Check out my grow room (any tips or thoughts?)


ok so here is my set up im using a cfl 125watt light with mylar on the wall the temp is kept around 75-80f. i started 7 seeds ill probably lose one or two to males or they just wont sprout (old seeds) ok welll let me know what you think, i think for a 1st time grower this is a decent set up, im having a blast putting this together an growing, definitley a cure for my winter blues!!!



Active Member
125 can hold 1 plant maybe two for the whole process ,
but 7 plants . i dont think so .

u will a fan to keep the air moving , keep the warmth of the CFL out of the plants , and keep the fan leaves blowing a bit that will strengthen ur plant.

good luck man .. ! keep us posted


its in a closet, i have a fan in the door way that blows directly onto the plants so im not worries about venting, as far as the light is concerned is it really that much of a problem? should i get another light to hang nxt to it? or shoud i jsut cut my crop down to 4 plants or so?


Active Member
its in a closet, i have a fan in the door way that blows directly onto the plants so im not worries about venting, as far as the light is concerned is it really that much of a problem? should i get another light to hang nxt to it? or shoud i jsut cut my crop down to 4 plants or so?
im still a newb here .. but i belive that 125w would bearly sustain for 2 plants .

as for ventilation , as i said, if the closet is sealed , then the hot air wont have any room to escape , even if ur fan is blowing directly at the plant , eventualy the air will get warmer and warmer.
so u must have some where to blow it out .
keep in mind that fans dont make the air colder they just blow air .


i leave the door open the fan is on the ground blowing the cool air up towards the light/plants. hmm im starting to worry about my whole light siuation, i did a decent amount of research on here an found a thread that talks about using 125watt cfl grow( ) so yea i think i might either just leave it an see what happens, i think ill be ok if i keep my plants small (also the mylar should help alot getting light to the bottom of the plants). or my other option is to invest in another 125watt cfl to hang next to it, im only going to grow 4 plants, thanks guys, any more advice on the whole situation??


Active Member
i leave the door open the fan is on the ground blowing the cool air up towards the light/plants. hmm im starting to worry about my whole light siuation, i did a decent amount of research on here an found a thread that talks about using 125watt cfl grow( ) so yea i think i might either just leave it an see what happens, i think ill be ok if i keep my plants small (also the mylar should help alot getting light to the bottom of the plants). or my other option is to invest in another 125watt cfl to hang next to it, im only going to grow 4 plants, thanks guys, any more advice on the whole situation??
okie i see , so for ventilation ull be alright .
about the light , i looked at the link u sent . most of the replies said 125w would only do good for 3 plants only for vegging (as flowering needs a extra light)
or they say that if he would buy 2x42w then he would be fine for the whole grow for 3 plants .

also if u fallow that post (and in general knowledge) the watt doesnt mean anything ,if u would have 300w bulb with 1k lumens that wont be good enough .
so if u fallow that post , ur bulb should have the same 12k lumens as he .

look at the stickies in the forum , theres a calculation for how much lumens ull need per square foot.