Tiger is not out of the Woods. . . Yet!


Well-Known Member
Ok, let me say first off that I admire tiger woods. Becoming a billionaire by weilding nothing but a golf club is a monumental achievement. I think his wife found out about him screwing around so she clubbed his ass like a baby seal. Personally I think people should stay away from the golfing great, but he did fuck up and put his driver in the wrong hole in my opinion. What you think?
leave him and his family the fuck alone (meaning the media). He is human and found someone better to stick it to other than his wife, so what? I hate turning on the news and hearing shit like this. Leave the man alone. He is a self made man, didnt take anything form anyone to get where he is. He plays a singles sport, no teammate to pass the ball to, its all him.

I feel bad for the other players on tour as he is gonna take this out of them in the next tournament.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Im tired of people saying they wont have the same respect for him as they did before. Honestly, shut the fuck up and let the man live his life. They know him as a golf player, not as an individual. Damn media blowin this shit up.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Yeah, maybe his wife was a total bitch and fucked around on him a lot and he just did it because he could give a fuck less about their remaining relationship... We never know. Anyways, just wait till he dies, we'll suddenly all remember what a great man he was and how he impacted all of our lives.


Well-Known Member
it's not like Tiger's the only sports great to have cheated on his wife.. we still respect Ray Lewis, and he murdered somebody... i'm sure we'll still remember Tiger just fine.. some people just like climbing higher and higher up on their pedestal


Well-Known Member
Yeah, maybe his wife was a total bitch and fucked around on him a lot and he just did it because he could give a fuck less about their remaining relationship... We never know. Anyways, just wait till he dies, we'll suddenly all remember what a great man he was and how he impacted all of our lives.

Regardless of any of that.. are we really a society that can embrace killers. rapist, drug dealers , and child molesters.. yet we shun somebody who gets alittle extra credit on the weekends?

It's just fuckin.. everybody does it.. all that matters is where you're sleep at night.. but thats just my easy going open mindedness I guess...


Well-Known Member
if it was a normal person it would not make head lines... you never hear about "john doe had a fender bender after him and his wife got in a fight over him cheating"... its stupid shit... but such is the life of a famous person...


Well-Known Member
I hate how the fucking media blows shit out of proportion.Remember Michael Phelps.They actually had people saying they hope he gets charged for that picture its such bullshit.And I bet his wife is already back with him.