Is this normal for 1 month???

First time grower here, HI!

Here are some pictures of my female. She has been flowering for 1 month and 1 day.

They have grown about 24" since I placed them in 12/12

As far as flower production, am I where I need to be? Ahead? Behind? Normal?

How long (very rough guess) do you think I have left before I harvest. I know to harvest when 60% are amber, BUT if you had to guess, looking at the size of the flowers now, how long do you think that will be?

Thanks everyone!



those pics are a bit fuzzy dude - check out your cam and see if u got a close-up (macro) setting that might help for sharpness.

3-4 more weeks is my guess


bud bootlegger
they look to be a little behind where i would think they would be for a month of flowering, but i guess it could have a lot to do with how long you vegged them for too.. and as far as how much longer you have left to flower them, i would say probably about two months or so atleast..

mr west

Well-Known Member
they look a bit small for 4 weeks what strain is it? At 4 weeks u should have nice littel pom pom buds.
Well does them doubling in size take away time from flowering?

I hear that when a plant starts flowering, they stop growing as much.

They prop spent 2 weeks in the 12/12 growing tall before the hairs started appearing


Well-Known Member
They also have a period of stretching. Stretching is normal for the first 2-3 weeks of flowering everything looks normal. Very good job bro
they look a bit small for 4 weeks what strain is it? At 4 weeks u should have nice littel pom pom buds.
Swamp Thing

I don't really know if thats the real name, but around town, thats what the batch the seed came from.

Although I have never heard of it before


bud bootlegger
yeah, you are right about not much if any flowering goin on in the first two or so weeks or flowering as they spend so much energy stretching... they look pretty good though.. keep up whatever you are doing...
They also have a period of stretching. Stretching is normal for the first 2-3 weeks of flowering everything looks normal. Very good job bro
yeah, you are right about not much if any flowering goin on in the first two or so weeks or flowering as they spend so much energy stretching... they look pretty good though.. keep up whatever you are doing...
Thanks guys! Its good to hear the good job!

SO... This is CLOSE to normal for 1 month?

BTW. They are 4'1" tall. Maybe next time I should let them go a little longer in VEG so they don't have to grow so long..


Well-Known Member
imho i would let them go in veg from ne where from 3 weeks to 4 weeks. Check my link in my sig out. My girls are almost 4 weeks and im switching them into flowering tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
This is 4 weeks under 1600w HID, if thats one month then you have to be using CFL, also I vegged for 4 weeks before flower
wow getting stoned by the time I remembered to post my reply there are 4 more haha now I see you are def using clf. Get them closer man!! last two weeks they will fatten up a bit for sure
wow getting stoned by the time I remembered to post my reply there are 4 more haha now I see you are def using clf. Get them closer man!! last two weeks they will fatten up a bit for sure
The CFL's are only for supplementel* lights.

Man your pics make me SICK! (in a good way)


Well-Known Member
Flowering time can vary depending on other factors such as light cycle, nutrients, temperature, PH etc and also the amount of light available to the plant. Don't harvest based on red hairs as this isn't really a good indicator. Get a microscope or magnifying glass and just keep an eye on the trichomes, when they turn cloudy then you should harvest however you may wish to take sample bud from time to time as everyone has a different preference for bud; some like the head high in which case you would harvest earlier and for the body-stone/couch-lock feeling a later harvest is preferable. In my opinion it is better to leave it longer just to be sure it is ready.
Flowering time can vary depending on other factors such as light cycle, nutrients, temperature, PH etc and also the amount of light available to the plant. Don't harvest based on red hairs as this isn't really a good indicator. Get a microscope or magnifying glass and just keep an eye on the trichomes, when they turn cloudy then you should harvest however you may wish to take sample bud from time to time as everyone has a different preference for bud; some like the head high in which case you would harvest earlier and for the body-stone/couch-lock feeling a later harvest is preferable. In my opinion it is better to leave it longer just to be sure it is ready.
I agree, but as you can tell I am NO WHERE close to harvesting.

I was trying to get an idea of ABOUT how long I had left.

I do have a 60-100x's magnifier to use when things get better, but as for now how many weeks before I even need to pull it out?


Well-Known Member
are you using the led ufo, thingy for budding too?... seems to be working well but can you get it any closer with out burning the plants? i don't think leds put out very many lumens.. i'd say good job so far..

i have to say super2200 those look awesome, what strain is it?