A month of flowering very little bud


so my plants are getting huge almost busting out of the grow space, there are a lot of pistils and some calyxes growing under them, but these bud sites are few and far between there are also a lot of them that are just tiny little green lines under the pistils, there are only like two sites where the calyxes have swelled into something bud like and even these are very small. no cola to speak of yet either, how much longer till these fill out and show some decent bud growth? bythe way Im starting my second month of flowering


Active Member
After a month you should start seeing the buds, but its still pretty early especially if you have a slow flowering sativa type plant, I would expect a 10-12 week cycle if your month in and it has little-no mass. It should be 75% hairs this early as well. I've noticed the cycle tends to be exponential so to say, as the growth in week 7-8 is usually tenfold the growth in weeks 2-3. Just keep an eye on them, make sure you feeding them with good ph'd clean water, use good nutrients and such. If you could post pics that might help diagnosis as well.


Well-Known Member
so my plants are getting huge almost busting out of the grow space, there are a lot of pistils and some calyxes growing under them, but these bud sites are few and far between there are also a lot of them that are just tiny little green lines under the pistils, there are only like two sites where the calyxes have swelled into something bud like and even these are very small. no cola to speak of yet either, how much longer till these fill out and show some decent bud growth? bythe way Im starting my second month of flowering
can you get a picture perhaps? give it another 2 weeks your buds will start to look nice sounds like a slow grower


Well-Known Member
ive got a sativa thats been flowering for almost nine weeks now and i thought it would never grow buds. after two months though the beast just took off. there are now buds as big as a forty ounce bottle. very nice.


Active Member
i hear you on that..... i'm flowering 18 girls right now at day 27, and 16 of them are all throwing PHAT buds, but my two Northern Lights from Sensi look pathetic....... just give em more time......... they will reward you....


Active Member
i hear you on that..... i'm flowering 18 girls right now at day 27, and 16 of them are all throwing PHAT buds, but my two Northern Lights from Sensi look pathetic....... just give em more time......... they will reward you....
I've done a Sensi NL and it was the "runt" of the group for the longest time, but in the last 2-3 weeks of budding it filled out so much, was my heaviest total and shortest plant.


yeah I'm using jacks classic bloom nutes its 10-20-30, for flowering, they are under cfl's though I have like 6 cfl's 4 26 watts and 2 42 watts over like 6 plants, The plant are getting HUGE and a lot of hairs just verylittle bud under them like the biggest one is half a pinky nail in size, The plants are almost outgrowing thier space with branches and leaves EVERYTHERE LIke almost TOO Much foilage, is there any way to clip to extra foilage during flowering so more light gets to the bud sites? or would that ruin the plant?


Active Member
yeah I'm using jacks classic bloom nutes its 10-20-30, for flowering, they are under cfl's though I have like 6 cfl's 4 26 watts and 2 42 watts over like 6 plants, The plant are getting HUGE and a lot of hairs just verylittle bud under them like the biggest one is half a pinky nail in size, The plants are almost outgrowing thier space with branches and leaves EVERYTHERE LIke almost TOO Much foilage, is there any way to clip to extra foilage during flowering so more light gets to the bud sites? or would that ruin the plant?
You could trim some of the foliage, but its not really that good, the foliage is like a solar panel to the plant, its crucial to the plants energy and also trimming anything will cause stress and stress in the flowering cycle is not a good thing. One problem is you have tiny CFL's its not going to produce much bud under those small lights, it will work but don't get your hopes to high, also they won't be very dense either so if you have alot of hairballs without much bud behind them that sounds about right. If your going to go florescent I would get at least 6 60w CFL's (not 60w equiv) or 4-6 100w CFL's. At that point though its more worth it to get the HID light unless heats going to be a major issue. Also T5 fluorescents are a great bulb if you have to stick to fluorescent maybe get a few 2' or 4' fixtures instead of CFL's.


yeah they are cheap cfl's from wal mart but I can't afford any more lights or supplies Iactually spent what was left on my budget for Mushroom supplies, spores Jars myceleium mix, etc.... so I'm gonna have to stick to these lights. will they not fill out with these lights though or will just take a long times, I mean Iknow I wont get as much as if I had some STRONG lights, but they should still fill out and get a cola right?


Well-Known Member
ive got a sativa thats been flowering for almost nine weeks now and i thought it would never grow buds. after two months though the beast just took off. there are now buds as big as a forty ounce bottle. very nice.
Got any pictures?


Active Member
yeah they are cheap cfl's from wal mart but I can't afford any more lights or supplies Iactually spent what was left on my budget for Mushroom supplies, spores Jars myceleium mix, etc.... so I'm gonna have to stick to these lights. will they not fill out with these lights though or will just take a long times, I mean Iknow I wont get as much as if I had some STRONG lights, but they should still fill out and get a cola right?
I have no personal experience as I started with a 400w HPS, but my friend started with CFL's had I think 5 100w equivalent CFL's on 1 plant and it finished about 3.5' tall and he got a decent half to 3/4 ounce when it was all dried, nothing spectacular but it was decent bud.


I have a digital camera I don't know how to do macro pictures, but If I clear some room on the memory card maybe I could take a few and upload them I am just so leery of doing that, but I"ll try


bud bootlegger
dont chop anything.. try and do some supercropping.. i just had to do it on my dna sourcream, as i was running out of room too... i watched a few videos on youtube and got an idea of what i was doing, and supercropped her when the lights came on.. when i got up in the morning and checked on her, she had already recovered nicely.. the bud that was at a 90 degree angle after the supercropping was now standing straight up facing the light... soo cool.. phototropism at work.. it looks like it didn't stress her out too badly either.. i couldn't be happier with the results..


so I should look up supercropping on youtube? I think I'll try that, but all in all even though there starting only tiny buds in about a month and a half or so, it should fill out some even with the cfl's right?


Active Member
dont chop anything.. try and do some supercropping.. i just had to do it on my dna sourcream, as i was running out of room too... i watched a few videos on youtube and got an idea of what i was doing, and supercropped her when the lights came on.. when i got up in the morning and checked on her, she had already recovered nicely.. the bud that was at a 90 degree angle after the supercropping was now standing straight up facing the light... soo cool.. phototropism at work.. it looks like it didn't stress her out too badly either.. i couldn't be happier with the results..
so I should look up supercropping on youtube? I think I'll try that, but all in all even though there starting only tiny buds in about a month and a half or so, it should fill out some even with the cfl's right?
Supercropping and training is a great technique, I'm always scared to mess with my plants in the flowering phase though, I had a bad hermy streak when I started and I blamed it on how much I messed with all my plants. FIMing is my fav technique, its when you trim about 60% of a nodes growth off, the node recovers but the plant things its been topped as well so its sprouts 2+ nodes at the point, I've gotten 4 nodes a few times, but I've heard of people getting up to 8 at one location. Also Tie your plants down or use a trellis, these are simple techniques people have used in botany for ever. I use garbage bag twisty ties on mine, all my buckets have 1/4" holes drilled every 1.5" around the diameter of the top of the bucket. when the plants around its 4th-5th node in the veg state I bend it towards the lip of the bucket and tie it there, it will begin to grow straight up towards the light, after a couple nodes of growth pop up I do it again until the main stem is basically circling the diameter of the bucket, this causes all the nodes growing off the main stem to assume the dominant role as the "top" but since theres so many nodes usually in the same height range you'll end up with alot of tops. If your tying down and topping/fimming you'll have alot of low height spread out wide growth.


I woke up this morning and 2 of my plants have only what I can describe as NUTE BURN some of the leaves look curled yellow and crumbling, like one leaf fell apart just from me touching it, I feed them with jacks classic bloom a few days ago but I was very conservative with it like a quarter teaspoon to a gallon of water, whats worst though is my tallest plant where a cola seems to be starting at the very top with lots of hairs has gone brown when all the rest of it is green what should I do flush with massive amounts of water? I don't want to lose these at this point in the game !!!!


also if it helps the cola area that turned brown, the cfl light was actually touching it, due to space and size of plants there are several spots where the cfl lights are actually touching the plants I can't set them up any other way or the plants wont get the light spread they need, can cfl's touching the plants damage them as well?