Liberal Media - Fort Hood Spin

What you do not know about Christanity is amazing.

Face it- you can not be a just judge of a matter. All of your positions are false. And your logic is simply illogical.

Your hatered of Jesus is amazing. And your hatered of those who are trying to live a clean and moral life- you find laughable; you dispise peoplewho hold virtue as an honor.

But... once a small town drunk boy whore.... always a small town drunk boy whore.

Do you belive that to be true??

How about a small town slut??

Some people change because they know the difference between light and darkness. Others know only darkness.

Now I could tell you that - those that have a bad attitude (in life) are simply people with their heads stuck up their butts. No wonder they have a crappy outlook on people and things in general. But you already know this.

Your problem then- is very clear... you forgot to remember that an orifice once expanded can never retract to it's original size.

So, again, it's no wonder that every time you turn around you 'lose your head'!

Wanna know where it went???

You ever play "Pop goes the Weasle"?
You can do it!!
I know you can do it!!!

What's with this garbage? Don't bring this shit with you when you come.

Got beef with people pointing out the stupid shit about the beliefs you hold? Don't hold em, or be prepared to defend em.
We teach abstinence. Don't have sex until you're married.
Don't means don't.

But you say- "No sex but... but if you do- use a condom." Nothing like sending a mixed message.

You know, it wouldn't be hard to have a talk about waiting for sex and about condoms.
- sex is not to be taken lightly, or done frivolously, wait until marriage, etc... and when grown-ups do have sex, they use something called a condom, unless they want to make a baby.

Obviously, it wouldn't be that simple of a talk. But, with a little bit of thought the two ideas can both fit in a discussion.

Hell, if you want to, you can even sprinkle a bit of fairy dust on the conversation. Tell the youngsters that baby jesus will be pissed if they have sex before marriage, or that the mighty thor will smite them with his giant hammer if he catches them committing sodomy... whatever floats your boat.

Either way, teens do tend to be drawn to having sex, and pretending an issue away just doesn't seem to work.

The horrific threat we face from Christianity? - Ignorance, greed, more crime, more censorship, more drug laws, more war, less scientific/medical advancement, more teen pregnancy, higher divorce rates, higher STD rates, crappier movies/music, more international anti-Americanism, more inflation, higher taxes for the lower/middle class while the upper class enjoys more tax breaks, less environmental protection, more endangered species, more pollution, lower GDP, higher debt, lower average lifespan, more stripping of our rights... etc. Basically every aspect of life is worse when the Christians are in charge... So whatever you can think of right now, think of how that can be 10x's worse, and that's some idea of the horrific threat we face from Christianity.

prime example of why every conservative should value the first amendment. never ever deny anyone the right to speak.

pad just showed the world who he is. and you didnt even have to meet him..:weed:
I have never used that feature. But evidently you have no qualms about making false accusations without any evidence. You probably got a negative rep because you said something incredibly stupid.

We do not know if the shooters faith played a roll in his actions. Or if he was just a troubled soul. The truth will be known soon enough.

But, (as was my original point) the fact is that his being Muslim might be a factor. And as long as this is true, it is news worthy. Fox has actually been very open in reporting that his religion may or may not be a factor. The Times, has clearly already drawn a conclusion and taken sides on the issue. That is what this thread is about. It is not about blaming all Muslims for terrorism or anything along those lines - it is about responsible journalism. It is about the persistent lie about Fox being biased and the Left wing media being objective. This story is unfolding before our eyes and Fox is covering it objectively while the Liberal news sources are already pumping out Left wing propaganda. For those who want proof about which news agencies are trustworthy, here it is. This is the real deal unfolding before our eyes and ears. All you guys need to do is keep yours open for a change and you just might learn something.
Bro, if you believe what you see on any news station you're just covering your eyes. What makes you trust fox news, or the government for that matter?
Are you really that stupid that you think everyone here doesn't know exactly what you are saying? Do you think your opinion is that complex that nobody else can see it but you? Guess what, your opinion is simplistic as hell, of course I know what you are saying as does anyone with an IQ over 90.

The simple answer is that you are, beyond question, uncategorically, unequivocally and demonstrably wrong.

Now, I'm going to try one more time to get this rather simple concept through that titanium ball you have for a skull. See if you can focus like a laser beam on what I am about to say.

We all know that fundamentalist Christians can be a pain in the ass. We know that many think their views are the one true faith and that everyone else is going to hell. Many of us are annoyed by a number of things they do. Fundamentalist Christians seek to over turn Roe Vs Wade which will never happen, they refuse to redefine marriage to include Gays, they prohibit the sale of liquor on Christmas and on Sunday in some states. They also proselytize to us when we don't want to hear it, they try to ban strip clubs in certain neighborhoods and they push for school prayer. I'm sure there are other such annoyances.

Try to comprehend that none of these things is the equivalent of blowing up a pizza parlor, bombing a night club or multiple busses filled with women and children with nail filled bombs designed to maximize carnage. None of these things is as horrific as flying commercial jets into sky scrapers, bombing a Marine barracks or bombing an aircraft carrier or a hospital at which you have been previously treated.

There is nothing in Christianity that promotes murdering ones daughter or wife because they were seen talking to another man. Nor do Christians hang mentally challenged 16 year old girls in the public square for crimes against chastity.

No Christian nation is trying to acquire nuclear weapons for the purpose of obliterating another country and bringing about a second Holocaust.

Christian schools do not teach their children math with examples that say "if there are 10 Jews and a martyr blows up 6, how many still need to be killed." They do not teach their children that the highest honor one can have is to die for jihad and that they will receive 72 virgins in heaven if they do. Christian Countries do not broadcast Government propaganda in the form of children's programming depicting martyrdom and that Jews are evil. Christian schools do not put on school plays featuring children wearing suicide vests and pledging to kill for the sake of jihad.

Now, are you able to understand that while Christians may be annoying, and while some of their beliefs must never be allowed to become law (which they won't due to the courts), there is absolutely nothing in Christianity that is anywhere near as dangerous as Islam.

But, since I already know you lack the capacity to process this information, why don't you give us some examples of the horrific threat we face from Christianity. Don't give us any BS about Gay rights as there are no Gays being stoned for being gay. And don't give us any BS about the 2 or 3 people who attacked abortion practitioners or any other isolated incidents.

Demonstrate how and why a rational person should fear radical Christians as much as radical Muslims. I await your next boat load of bullshit.


wish i was writing a book. that would be published. thanks for taking the time to share that.
prime example of why every conservative should value the first amendment. never ever deny anyone the right to speak.

pad just showed the world who he is. and you didnt even have to meet him..:weed:

When did I "deny anyone the right to speak" Jeff? :shock:

Those comprehension lessons don't seem to be working.. :confused:
I guess one example would be higher STD/pregnancy. They are against telling their kids how to prevent those things. Instead they'd prefer to stick their head in the sand and pretend that they'll be able to get kids to not have sex. Doesn't seem to be working out that way... like it or not, and whether or not their book of fairy-tales agrees that it should be so... teens have sex.

can you please site a single source that says christian girls have a higher rate of STD's than the populace.

not 10 sources. not 5 sources. nope, just a single solitary semi-reliable (notice i am not even asking for a CREDIBLE source, but a "semi-reliable" source, this is fucking hilarious)

any libs in the house want to step in and defend?

hello....the silence is deafening
When did I "deny anyone the right to speak" Jeff? :shock:

Those comprehension lessons don't seem to be working.. :confused:

how about this comprehenson lesson.

YOUR WORDS "The horrific threat we face from Christianity? - Ignorance, greed, more crime, more censorship, more drug laws, more war, less scientific/medical advancement, more teen pregnancy, higher divorce rates, higher STD rates, crappier movies/music, more international anti-Americanism, more inflation, higher taxes for the lower/middle class while the upper class enjoys more tax breaks, less environmental protection, more endangered species, more pollution, lower GDP, higher debt, lower average lifespan, more stripping of our rights... etc. Basically every aspect of life is worse when the Christians are in charge... So whatever you can think of right now, think of how that can be 10x's worse, and that's some idea of the horrific threat we face from Christianity. "

do you remember when blacks really loved watermellon and fried chicken?

you should.

can you please site a single source that says christian girls have a higher rate of STD's than the populace.

not 10 sources. not 5 sources. nope, just a single solitary semi-reliable (notice i am not even asking for a CREDIBLE source, but a "semi-reliable" source, this is fucking hilarious)

any libs in the house want to step in and defend?

hello....the silence is deafening

Boy are you about to eat your words!

Mr. Paul’s report is based on a decade long, cross-national collaboration on social science surveys of 38 nations and 23,000 interviews.

The report concludes, “The populations of secular democracies are clearly able to govern themselves and maintain societal cohesion. Indeed, the data demonstrates that only the more secular, pro-evolution democracies have, for the first time in history, come closest to achieving practical ‘cultures of life’ that feature low rates of lethal crime, juvenile-adult mortality, sex related dysfunction, and even abortion. The least theistic secular developing democracies such as Japan, France, and Scandinavia have been most successful in these regards.”

9 out of the top 10 states in divorce rate are heavily religious red states.

11 out of the top 15 states for syphillis are heavily religious red states.


(irrelevant but interesting ;) Most of the better educated states are the least religious ones, must be a coincidence...)

Here's your chance Jeff. Admit you were wrong about this one issue, that believers statistically have higher STD rates, and move on. I know you've got it in you.
how about this comprehenson lesson.

YOUR WORDS "The horrific threat we face from Christianity? - Ignorance, greed, more crime, more censorship, more drug laws, more war, less scientific/medical advancement, more teen pregnancy, higher divorce rates, higher STD rates, crappier movies/music, more international anti-Americanism, more inflation, higher taxes for the lower/middle class while the upper class enjoys more tax breaks, less environmental protection, more endangered species, more pollution, lower GDP, higher debt, lower average lifespan, more stripping of our rights... etc. Basically every aspect of life is worse when the Christians are in charge... So whatever you can think of right now, think of how that can be 10x's worse, and that's some idea of the horrific threat we face from Christianity. "

do you remember when blacks really loved watermellon and fried chicken?

you should.

Ya... exactly my point. Nowhere in my post did I ever "deny anyone the right to speak". :dunce:

The love of watermelon and fried chicken is definitely not exclusive to African Americans!
Boy are you about to eat your words!

9 out of the top 10 states in divorce rate are heavily religious red states.

11 out of the top 15 states for syphillis are heavily religious red states.


(irrelevant but interesting ;) Most of the better educated states are the least religious ones, must be a coincidence...)

Here's your chance Jeff. Admit you were wrong about this one issue, that believers statistically have higher STD rates, and move on. I know you've got it in you.

hey dope, i am not talking about going to a bar and bangin a girl who is "christian". that would amount to about 90% of girls in a bar at any given moment. so dont play cutsie bigot.

you have been ranting about the dangers of christian radicals. name one. and dont count the time you got herpes from some slut.

unless your afraid of sluts....
hey dope, i am not talking about going to a bar and bangin a girl who is "christian". that would amount to about 90% of girls in a bar at any given moment. so dont play cutsie bigot.

you have been ranting about the dangers of christian radicals. name one. and dont count the time you got herpes from some slut.

unless your afraid of sluts....

Lmao. I see the tactic... So what then, you expect me to actually find a survey conducted that explicitly asked people shit like "do you strictly attend religious services every Sunday?", "would you consider yourself to be a "real Christian"?"... come on now Jeff. Christian is Christian. If you don't like em, don't pretend you do just because they're "Christian".

Can you tell me what the ten commandments are without googling it? Yeah... that's what I thought. Some "real Christian" you are, huh?
can you please site a single source that says christian girls have a higher rate of STD's than the populace.

not 10 sources. not 5 sources. nope, just a single solitary semi-reliable (notice i am not even asking for a CREDIBLE source, but a "semi-reliable" source, this is fucking hilarious)

any libs in the house want to step in and defend?

hello....the silence is deafening

You're right, this is fucking hilarious. Padawan was kind enough to give a source, and you change your question from 'can you please site a single source that says christian girls have a higher rate of STD's than the populace.' to... 'I only wanted to hear about christian radicals'.
Actually, I'm pretty sure this part of the debate just started out with the assertion that christians are harmful in their own ways. Christianity does do harm IMO. I'm not discounting the good that they do, and I still think islam is worse.
And so it begins. The Liberal media is hard at work trying to downplay and spin the Muslim factor in the Fort Hood shooting.

Here is one such insidious story from the New York Times in which all the blame is shifted away from the shooter's Muslim beliefs and toward everyone else.

For instance, here is a quote by another Muslim - we are supposed to see him as a victim. Playing the victim is huge in Islam.

“When a white guy shoots up a post office, they call that going postal,” said Victor Benjamin II, 30, a former member of the Army. “But when a Muslim does it, they call it jihad."

Oh, boohoo, poor Muslims, America just treats them so unfairly. That is why there has been no appreciable record of anti-Muslim hate crime despite 911.

Notice how sneaky and insidious the NYT is in their coverage. Their propaganda techniques are so subtle, many might walk away never even noticing they have just been manipulated into believing the Muslims are the victims and the army was to blame for this whack job's actions.

Say what you will about Fox but at least they are up front about their convictions and don't try to hide who they are.

No, this type of subtle indoctrination is far and away more insidious than anything Fox does.

How do you see a bias in this message? It was a report on how the Muslim community felt. It doesn't persuade the viewer one way or the other. It isn't commentary by the NYT, there are actual quotes. This article leaves the reader to figure out for themselves. Whether what the muslim's said pisses you off is one thing it has nothing to do with NYT bias.

What you don't like about this story is the lack of opinion and bias from the Times. You want somebody to interject and make this not a journalistic piece but an attack because anything else is "liberal" propaganda. If it doesn't attack something, or giving an opinion from some uneducated pundit douche, it's left wing.

It would be better if you could point out where the NYT spin is.

I guess it's too difficult to think for ourselves. See I thought blaming the Army was bull shit for that guy to do. I can see why other muslims denounced his actions. See I just made up my own mind. You should try it sometime!
Statistics show a little more social decay in some red states because a number of them are poor rural states. These are loaded statistics.

In a real side by side comparison, religious families have a far lower divorce rates. As for teen pregnancy, there is debate over the effectiveness of teaching abstinence, but we do know that more kids have sex as a result of changing (more liberal) social attitudes.

Sex is however an issue I am more left leaning toward. As long as my son is doing it often and my daughter isn't everything is good.

On another note - it is obvious that a few people here are taking their personal experiences with Christianity and painting all Christians with their own broad brush. Strange that they can't see that it is the same bigotry as saying that all Blacks steal or all Jews are greedy, etc.

To be fair, there are many Christians who are mean spirited due to their beliefs, but that is their failing. Personally, I believe this comes from not understanding the roots of their faith. But never the less, there is no rational comparison of anything they do to that of suicide bombers.
Dude... what do you think caused these states to become poor rural states? Perhaps "caused" is too strong a word, because even I know that religion isn't solely responsible for the way most of these conservative states end up, but there's no doubt about it, it definitely contributes to it. Most poor rural states are conservative, most conservative states identify as religious... you can't honestly say that's just a coincidence.

Where is this "real side by side comparison"? Most statistics I've seen say religious v. nonreligious divorce rates are either pretty much the same or the nonbelievers are slightly lower, by a marginal percent. But we're not the ones saying our way is more moral, our way is the only way to raise a healthy, successful family, etc... You guys are, and yet again, you have yet to show us the evidence of your claims.

There is no debate over the success rate of the abstinence only policy. It fails. Teenagers have sex, Christian ones, Muslim ones, atheist ones, most of them all do it at some point during their teenage years, telling them it's wrong or immoral or whatever is unhealthy, and leads to increased teen pregnancy because of lack of education on actual sexual education that prevents that from happening, like condoms and birth control. In some instances, I've even seen the actual position of the church condemn scientifically approved safe sex practices, leading to increased STD's like AID's, specifically in highly religious areas over the world, like Africa. Again, coincidence?

but we do know that more kids have safe sex as a result of changing (more liberal) social attitudes. <--fixed

Sex is however an issue I am more left leaning toward. As long as my son is doing it often and my daughter isn't everything is good.

You seemingly don't realize how unbelievably sexist this quote is... Howbout if your son was doing it often with another boy, and your daughter wasn't doing it quite as often as she'd like with her girlfriend? ;)

Well let me be the first to say that not all Christians fall under my strokes... (love your choice of words :D)

I believe this comes from not understanding the roots of their faith.

I'm sure your Muslim counterpart would say the exact same thing about Christianity.
"So I picked up some party balloons and a small tube of vaseline, then slippity slip it was in my ass."

...another angry gay man bites the dust. :rolleyes:
"So I picked up some party balloons and a small tube of vaseline, then slippity slip it was in my ass."

...another angry gay man bites the dust. :rolleyes:

...Gah, everything gets by you.

Right over that dome ya got above your shoulders...