HELP:Noob here :)

My friend is a first time grower but has spent countless hours researching how to grow marijuana: reading or watching pretty much anything he can get his hands on. So he knows pretty much everything about growing, however he has no experience.

Moving onto the point. He has a couple strains he is interested in. Ak99(Joey Seeds), Ak47(Serious Seeds), and Northern Lights(Any). He knows all of these have good yields. But, how much dried bud could one plant yield for him?

-He is going to start in doors then move outdoors
-Michigan Weather
-He plans on taking very good care of every aspect: good soil, nutes, water,ect.

I know this a question that has no definite answer. But, if you could guestimate it would help him bundles because he doesnt have a very good idea how much these plants will yield.

Thank you very much everyone.
tell your friend to read up on yields from each of the strains,
Well the ones he finds are all based on indoor growing and wierd formats he doesn't understand. That's why we came her to find out.

If someone has any experience with these it would help alot. Like 5 ozs? A lb?


Well-Known Member
I grew NL first time Yeild was small, like 3oz. Then I grew a clone from her and uped the nutes 1/4 more and she gave me 5.5 oz. Very Happy with her. Smells like a fine wine and the High is wonderful.
Don't be afraid to push the Nutes in flowering.


Well-Known Member
Is your friend vegging indoors then putting plants out to flower? Yield would be low, if starting inside then growing outdoors for the season then the yield would increase. All mentioned strains can be grown to over 1 lb..Have fun :blsmoke:
He will buy 20 seeds of one of these strains. Plant them and find the females. Then clone 5 of the best looking females. I think he can get 3 clones from each female right away. So then hell start all those 15 clones at once til they root properly in rock wool. Then take them outdoors to completely veg and flower.

Also, is there a way judge which plants will grow well early on? Or do you have to wait a while into the veg process?

TYVM :)! 1 lb dried? If so, and that is on the higher end of the scale... is it fairly easy to attain 6-8 Oz's(with his decent knowledge of growing)? Also remember this is in Michigan :X, not the best place to grow lol.

He will be adding the correct nutes(NPK+secondaries), mantaining a good 7 PH level, topping, and using pesticides.


Well-Known Member
are you trying to grow outdoors in michigan weather anytime soon? my best guess is your plants would die within hours in michigan winter weather. start your seeds indoors in late winter, just before the last frost, and THEN put them outside to grow for the summer and flower in the fall, then a late fall harvest.



Well-Known Member
I don't know the genetics of those strains but for outdoor growing strains that are mostly sativa will grow far larger and produce more than indicas.
If you want to wind up with 15 clones you'd better start 20 or more, they don't all root. Grow the mothers bigger and take more clones.
Fungus loves hot humid weather, consider preventive application of fungicide along with your other regular maintanance.
Using this scenario you can expect 1/4 to 2 lb per plant if everything goes perfectly (and it won't, guaranteed).
Good luck.


Active Member
The plants can yield 1lb ea. planted in the ground even thou most of us don't have every thing go perfectly.


Active Member
23 oz from four plants? i dont know what id do with all that weed, ill be happy to get one ounce from one plant!!

just google the strain with the word yield after it

like northern lights yield

and it will tell you the plants im looking at are 400-500 grams so 12-14 oz apx. bongsmilie
He wants 15 clones plants. Which is 3 stem/branches or whatever, from 5 decent looking female plants. With that said, does he still need more than 20 seeds?

He cant grow too much indoors, maybe a couple weeks. And he wants his clones ready for after the last frost(He doesn't plan on starting this whole process for a couple months, he understands it won't take from now til the last frost to get a clone). So how long does it take until you can take a clone? Also he has this guide that shows what seeds are females. Females have an indent bowl in the bottom while males don't, is this true?


Active Member
The whole indent thing in a seed to show the sex of a plant "i personally woud have to say" is completely false , i tried it , and never worked , and actually , i had a few males going by that , so no , its not true , if your friend really wants females , its as easy as a couple clicks , there are so many online shops that will sell feminized seeds , theres even a couple that will give you 20 FREE seeds with each order of 10 , and he wont have to worry about growing any males , a good eaze of mind if you ask me , and for cloneing , just look through RIU Forums , im sure you will find steps to doing it , i would explain but ive only done it once , i always like starting from seed , hope all that helped , sorry if this was an old post
The whole indent thing in a seed to show the sex of a plant "i personally woud have to say" is completely false , i tried it , and never worked , and actually , i had a few males going by that , so no , its not true , if your friend really wants females , its as easy as a couple clicks , there are so many online shops that will sell feminized seeds , theres even a couple that will give you 20 FREE seeds with each order of 10 , and he wont have to worry about growing any males , a good eaze of mind if you ask me , and for cloneing , just look through RIU Forums , im sure you will find steps to doing it , i would explain but ive only done it once , i always like starting from seed , hope all that helped , sorry if this was an old post
He actually decided to just use Fem seeds before you said that lol. The only problem was he wanted to grow ak99 and c99. W/e though its fine.


Active Member
He doesn't need to start 20 seeds. I'd say start 4 seeds of each variety he wants to grow. As soon as they are established switch to 12 hours. as soon as you can determine the sex of the plants switch them back to 18/6 or whatever. Get rid of the males. Grow the females until you can get enough plant to supply the cuts you need plus some extra so that you can take the strongest and some might not make it. Grow them in a large enough container so that they do not get root bound waiting for the last frost, so they can get planted in the ground. Make sure to accumulate them carefully to the new outdoor environment.

Timing?... start seeds - 3-10 days to sprout, grow for a few weeks (2-3), switch to 12 hour - 2 weeks. determine sex, switch back to 18/6, 2weeks, plant should be getting large enough to take your cuttings by now or very soon. Cuttings take about a week or two before you can get them planted. Then keep them happy til going outdoors. So I'd definitely start the whole processes no later than March 1st to get things in the ground by May 15. I'd more likely start sometime in Feb. Give me time to make sure it's all going well. I rather have more time than less. But I'd say no latter than March 1st.

I believe that growing from clones creates a shorter bushier plant than the same strain grown straight from seed. If you want the largest plants then start your seeds indoors. Plant out side remove males as you find them and let then get tall. The only problem is you investing time energy and space that can be used more effectively.

(Edit: The more I think about going 12/12 then back to 18/6 the more I don't like it. Just grow them until they show signs of sex, since you have the time anyway and need them to get big enough to get your clones going. you will get better results. Bigger plants sooner.)


Well-Known Member
REAL C99 is going to be hard to come by, its sort of an "heirloom" strain, most seedbanks won't have true C99 but a cross with it.

Well the ones he finds are all based on indoor growing and wierd formats he doesn't understand. That's why we came her to find out.

If someone has any experience with these it would help alot. Like 5 ozs? A lb?
Yields change depending on a lot of things, if it is his first grow expecting a lower yield is always better. If the plants encounter any sort of stress throughout the grow (nute burn or deficiencies) it'll impact yield overall as well. Also, if the plants get too cold at night it'll stunt their growth.

Just saying how much you get is hard, as I think everyone's grow is a bit different. Since you're growing outdoors though you'll probably get a pretty good size yield if you let the plants get huge. Starting from clones is definitely the best way to go (get feminized seeds, pick the best and make cuttings)


Well-Known Member
My first time growing NL I only yeilded 3 oz The clone I took from her yeilded 4.5oz
Reason why clone yeilded more is becuase after watching mother and taking notes I knew how to increase yeild with future clone. One thing was I learned that NL can take a heavy feeding of nutes (FF). And also a boost of N every week kept her leaves nice and green until the Royal Flush.