Cfl Grow 2x bag seed, 1 super silver haze 1 aurora indica


Active Member
maybe its the boiled water or something just try straight tap :P i think the 3 step watering thing is a little overboard though. i mean dont just pour a splash of water in 1 spot but pour it slow around the whole pot and keep going around it till your waters gone. as for the color problems id say go through one of the guides and look for your specific symptoms to narrow it down. pictures are nice but their not as good as personaly examining the plant :P


Active Member
maybe its the boiled water or something just try straight tap :P i think the 3 step watering thing is a little overboard though. i mean dont just pour a splash of water in 1 spot but pour it slow around the whole pot and keep going around it till your waters gone. as for the color problems id say go through one of the guides and look for your specific symptoms to narrow it down. pictures are nice but their not as good as personaly examining the plant :P
yeah ill try tap water on the next one (my aurora indica seed) and see how that goes, i also got a new bag of all purpose potting soil to see if maybe the soil was the problem and i also think i may have burnt them with 2 40w cfl less than an inch away for 2 days. also which looking up the self help plant area i saw this

Magnesium: Lower leaves turn yellow along the tips and margin and between the veins; the lower leaves wilt...

so how could i get Magnesiuminto there??


Active Member
someone said it might be heat stress so i have the lights 3 inches away now like this

that should be ok, i think


Well-Known Member
maybe its the boiled water or something just try straight tap :P i think the 3 step watering thing is a little overboard though. i mean dont just pour a splash of water in 1 spot but pour it slow around the whole pot and keep going around it till your waters gone. as for the color problems id say go through one of the guides and look for your specific symptoms to narrow it down. pictures are nice but their not as good as personaly examining the plant :P
The 3 step watering is to ensure full saturations for....NEWBIES!!!! And not overboard, but more of a fail safe. If you know what full saturation is, then i don't care how its done, just ensure it is.


Well-Known Member
i water with boiled water (obviously cooled down lol)
and im not sure what makes up my soil but ill check when i get home... im at work right now :weed:

We've figured it out......or at least close.

You gave me the info i need. ALTHOUGH boiled water gets rid of are also getting rid of the purest water. It goes up in steam. Essentially making your leftover water's, parts per milllion count go up.

What you've done is make your water HARDER. The concentration of calcium will be higher in boiled water.

Excess calcium will lockout MG. I know this because I did the exact same thing. Started boiling my water for my 3rd grow....and my plants did what yours are doing.

You can change this very quickly by watering with Reverse Osmosis water, or plain bottled water will do. Tap water that's left to sit open for 24 hours NOT BOILED. With your next watering.

It's prolly not that you need to ADD Mg, it's prolly already there, but the roots won't take it up.

If you think adding is needed, you can use Molasses, 1tblspn per 2 L of water.

Molasses has usable Mg among other things that are good for the plant.


Well-Known Member
yeah ill try tap water on the next one (my aurora indica seed) and see how that goes, i also got a new bag of all purpose potting soil to see if maybe the soil was the problem and i also think i may have burnt them with 2 40w cfl less than an inch away for 2 days. also which looking up the self help plant area i saw this

Magnesium: Lower leaves turn yellow along the tips and margin and between the veins; the lower leaves wilt...

so how could i get Magnesiuminto there??
Yea, this could be true and part of your problem. Seedlings up till the 3rd leaf set don't need the cfl's ultra close. Your 3 inches now sould be fine, infact 2-3 inches is recommended for all stages of growth.

Also remember, it's not likely that the damaged leaves will recover, just look for the symptoms on NEW leaves to determine if the problem is ongoing.


Active Member

We've figured it out......or at least close.

You gave me the info i need. ALTHOUGH boiled water gets rid of are also getting rid of the purest water. It goes up in steam. Essentially making your leftover water's, parts per milllion count go up.

What you've done is make your water HARDER. The concentration of calcium will be higher in boiled water.

Excess calcium will lockout MG. I know this because I did the exact same thing. Started boiling my water for my 3rd grow....and my plants did what yours are doing.

You can change this very quickly by watering with Reverse Osmosis water, or plain bottled water will do. Tap water that's left to sit open for 24 hours NOT BOILED. With your next watering.

It's prolly not that you need to ADD Mg, it's prolly already there, but the roots won't take it up.

If you think adding is needed, you can use Molasses, 1tblspn per 2 L of water.

Molasses has usable Mg among other things that are good for the plant.

LOL amazing! thank you so much! i just filled a 4L jug of water from my tap and ill let it sit till next time i water which will be in about 2 days or so. i hope it helps, 1 of 2 plants is looking better the other one seems to be crawling right now.

but maybe the new water will do it some good. ill post up some pics in a min to show the plants



Active Member
ok so here are the plants (shitty pics other camera battery dead lol)

ill be really happy when i cant see the brown leaf stuff..

anyway does it look better now cuz it does to me.

Thanks again SGT


Just realized my camera date is WAY WAY off lol...


Active Member
i just water straight from the tap i dont have anywhere warm to let the water sit out. my room is cold as hell so if i let it sit out for even a few hours its like ice water cold. i believe i do have some ph problems to be honest but the plants are growing nice enough for me to not care :) dunno if you seen em but check em out in the signature link they dont seem to mind it to much :P


Active Member
i just water straight from the tap i dont have anywhere warm to let the water sit out. my room is cold as hell so if i let it sit out for even a few hours its like ice water cold. i believe i do have some ph problems to be honest but the plants are growing nice enough for me to not care :) dunno if you seen em but check em out in the signature link they dont seem to mind it to much :P

yeah your grow looks good, cant wait to see them when they get taller. they look like full indica plants. i could be wrong tho lol


Well-Known Member
ok so here are the plants (shitty pics other camera battery dead lol)

ill be really happy when i cant see the brown leaf stuff..

anyway does it look better now cuz it does to me.

Thanks again SGT


Just realized my camera date is WAY WAY off lol...
Yea things are looking better. way better..You see how the new leaves look normal, it seems that they are recovering. Those brown leaves won't recover...once most of the green has left them, it would actually benifit the plant to cut em off. When a leaf is no longer green, it's of no nutritional value to the plant anymore.


Active Member
Yea things are looking better. way better..You see how the new leaves look normal, it seems that they are recovering. Those brown leaves won't recover...once most of the green has left them, it would actually benifit the plant to cut em off. When a leaf is no longer green, it's of no nutritional value to the plant anymore.
ok they should be completely dead in about 3 days i guess and then ill take them off

i think ill be watering my plants tomorrow, the soil is just about getting dry after 3 days now. and i have my tap water just sitting out so it should be good.


Active Member
ok well it still does not need to be watered but probably tomorrow morning or when i get home from work. anyway here is a update up what my 2 plants looks like and oh... wait another one!! yes my aurora indica has sprouted!! as seen here...

and my other plant

and this one does not really look good but im sure it will be fine.

so how they look??

also my super silver haze has started to germinate!! yay cant wait to plant that one.


Active Member
yeah when leaves curl like that its due to heat stress. i am glad to see that you got your babies back on the recovering road!

im gonna subscribe to this grow....i love super silver haze its my favorite strain.

good luck and happy growing!


Active Member
ok so here are the plants again, one still looks like its not really growing.. and the middle is just flat and not reaching for the light at all... here is a pic

if you look in the middle you can see its just flat and the plant in general is growing weird. but we will see where it goes...

here is my good plant so far. is it just me or do the leaves look kinda purple???:eyesmoke:

maybe im crazy but i see a hint of purple...

and the aurora baby

wish my SSH would germinate but still nothing out of 2 seeds.. :finger:

GAH! one of these plants better be female or im going to flip a table...

anywho enjoy the shots,

OH!! i cut off the yellow/burnt leaves at the bottom, there was little to no green left..


Well-Known Member
They are looking good man. The one is haveing some difficulties, maybe it struggled too hard out of the shell, or its genetic deformity, who knows. Could be mutant too. letter grow, your doin the best you can by now, so it's just a waiting game now.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Gonna leave you with some bullet statements, I'm busy as hell.

1. Lights need to be almost touching the plants AS THEY POP THE SOIL. Have good air movement. I don't like CFL's. Why would anyone use a light that is turned on itself? 4' shop lights with cool whites is fine, HO and VHO are better but you need some space with them. Suspend the shop hood on a chain so that the smallest plants are positioned at one end, the tallest at the other. Adjust chain accordingly. Light dog chain work great. This allows you to have about the same amount of space between the leaves and the tube. When the leaves grow past the footprint of the reflector, it's time to move into a HID.

2. When you water, do so thoroughly. Untreated tap water is fine, don't stay at the noise level, there are more important issues than pH and water quality to worry about when you grow in soil. When you upcan, score the peat with a razor blade and make sure no peat material is above ground level as it will wick away moisture. Bury as deep as you can.

3. There is some kind of stress working, see my sig thread and my Tweak thread for more info.

4. Boxes/cabinets suck. The great outdoors is not a box, it does not confine.

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
i gotta SSH seedling in flower .. hope shes a girl so i can strip the bottm 1/3 off of her ;)

BTW the pie reflectors? .. never seen that b4! im sure others have doen it .. wow .. cfler's are cerative :) hehe


Active Member
ok so all is going good... except my one retard plant... but thats ok special plants need love too.

so here is my newest addition to the family growing strong, but the first leaves (the small round ones) seem to be going yellow already, is that bad?

here is the retard
top view

and side view

the best looking one so far is this one

you may not be able to see it but its got its first 7 finger leaf lol yay

does it seem to be growing to close together? like the nodes or something? should it be taller?

when do i start giving nutes to the plants?