WDF is goin on/Pic


Active Member
WDF only 1 leaf is like this i see no bugs not eatin it like its just diein is turnin brown then gray


Active Member
na is the camera there only problem is that the one leaf is doin that, i got MG... i know cheep stuff but it works, i cant check ph i dont got all that stuff, iv not water'd it in like 1 week, last time i water' them ea pot took like 3 gallons, im waitin fo soil to dry out to water again.


Well-Known Member
Looks like some sort of fert damage. the other leaves look ok. How old is the plant, what are you feeding it, have any conditions changed? (i.e increased fert, changed lighting etc.)

If it doesn't spread I wouldn't worry. Otherwise go through your process and whatever you have changed, rectify that (or if you haven't changed anything - perhaps its then a deficiency and you need to change or up ferts. It looks like a fairly young plant....healthy enough to get through. good luck.


Well-Known Member
na is the camera there only problem is that the one leaf is doin that, i got MG... i know cheep stuff but it works, i cant check ph i dont got all that stuff, iv not water'd it in like 1 week, last time i water' them ea pot took like 3 gallons, im waitin fo soil to dry out to water again.
Ah, you may have overwatered then. Looking at the soil it does look wet for being watered a week ago. Leave them be then. keep letting it dry.


Active Member
yea man i waterd them alot when i moved them into the new pot b/c the soil was not damp it was mosly dry so i waterd it alot. iv not water at all b/c i read to let soil dry beor watering again, but this just started like 2 days ago and now it got worse. i got 5 total the other 4 are fine this is only 1 thats doin it, and its shares the same pot with another 1 and it dont ave anything on it.


Well-Known Member
You need to check PH. If you havnt got the tools then get them. If you havn't got the PH in control it is nearly impossible to diagnose problems. PH problems can show as nutrient defficency, burning, and other problems, I cant stress enough how important it is to get your PH right.


Active Member
yea i'v changed the lights o 18/4 but the first two nites i had it at 19/3 timmer was fuked up, iv not put any new lights in or anything and imonly give it water there like 2 weeks old from bag see, i only give it water once.... so the ph can mess up with 1 watering?


Well-Known Member
Theres two ways you can test PH for soil (probably more ways but these are the two most common).

1: Use a soil PH meter

(Expensive one, but not to much) http://www.digital-meters.com/products/Soil-pH-And-Moisture-Meter-%2d-Tecpel-PH%2d707.html
(Cheap one but still good) http://www.qfonic.com/advanced-soil-moisture-light-and-meter-p-3163.html
You will need to find the equivalent for your country as I'm in UK or you should find them in a good gardening centre.

2. Use a water PH meter to measure the PH of the water that runs out the bottom of your pots when you water (the run off)
(Expensive but by far the best as no calibration needed) http://www.hydroponic-supplies.co.uk/bluelab-ph-wand-72-p.asp
(Cheap and need calibration every 4 to 6 months) http://www.digital-meters.com/products/Low-Cost-Pen-Type-pH-Meter-%2d-PH%2d03(I).html
you can these at hydro stores and good aquatic stores


Active Member
na is the camera there only problem is that the one leaf is doin that, i got MG... i know cheep stuff but it works, i cant check ph i dont got all that stuff, iv not water'd it in like 1 week, last time i water' them ea pot took like 3 gallons, im waitin fo soil to dry out to water again.
You are better off growing them in potato peelings. MiracleGro is really bad, burns plants and its Ph arent stable.

If I'm right, you will see the following in the next couple of weeks.
Burning at the leave tips.
Stunted growth.
Discolor of leaves (possible multiple deficiencies)
Warped and deformed growth. Among other things...

MG is bad for normal plants, I dont know why people use it! Its Brawndo! It's got what plants crave! It's got electrolytes!