i think im a greenthumb at heart or im just obsessed!!??


Active Member
hi all, i think im obsessed with my babies, i love to spend lots of time with my plants, tending to them and just admiring their buity!!
i love all aspects of growing from seed right through.
it still blows my mind that all that weed can come from such a small seed (or clone in many cases!!)

im sure im not the only one like this, anyway else feel me??
anyone else like this?
i just think its such a beuityfull plant given to us by the 1 and we should be allowed to grow it and smoke it for personal use.




Well-Known Member
yes itt is addictive because since i've been growing i can't leave my grow room. my husband get upset because my babies take up all my time. is there a cure, but i dont know if i want it


Active Member
yes itt is addictive because since i've been growing i can't leave my grow room. my husband get upset because my babies take up all my time. is there a cure, but i dont know if i want it
i deffinetly dont want a cure, i think its in my b lood (literaly lol)
i find it very theraputic and relaxing.
i also like the suspence and watching the plants progress from seedlings into full blown monsters.

peace to you.



I feel ya man, My first grow was a bust but Im starting again. I dont know a lot about growing but I know I cant wait to get good at it! I love it, beautiful plant looks and smells amazing, not to mention it makes you feel funny if you accidentally set it on fire :eyesmoke:


bud bootlegger
yeah.. this is why the japenese call it the zen of gardening.. it can be a very relaxing hobby, and i think growing weed adds another level of spirituality to it that doesn't come with say growing roses...
i think that everyone who grows mj loves to spend time with their plants, and i know i do as well.. if there is a cure, don't give it to me either..i like to be sick..


bud bootlegger
yeah, me too.. i am not a big religious person.. in fact i lean more towards atheism than anything else.. but there is something about growing our favorite plant that soothes my soul, so to speak..


Active Member
yeah, me too.. i am not a big religious person.. in fact i lean more towards atheism than anything else.. but there is something about growing our favorite plant that soothes my soul, so to speak..
took the words right out of my mouth!!

any1 else wish to comment feel free.:joint:

grow space

Well-Known Member
Im on my first indoor, and i go to my grow space everyday...i even listen some music while im there, cas i think my babes like it too..
growing is a really addictive hobby...

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
I was raised catholic, even went to catholic school for nine years, the nuns knocked any bit of religion in me, out. I don't subscribe to any religion, I like to think more spiritual than religious.

With that said, god knew what s/he was doing when weed was created. You gotta' admit, watching weed grow isn't like watching grass grow. Whoda' thunk it?

Mr. StankyFingas

Well-Known Member
thats the truth. kinda helps you see and understand things in a different perspective. not to mention a wonderful natural afrodisiac ;)


Active Member
I was raised catholic, even went to catholic school for nine years, the nuns knocked any bit of religion in me, out. I don't subscribe to any religion, I like to think more spiritual than religious.

With that said, god knew what s/he was doing when weed was created. You gotta' admit, watching weed grow isn't like watching grass grow. Whoda' thunk it?
yes, i dont know what it is about weed, i would never watch anyother plant grow for 3mnths, it wouldnt interest me and to be honest would bore me, nut weed is different its so exciting, u never know what ur gunna get, how well theyl do this time round, how big the buds will be, what the final weight will bw, will it be nicer than last time.

its just amazing starting it from seed and watching those nugs develop into some big heavy ass colas i love it, it is super spiritual to me.............:weed: