Who's using straight tap water?


Well-Known Member
the water from area to area can differ drastically on ph and levels of chemicals and shit. get the info from your local water company and do what i did, buy a cheapo $35 pur water filter system or go buy distilled water.


Well-Known Member
I do, always have (19 years). Ph 7 and ppm is 270ish. By the time I have added my hard water nutes the ph is roughly 5.8, Perfect as I run hydro.


Active Member
Wow RUI was pretty messed up yesterday. Posted the first tread and it didn't show up then when I reloaded the page everything went to php code.?

Anyway my water runs 9.5 ph and 650 ppm. going to check with my local water company to see what all is in there. I know it's high in calcium. I have to take apart all the faucets and clean them out and replace the washers every year! Will the calcium build up on the hydrotron in a ebb & flow system?


Well-Known Member
blimey your water is very hard. Must be ground up rocks in it! lol. Does it come from a reservoir or natural water table? Some natural limestone water is extremely hard.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
harwdwater micro, no prob then. screw the rest, I would not do hydro if I had to care. thank god for GH !!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
My last grow, I used 600 plus ppm water, (Ive also got alot of calcium, white crust everywhere) with GH hardwater Micro, and my plants were the most vigorous non deficient plants I have ever seen. I switched to RO in that grow because I was told on this forum that I would have problems in flower with lockout. Well... not so, I ran into problems because of the switch, magnesium and such, I did not know about calmag at the time. I do believe that my tap had some very beneficial micro nutes that the RO is lacking.


New Member
I bought some bottled water and its ppm was 100 which means my tap water is cleaner than the bottled water... hmm.


Well-Known Member
pH = 7.1 to 7.3. ppm around 200. I don't have any problems using it either. Once I've added my nutes, a little pH down and I'm good to go. It's pretty simple to keep my pH at 5.5. I've noticed that my girls drink about 1 gallon of water a day, which lowers my pH. I add a gallon of fresh tap water, and this brings my pH right back to where I want it. So basically after my first pH adjustment to the fresh nute batch, I never need to adjust them again. Well, i shouldn't say never. But for the most part it stays where I want it. Lucky I guess.. :-)


Well-Known Member
harwdwater micro, no prob then. screw the rest, I would not do hydro if I had to care. thank god for GH !!!!!!!

hahaha. Hell yeah man. I agree totally. I like GH products VERY much. They work for me and my ladies PERFECTLY. I couldn't be happier with their products and the results I am seeing. Just look at my grow album to see just what I'm talking about...


Well-Known Member
My last grow, I used 600 plus ppm water, (Ive also got alot of calcium, white crust everywhere) with GH hardwater Micro, and my plants were the most vigorous non deficient plants I have ever seen. I switched to RO in that grow because I was told on this forum that I would have problems in flower with lockout. Well... not so, I ran into problems because of the switch, magnesium and such, I did not know about calmag at the time. I do believe that my tap had some very beneficial micro nutes that the RO is lacking.
'Can I Say' fuck yeh again.. I jus get pissed wen ppl say that RO is 'waaay' better then tap water.., its not better, just sometimes neccesary..
and if u dont need RO then good, one less thing to worry about..:clap:


Active Member
Thanks for all the help guys/ladys. Well I'm gonna give it a go with the tap water. Will be setting up after the holidays (around tax time):hump:. 4 2'x3' ebb & flow trays 24 plants per tray sog style, 1000w hps with cool tube, GH nutes. Harvest 24 evrey 2 weeks. Got most of what I need already but moneys kinda tight right now ya know. Oh I can't wait.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the help guys/ladys. Well I'm gonna give it a go with the tap water. Will be setting up after the holidays (around tax time):hump:. 4 2'x3' ebb & flow trays 24 plants per tray sog style, 1000w hps with cool tube, GH nutes. Harvest 24 evrey 2 weeks. Got most of what I need already but moneys kinda tight right now ya know. Oh I can't wait.
Buick, im interested in wot strain ur thinking of going with? obviously single cola strain?