Ok Plants Are In Pots and The Lights Are On....Let The Grow Begin


Well-Known Member
holly crap u the man great thread wow... and this is my first post i had 2 !!!
Thanks darius. Welcome to RIU. If you click on Thread Tools up at the top of the page under the page numbers you can subscribe to this thread. Hopefully more cool pics and details to follow.:bigjoint:

my wife is getting me one for chrismas! those plants look cool. did you lolliepop? i whould rep ya but i cant for a while.
Haha Right on shrigpiece. My wife got me a dehumidifier. Haha. It came yesterday but I couldnt wait til Xmas. I know you wont be dissappointed.

Yeah I lollipooped them a couple weeks ago.

Thanks for the compliment and Im not trippin on the rep. Its the thought that counts.


Well-Known Member
I got a package the other day. It is supposed to be a Xmas present from my wife but I had to open it and install it right away. I couldnt wait til Xmas, I NEED IT NOW!! Thanks i love u honey.

My humidity was climbing to laround 70 with lights on and like around 90 at night after the lights went out. Im still fine tuning it but it has brought back down in the late 60s at night and 40-45 during the day. whats real cool is it has a built in pump so it pumps right into my water storage.

Oh and on another good note. These popped up a few days ago.


Well-Known Member
nice kit dude;-) , its rare too find another grower with a wife that loves the grow op as well. my daughter has more patients waiting for prezies than you tho!:lol:


Well-Known Member
nice kit dude;-) , its rare too find another grower with a wife that loves the grow op as well. my daughter has more patients waiting for prezies than you tho!:lol:
Thanks. Seems to be working OK so far. Before you go and give her to much to much credit, she doesnt have that much love for my garden. I mean she dont hate it. More like indifferent. Its just she knew if she didnt jump on the chance to buy it for me for Xmas, I just would have went and bought it for myself anyway.
And i know, youre right , Im a terrible influence on my daughter in that regard. ive always been that way and now its rubbed off on her.

Thanks for the rep.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Im going to post a weekly update in a couple days but I took some shots today so I thought i would share. This is the first day of week 2 of flowering.

A nice shot of some early bud formation.

Check this out....I completely snapped this main stem in half. I had some foil tape within reach so I tore a piece off and wrapped the stem. whola! so far so good! LOL. Its been 3 days and the leaf just above the tape is dieing off but the rest is still alive!

Hope you enjoy. Comments always welcome.


Well-Known Member
However long it takes I am not looking forward to it. I have never been a big fan of the trim. It was fun my first time for about 6 or seven hours. haha I would pay someone but they would have to know what they were doing or at least be able to do it correctly or it would just annoy me.:cuss:


Well-Known Member
However long it takes I am not looking forward to it. I have never been a big fan of the trim. It was fun my first time for about 6 or seven hours. haha I would pay someone but they would have to know what they were doing or at least be able to do it correctly or it would just annoy me.:cuss:
That pic of yours where it shows the canopy height at 13"...how long did you veg to get that. I'm trying to compare my Hydro White Widow to a soil grow.


Well-Known Member
That pic of yours where it shows the canopy height at 13"...how long did you veg to get that. I'm trying to compare my Hydro White Widow to a soil grow.

Actually DubsFan you got it backward. That ruler is measuring 12 inches from the bulb. The stick was a few inces off the ground at the other end I believe.

I just did some investigative work. That picture, although posted on the 24th, was actually taken on the 17th. That particular plant was the Green Crack#1 plant. the plants were various sizes at that point. I actually took measurements that day. Here is a measurement timeline from my calendar if that helps.

That pic was taken 2 days after I was supposed to be in flower when it turned out I was unknowingly running the light timer 24 hours on until I finally realized it on the 22nd. They would have been at my ultimate height(around 12"-14" average) instead you can see how much they stretched in the next week from the calendar.

I planted on October 14th

Day 13


Day 28

Day 34

Day 40

Hope this helps DubsFan


Well-Known Member
very informative calander, i have no idea about my plants history due to lack off using a calander with notes on the days. im definetly gonna do it next time. looking good btw


Well-Known Member
Actually DubsFan you got it backward. That ruler is measuring 12 inches from the bulb. The stick was a few inces off the ground at the other end I believe.

I just did some investigative work. That picture, although posted on the 24th, was actually taken on the 17th. That particular plant was the Green Crack#1 plant. the plants were various sizes at that point. I actually took measurements that day. Here is a measurement timeline from my calendar if that helps.

That pic was taken 2 days after I was supposed to be in flower when it turned out I was unknowingly running the light timer 24 hours on until I finally realized it on the 22nd. They would have been at my ultimate height(around 12"-14" average) instead you can see how much they stretched in the next week from the calendar.

I planted on October 14th

Day 13


Day 28

Day 34

Day 40

Hope this helps DubsFan

Sweet thanks man.


Well-Known Member
Yeah shrigpiece, i got a couple of 2 month dry erase calendars hanging up in the growroom(You can see a picture of it in post 20 picture 2). I jot down little notes on it like when I water and if it was a feed or a flush and what strength I made the nutes at. I also take measurements of a random handful of plants on a weekly basis to give me an idea of average growth. Really any info that I may want to recall later but will never remember with my shot memory. If I was smarter I would probably do it in a journal or a book calendar instead so I can use the information later down the road if I need to for some reason. Thanks for the compliment. Thangs are going good for the most part, but I did run into a small problem that could turn into a major problem if i dont watch out. Ill be posting a weekly update with more details later today.


Well-Known Member
It is now a week and three days into flower. Things are a little bitter-sweet. Im seeing some great bud formation and growth. I believe my nute lock-out and drainage problems are a thing of the past. The plants look awesome, great color.

Thats the sweet part, now the bitter part. I luckily pulled my plants out of my growroom and into the garage this watering(Monday). I usually just move some plants around and use my long spout watering can when I water but this time I decided to use a different teqnique with inspiration from bterz 1800 mini-SOG. Good thing i did it this way or I probably would not have seen the White Powdery Mildew:wall::wall::wall: Fuck!! Well, I was waiting for something to go wrong and it did. Luckily its pretty contained at this point. I only detected it on 3 plants so far. Of course they were my biggest and healthiest looking plants. So I hit them with some fungicidal spray and Lollipopped them better for better air flow.So far so good but Ill hit em again every few days for a few applications. I also put another fan at the back of the room that blows below the canopy. I also think I have my humidity under control. It took me a couple days to get it dialed in with the new dehumidifier. I just hope this doesnt turn into something that I will be battleing until harvest.
Wish me luck guys.

I took a shitload of pictures on Monday when I watered. Finally in some good light. Like I said lots of pics so here is a cool JUKEBOX to listen to while you check em out.

Lets take a look at the bad before we move onto the good.

These are the three White Widows with the mold before the fungicidal treatment and before I trimmed their bottoms.

And these are after trimming and treatment.

This is my 4th White Widow.

Here Is the fan I installed at the back of the growroom.


Green Crack

Grand Daddy Purple



Bubba Kush

UPDATE: While writing this post i discovered a couple things.
1. Im an idiot(I pretty much already knew that). I left the fuckin timer to ON again. Ive been on 24 hours on since Monday. FUCK!! Ill be lucky if I dont end up with a bunch of fuckin hermies. Not to mention I dont know if this has set me back or not yet.
2. I found a few more spots of mildew on a few more plants. It turns out my camera is like X-ray vision for capturing that stuff. So Im gonna try to mist all the plants with the spray, luckily i am early in flowering.

I should have picked up that sulfer burner for $30 on craigslist when I had the chance.


Well-Known Member
I know Fuzzybudz! Fuuuuuccckkkk!!!!! I was so pissed. I did figure out that it was the timer and not my dumb ass. It only eases the pain slightly. I was out spraying them dowm with fungicide last evening and I noticed that the timer was on ON again!! and I KNOW thist time that I set it on AUTO after I discovered it last time.So now Im not even sure when it switched this time or the first time.
I gotta say, it doesnt look like bud development has really slowed down any at this point. I mean, I know Im not out of the woods just yet. Its still to early for that but they definitely havent stopped flowering up to this point.
Ive had a little time to calm down and accept it. Now its just a wait and see.


Well-Known Member
I know Fuzzybudz! Fuuuuuccckkkk!!!!! I was so pissed. I did figure out that it was the timer and not my dumb ass. It only eases the pain slightly. I was out spraying them dowm with fungicide last evening and I noticed that the timer was on ON again!! and I KNOW thist time that I set it on AUTO after I discovered it last time.So now Im not even sure when it switched this time or the first time.
I gotta say, it doesnt look like bud development has really slowed down any at this point. I mean, I know Im not out of the woods just yet. Its still to early for that but they definitely havent stopped flowering up to this point.
Ive had a little time to calm down and accept it. Now its just a wait and see.
Plenty of people run their lights for 13+14 hours late in flower...if it was just a few days I think you will be fine. Yeah 24/0 in the middle of flowering probably won't help anything but I think you'll be fine.

Keep in mind that the outdoor flowering light cycle is not 12/12. 12/12 guarantees flowering but isn't necessarily mandatory.


Well-Known Member
Things are goin pretty good. I seem to be winning the battle on the mildew problem. I got a new timer so that is no longer an issue. I dont think it caused any problems, if anything bud growth slowed down for a few days.

Pics are from yesterday. 2 weeks and 3 days.

White Widow.


Green Crack

Grand Daddy Purple



Bubba Kush

Some random shots

Look at this bushy beast.




Well-Known Member
fucking awsome pics, trouble is my pc takes ages to load the pics. on you timer issue iv had problems with mine as well. i recently changed to a metal halide bulb and the timer sets itself to constantly off? the thing is i turn it back on and it stays on for about an hour then next morning when i check the fuckers off! the ballast is a MH AND HPS ballast and iv never had this prob before. i reckon its got something to do with a faulty timer as im quite meticulous. its a grasslin segmental timer. i only brought this up because you seem to be havin similar issues with your light regulations. all that wattage kills timers! even with a relay. anyways those lolliepopped plants are looking execelantay!!