad as any of the things you listed? In my opinion, it's at the very least equally as bad. Arguably worse because it's a continuious cycle of bullshit that reaches beyond an innocent human beings death. Once they're dead, that's it, the harm is done, but with religion, the indictrination continues through the generations, generation after generation, to ones own family no less, the people you are supposed to care the most about and protect under all circumstances... So yeah, now that I think of it, I would say it's actually much worse. Kill someone and that's it, indoctrinate them and you might get their grandchildren!

Besides the fact that is completely irrelevant to the conversation because, again, I agree with you Islam is dangerous too, instead you've got a book that says people live to be 900, the world is flat, snakes talk, virgins give birth, people rise from the dead...

Irrelevant again. Islam is dangerous. Though the only nation to ever use an atomic bomb in war did have a Christian majority...

Nah, instead Christian schools teach kids that dinosaurs walked with humans, that evolution is "just a theory" that doesn't hold any scientific validity, that the universe is 10-6 thousand years old... This shit is just as bad as your example. Look past the surface. I don't know how you can't see the implications having these idiotic beliefs has on the rest of society at large. The beliefs themselves are partly responsible for the reactionary behavior from the rest of the world you hate so much, specifically the Islamic world, and you can't even see it. The beliefs right wing fundamentalist Christians lobby for are responsible for the policies that get passed and voted on into laws. They're the reasons bombs fall on some of these countries, and they all come from the Bible and are misinterpreted by ignorant Christians. All fundamentalism is in any religion is strict adherence to ones own religious text. If you followed the Bible litterally, you would undoubtably be a fundamentalist, same thing with Islam and the Quran.

Christians beliefs result in insane foreign policy, corruption, greed, and above all, and most importantly IGNORANCE. It's much more than a simple little annoyance.

The horrific threat we face from Christianity? - Ignorance, greed, more crime, more censorship, more drug laws, more war, less scientific/medical advancement, more teen pregnancy, higher divorce rates, higher STD rates, crappier movies/music, more international anti-Americanism, more inflation, higher taxes for the lower/middle class while the upper class enjoys more tax breaks, less environmental protection, more endangered species, more pollution, lower GDP, higher debt, lower average lifespan, more stripping of our rights... etc. Basically every aspect of life is worse when the Christians are in charge... So whatever you can think of right now, think of how that can be 10x's worse, and that's some idea of the horrific threat we face from Christianity.

if you worked or would no longer work for figure it out bigot
if you worked or would no longer work for figure it out bigot

Like I said Jeff, call me a bigot all you want. I wear the label proudly against what your cult is selling.


The horrific threat we face from Christianity? - Ignorance, greed, more crime, more censorship, more drug laws, more war, less scientific/medical advancement, more teen pregnancy, higher divorce rates, higher STD rates, crappier movies/music, more international anti-Americanism, more inflation, higher taxes for the lower/middle class while the upper class enjoys more tax breaks, less environmental protection, more endangered species, more pollution, lower GDP, higher debt, lower average lifespan, more stripping of our rights... etc. Basically every aspect of life is worse when the Christians are in charge... So whatever you can think of right now, think of how that can be 10x's worse, and that's some idea of the horrific threat we face from Christianity.

Since nobody else can connect the dots why don't you connect a few of them for us.

Show me how "thou shall not steal" results in more crime. And divorce rates - where are you getting that? You do know divorce is less common among the religious? "Worse entertainment and movies?" Is that because all the Jews who make the movies take their marching orders from the religious right?

Hell, take any alleged "result" of Christianity and demonstrate how this is so.

I am beginning to see now that you are in serious need of professional help.
I guess one example would be higher STD/pregnancy. They are against telling their kids how to prevent those things. Instead they'd prefer to stick their head in the sand and pretend that they'll be able to get kids to not have sex. Doesn't seem to be working out that way... like it or not, and whether or not their book of fairy-tales agrees that it should be so... teens have sex.

But, islam does all of the same crap as christianity, and they shove their shit down kid's throats to to keep the bullshit alive... and on top of that, there are a lot of muslims who take their crazy bullshit to a whole other level, and commit mass murders of innocent people. Yes, I know christians have killed their share of innocent people, but islam is way more fucked up in this regard IMO. So, I guess I agree and disagree with both of you.
So telling your kids 'not to smoke' is one thing ... followed by 'but if you do smoke - use this brand'. That is your logic above.

We teach abstinence. Don't have sex until you're married.
Don't means don't.

But you say- "No sex but... but if you do- use a condom." Nothing like sending a mixed message.

'Don't kill anybody but... if you do- do it this way.' People are always going to hate somebody.
Just like teens are always going to have sex.

You have got to be kidding. But you are not. This is actually how you think.

And no matter how many times you want to equate Christanity with Islam - they are not the same. They are diametrically opoessed to one another.
So telling your kids 'not to smoke' is one thing ... followed by 'but if you do smoke - use this brand'. That is your logic above.

We teach abstinence. Don't have sex until you're married.
Don't means don't.

But you say- "No sex but... but if you do- use a condom." Nothing like sending a mixed message.

'Don't kill anybody but... if you do- do it this way.' People are always going to hate somebody.
Just like teens are always going to have sex.

You have got to be kidding. But you are not. This is actually how you think.

And no matter how many times you want to equate Christanity with Islam - they are not the same. They are diametrically opoessed to one another.

you don't tell kids not to smoke. prohibiting it will only make them want to do it more to defy you. you tell them the harm it will do to their body, and let them choose for themselves. they will make the right choice.

you don't tell kids not to have sex till marriage because 'god' says that's what 'holy' people do. you teach kids that sexuality is a natural impulse they must learn to control and embrace because there is nothing offensive or vulgar about it. you teach them that sex is for adults, and that they should hold off until they are ready. you teach kids that if they are going to have sex they should be careful. you teach them all of the dangers and responsibilities that come with acting on sexual impulses.

you don't lie to kids and tell them that god will punish them if they 'fornicate'.... you don't lie to them and tell them if they jump off a cliff God will save them...... yet you lie to them about this.....

having sexual impulses, and engaging in sexual activity is a 100% natural thing... there is nothing wrong with it, exept that we enjoy it. maybe that's the problem, christians don't like enjoyment, that is considered a sin... physical satisfaction falls into the realm of the unnecessary and must be expunged from society.... that's the logic behind abstinence...

it makes me sick....
There are no more family values in america anymore.
And that is the problem with our country.
Dead beat dads,women who want to breed like rabbits.
We basically hate each other.
Since nobody else can connect the dots why don't you connect a few of them for us.

Show me how "thou shall not steal" results in more crime. And divorce rates - where are you getting that? You do know divorce is less common among the religious? "Worse entertainment and movies?" Is that because all the Jews who make the movies take their marching orders from the religious right?

Hell, take any alleged "result" of Christianity and demonstrate how this is so.

I am beginning to see now that you are in serious need of professional help.

See, this is exactly what I was talking about with Jeff a little bit earlier, how he can't get past the surface of what I'm talking about. You said my ideas aren't complex, and I assumed you didn't have any trouble seeing what I was actually saying. On the surface, "thou shall not steal" is a great idea, there are plenty of other great ideas in the Bible too, but what about all the bad ideas? How many believers today do you think have actually read their Bible? A very small percentage, that's how many. The majority of them only get the main ideas and points the fundamentalists (the ones who have actually read it all, and the ones who take it litterally) push. Homosexuality is an abomination, marriage is between a man and a woman, slavery (back in the day), etc. Nobody would believe this stuff if it wasn't in the Bible. How many of them can name all ten commandments?? Again, a very small percentage, I'd venture to say that you three, Rick, Babs, HMTH probably couldn't even do it without using Google... (but would you have the balls to admit it...) What's that say about these prescious beliefs? Most Christians, aren't even Christians. They're just fake Christians who've never thought outside their religion, never considered an alterior perspective. They hear "question it and you're going to hell!" already having been pre-programmed to fear hell since childhood.

Divorce rates;

Terrible movies/music, no, not because of your conspiracy theory about the Jews. Because Christians think shit like Donny Osmond is entertainment. If you like Switchfoot... hey, I'm happy for ya, but if you think that's good music... You've never heard what good music is.

Basically, to sum it all up for you, (and this is a huge generalization) people who are religious are incapable of learning certain things correctly, which prevents them from accurately forming an opinion about something based on what accurate opinions should be based on, accurate information. If you don't have (or don't believe, because of your existing beliefs) accurate, scientifically verifiable information, then you can't form a correct opinion at all. These people go on to vote on things that affect the rest of the working world, which end up killing thousands of people. You can trace it all back to the beliefs these people get from their religion, be it misinterpreted or not, that's irrelevant (totally relevant with Islam, but not when it comes to Christianity huh?), the damage is done none the less.

So telling your kids 'not to smoke' is one thing ... followed by 'but if you do smoke - use this brand'. That is your logic above.

We teach abstinence. Don't have sex until you're married.
Don't means don't.

But you say- "No sex but... but if you do- use a condom." Nothing like sending a mixed message.

'Don't kill anybody but... if you do- do it this way.' People are always going to hate somebody.
Just like teens are always going to have sex.

You have got to be kidding. But you are not. This is actually how you think.

And no matter how many times you want to equate Christanity with Islam - they are not the same. They are diametrically opoessed to one another.

Abstinence doesn't work. It is proven that it doesn't work. You are pushing a technique that is proven not to work onto your own kid to accomplish the goal of keeping them from having sex... That's kind of retarded.

People have sex. That's a fact. Get used to it. Guess what kinda person wants to have sex the most? The kinda person whose never had it before, consequently, that'd be teenagers. You need to teach kids that sex is normal, but the consequences of having unprotected sex or sex when you're too young are what they need to be cautious of. Teach them about condoms, birth control, STD's. Everything to ensure that if they are going to have sex (which they most likely will at some point in time), they do it safely.
you don't tell kids not to smoke. prohibiting it will only make them want to do it more to defy you. you tell them the harm it will do to their body, and let them choose for themselves. they will make the right choice.

you don't tell kids not to have sex till marriage because 'god' says that's what 'holy' people do. you teach kids that sexuality is a natural impulse they must learn to control and embrace because there is nothing offensive or vulgar about it. you teach them that sex is for adults, and that they should hold off until they are ready. you teach kids that if they are going to have sex they should be careful. you teach them all of the dangers and responsibilities that come with acting on sexual impulses.

you don't lie to kids and tell them that god will punish them if they 'fornicate'.... you don't lie to them and tell them if they jump off a cliff God will save them...... yet you lie to them about this.....

having sexual impulses, and engaging in sexual activity is a 100% natural thing... there is nothing wrong with it, exept that we enjoy it. maybe that's the problem, christians don't like enjoyment, that is considered a sin... physical satisfaction falls into the realm of the unnecessary and must be expunged from society.... that's the logic behind abstinence...

it makes me sick....

What you do not know about Christanity is amazing.

Face it- you can not be a just judge of a matter. All of your positions are false. And your logic is simply illogical.

Your hatered of Jesus is amazing. And your hatered of those who are trying to live a clean and moral life- you find laughable; you dispise peoplewho hold virtue as an honor.

But... once a small town drunk boy whore.... always a small town drunk boy whore.

Do you belive that to be true??

How about a small town slut??

Some people change because they know the difference between light and darkness. Others know only darkness.

Now I could tell you that - those that have a bad attitude (in life) are simply people with their heads stuck up their butts. No wonder they have a crappy outlook on people and things in general. But you already know this.

Your problem then- is very clear... you forgot to remember that an orifice once expanded can never retract to it's original size.

So, again, it's no wonder that every time you turn around you 'lose your head'!

Wanna know where it went???

You ever play "Pop goes the Weasle"?
You can do it!!
I know you can do it!!!
We teach abstinence. Don't have sex until you're married.
Don't means don't.

Yeah, that seems to be working out pretty well. Stick your head in the sand all you want.

'Don't kill anybody but... if you do- do it this way.'

Well, if killing people was as much a normal part of everyday life as sex, then I would have to teach my son when he needs to kill someone, and when not to... and how to do it. Luckily that's not the case. Your comparison is a FAR stretch.

You have got to be kidding. But you are not. This is actually how you think
My thought too, exactly.

And no matter how many times you want to equate Christanity with Islam - they are not the same. They are diametrically opoessed to one another.

No matter how much you want to pretend it's not true, the two have a lot in common. They're both pretty much based on the same types of mythology. They share many of the same myths - and there are even characters from the bible in the qur'an (or vice versa). I will agree that islam takes the bullshit to a much more extreme level though.
you did not make any valid point, just started ranting about like some fool...

i know christianity and all the bullshit they teach.... it was shoved down my throat for 15 years when I was young, before I got up one sunday morning and said I would no longer go to church... that was the end of my relationship with 'god'....

since you decided to attack me so fiercely i'm guessing I was right, and it became extremely difficult, if not impossible for you to prove me wrong...
