$500 to quit for a year


Well-Known Member
i just don't get it. are you trying to prove something? or just get something for free? and why are you "using" pot to get it? and your mom works in law enforcement to top it all off. you even said she "shares this with her coworkers". are you trying to make pot look good or bad? :neutral:


Well-Known Member
Id do it just dont think about it at all or you could even smoke after the piss tests if she decides to give you one I would choose money over weed anyday,Especially if you grow you could stack up so much weed by doing this.Then just get high as hell at the end of the year.I wish my mom offered me a bet like this.


Well-Known Member
i just don't get it. are you trying to prove something? or just get something for free? and why are you "using" pot to get it? and your mom works in law enforcement to top it all off. you even said she "shares this with her coworkers". are you trying to make pot look good or bad? :neutral:
You seem to be reading too much into it. I'm personally a very competitive person and my mother is exploiting this aspect of my personality to get what she wants.

She does it all the time.


Well-Known Member
You seem to be reading too much into it. I'm personally a very competitive person and my mother is exploiting this aspect of my personality to get what she wants.

She does it all the time.
"too much into it"?

you are talking about quitting pot for a year for a lousy 500 dollars. i say FUCK THAT chump change.

you are using pot as some type of game. for the pot, i say :finger:


Well-Known Member
You seem to be reading too much into it. I'm personally a very competitive person and my mother is exploiting this aspect of my personality to get what she wants.

She does it all the time.
"too much into it"?

you are talking about quitting pot for a year for a lousy 500 dollars. i say FUCK THAT chump change.

your mom thinks pot is bad. how does you getting paid to quit prove this? what is it she wants? exploiting you? i'm really confused.

you are using pot as some type of game. for the pot, i say :finger:


Active Member
do it man, quit for a year, besides 500 bucks which can be made in 1 week of good hard honest work, you will be saving a ton of money on your usual smoke habits and you'll find money to be less of a problem in your life. i don't know about any of you guys but i drop some serious cash on bud when i don't have any plants growin out back. Figure a quarter a week at 100 with 4 weeks in a month is 400 a month and annually would be $4,800 a year. save the cash bro and prove your mom wrong. You have the rest of your life to smoke, whats 1 year :-) :weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey man it wasn't my idea. Weed can be used in a variety of ways, there's no like 'rule of green thumb' or shit. Lol

Dont be so quick to assume crap.

I'm still going to bring unsuspecting seeds to life as a healthy and strong plant just to cut it down and burn it like everyone else(hehe). Don't trip dude.


Well-Known Member
Dude I say you move out of your mom's place (sounds like you're still at home) and do what you want. If you do take her up on it though, do it of your own volition.


Well-Known Member
Dude I say you move out of your mom's place (sounds like you're still at home) and do what you want. If you do take her up on it though, do it of your own volition.
Thank you for your opinion I would be happy to take your advice IF I STILL LIVED WITH MY MOTHER! But I don't so I really can't use that to prove my point.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your opinion I would be happy to take your advice IF I STILL LIVED WITH MY MOTHER! But I don't so I really can't use that to prove my point.
Isn't it a bit invasive of her then to even present this challenge? You're grown and you shouldn't even have to worry about this. I'd say set your goals on becoming successful in life all while being higher than a kite and let your achievements speak for themselves. Then it will prove a bigger point that just because you smoke pot doesn't mean you're a loser... being that she's a sheriff maybe you'll open her eyes and help out the next 'loser' she busts lol


Well-Known Member
For the record my mother is an evil woman and sometimes likes to sarcastically manipulate you but she is not a dishonest individual.

Right now I'm working on a different angle with the deal. If I play my cards right I might be able to change the deal in such a way that I would wind up with a new car or something.

Good deal guys, good deal.
lol Fair point but mommy has proven to be quite useful in my weed chasing indevours.
So...wait a minute...is she stealing weed from citizens and then giving it to you?

I worked with a guy who's wife was a pig and did this for him...that was the last I ever spoke to him about weed.



Well-Known Member
Omg, awesome concept, in my dreams, I wish I was that lucky in life!! But no my mom simply keeps the cold steel from my wrists, though lately that hasn't been an issue what with the Medical Marijuana and all.


Well-Known Member
Tell her to prove to you that pot is addictive. Don't play into her shit.

I bet by the end of the year, she says "Well you've been so long without it why don't you just give it up?"


Well-Known Member
Omg, awesome concept, in my dreams, I wish I was that lucky in life!! But no my mom simply keeps the cold steel from my wrists, though lately that hasn't been an issue what with the Medical Marijuana and all.
Wait just a motherfucking second....

Are you actually saying you wish your mother would confiscate cannabis from fellow users and hand it over to you? :o

If so, maybe should should quit smoking and not for a just a year. That's genuine PIG mentality.

If I am mistaken - my apologies. If I am not mistaken - :finger:.


Active Member
Hell I quit for a year and a half for my job. The only bonus I got for not smoking is a paycheck. This up coming week is my last week there though!


Active Member
She thinks all stoners are hopeless pathetic losers and I can't continue to let her think that. I must achieve this to save face.
For me, $500 isn't worth it because $500 isn't that much money. That's only a little over $40 a month.

There are other ways to prove her wrong... IE: not being a loser. I know successful/happy people who smoke weed and I know losers that smoke weed... and I also know people who fall into both of those categories who have never smoked. Yes, it can be abused... but so can alcohol and a number of other things. I'm not sure how old you are, but personally I wouldn't recommend smoking until you are around 20-22 because the brain is still developing (perhaps not a favored opinion with some on here :)). If you're younger than that and/or you can get a car out of it, I say go for it.


Well-Known Member
Wait just a motherfucking second....

Are you actually saying you wish your mother would confiscate cannabis from fellow users and hand it over to you? :o

If so, maybe should should quit smoking and not for a just a year. That's genuine PIG mentality.

If I am mistaken - my apologies. If I am not mistaken - :finger:.
OMFG dude, are you serious? Just for not being excessively thorough in my post you think I'm actually like that? Right because all of my posts reflect somebody who would do something like that right?, please dude, what ever, apology NOT accepted, yeah that'll show ya!!!......!!!!


Seriously though if my mother gave me free weed fuck yeah I would take it and you would to.

And for the record my mom is mostly weed friendly.


Well-Known Member
Damn I hate the Internet and it's enumerable variables. It's all just a phantom communication dance of semantics and it's pissing me off man.


Well-Known Member
Id do it for 6 grand. No less. Build a sick growroom and buy an zx-10r or a busa.

500$ is just not worth it in my book. Good luck though man,If she would get you a new car i guess it would be worth it.