Iran Update...

its rather selfish how some people have the attitude of "iran must not have nukes"

we have enough to kill everyone on the planet but iran juts cant have any because they dont like us

seriously? thats pretty selfish

they have not done anything wrong... they are just trying to catch up with the rest of the planet...

ill say it once again

they have done nothing wrong

I agree Iran should be able to persue nuclear technology for energy purposes, but to allow them to develope nuclear weapons would be a huge mistake. It's an Islamic nation, and similar to any self proclaimed Christian nation, I wouldn't want any religious nation to have nuclear capabilities. That just seems crazy to me. It would be like giving the Westboro Baptist people Ak47s just because the local police force in their county has M16s.
lol i had started out thinking you were being satirical then i got the idea you actualy believed what you were typing now lol i dont really know where you stand lol but at least you dont want a glass parking lot in tehran.

if you dont mind me asking tho how much of what you say on here does reflect your beliefs?

I'm not going to be that self-revealing but here are a few things I really do believe:

1) The takedown of Saddam was the right thing to do, it was too long coming. The way it was handled was pretty poor.

2) We need a kind of NATO in Asia and China needs to step up and lead it. China has to take care of NK to get their ticket punched. I suggest they offer Kim exile in China with his own movie studio and a few million dollars. Or they make him disappear.

3) The most important thing that can be done to rock the Islamic world and bring it into the present is educate girls.

4) Roe v Wade should be vacated because it was a poor ruling. There should be a national personhood legislation. IMO, it should provide that abortion is legal in the first trimester and not after unless the LIFE of the mother is seriously and verifiable in jeopardy. The line has to be drawn somewhere or this will poison politics and do more damage than it should be worth to either side.

5) Everyone should have their cats and dogs spayed or neutered.

6) We either have to export jobs to Mexico or import Mexicans to the US.

There, make sense of that!
export jobs?? part of the shamble we're in is partly due to how outsourcing is not condemned in this country.

if a company wants to be based here, it should have the duty to the people of employing them. if not, funnel-up economics takes place where the rich get richer, not the successful trickle-down effect that made the country great.... cost-cutting and price increasing only enriches the majority share-holders of corporations, many of whom belong to the board of those corporations......

the government has a duty to protect the well being of the general population, that is not incentivizing the outsourcing of jobs a well-qualified american can perform... outsourcing 10,000 jobs will make the financial statements of a company look great, while an entire town's worth of people are left in ruins...... the salary those people could've earned are still going to be paid off, only in bonuses to the board.......
I'd like to hear your alternative solution Cracker.

What do you suggest be done?

Sanctions? Don't work (and ultimately cause harm to the civilian population). UN resolutions? Don't work. Military action would only worsen the situation, imo. So what's left?

I think you know what's left. the crime is it has taken so long to get here. Why wait until the 11th hour?

Iran signed a treaty not to develop nuclear capabilities. They have clearly been lying for years. The diplomats all know this. The IAEA knew this, though never said so publicly (I think we know why).

So the question back at you is this. After all the failed resolutions passed around the world CONSTANTLY, and then constantly IGNORED by the offending country, why do you think long negotiations are even necessary? It only works to the advantage of those in violation.

Where's the logic? Where's the common sense?
export jobs?? part of the shamble we're in is partly due to how outsourcing is not condemned in this country.

if a company wants to be based here, it should have the duty to the people of employing them. if not, funnel-up economics takes place where the rich get richer, not the successful trickle-down effect that made the country great.... cost-cutting and price increasing only enriches the majority share-holders of corporations, many of whom belong to the board of those corporations......

the government has a duty to protect the well being of the general population, that is not incentivizing the outsourcing of jobs a well-qualified american can perform... outsourcing 10,000 jobs will make the financial statements of a company look great, while an entire town's worth of people are left in ruins...... the salary those people could've earned are still going to be paid off, only in bonuses to the board.......

When I say we have to I don't mean I advocate it. I just mean I think it is inevitable that the labor imbalance across the border will equalize itself one way or the other. We can stand by and watch or maybe exercise some control.
I think you know what's left. the crime is it has taken so long to get here. Why wait until the 11th hour?

Iran signed a treaty not to develop nuclear capabilities. They have clearly been lying for years. The diplomats all know this. The IAEA knew this, though never said so publicly (I think we know why).

So the question back at you is this. After all the failed resolutions passed around the world CONSTANTLY, and then constantly IGNORED by the offending country, why do you think long negotiations are even necessary? It only works to the advantage of those in violation.

Where's the logic? Where's the common sense?

Spell it out for me.
Why should I have to? If you've been following along, you already know.

If you're asking me if Obama is going to do any heavy lifting, uhhh, no.

He can't handle Afghanistan, Iran is far too difficult a problem for a guy like Obama. He's fairly inept, that much is clear to the world now. The Arab world is done with him. So much for that brilliant liberal strategy....guess what, they still hate us, it wasn't Bush at all.
Why should I have to? If you've been following along, you already know.

Because I don't see the point of speculating on your position. So why don't you just tell me your position instead of criticize everyone elses?

Are you advocating Obama send the military into Iran?

Are you advocating air strikes on nuclear facilities?

More peace talks?

My position. Is that all it is? My position?

Still think it's just something to talk about huh.

That's exactly what has brought us to this moment in time.

Ur right in step with the majority.
My position. Is that all it is? My position?

Still think it's just something to talk about huh.

That's exactly what has brought us to this moment in time.

Ur right in step with the majority.

Enough tippy-toeing around this.

It's clear what you're doing Cracker.

I ask a direct question, a pretty clear one at that... refuse to answer it honestly every single time (very frustrating) :-|

...instead you insist on having other people assume things based on your posts

From what I've gathered, you're advocating military action be taken against Iran from the US.

So what is it, and why can't you simply answer the question directly, as asked?


Don't come back with another post with some vague shit attached to it. That's not how this works. If you do that again, I'm done with this thread because you're clearly not taking it seriously.

State your position. Then we can analyze it, break it down, see what is right about it and what is wrong about it...
Bush had plenty of time to take down Iran, and many liberals predicted he would. But he didn't because it would have been the wrong move.
It is because of Bush that the world has become a much more dangerous place for American's and British. So many places in the world that are now off limits to travellers... Bush was an imbecile, Americans are considerably better off without him, the world is better off. Warmongering should be a thing of the past.
At least Bush had our backs ... whose got ours now? Putin? :lol:

Seriously, the Katrina effort was such a huge success... :dunce:

Dude, Bush had his own back, and his buddies backs in Washington. Just like Obama, just like Clinton, just like every other president. People that high up don't give a fuck about us, the peons, the surfs, the bottomfeeders. They care about lining their pockets and protecting their legacy.

Don't be a fucking idiot, I know you're smarter than that.