Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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just wish their were more ppl like jesse to call these ppl out on shit ya know.

I hear ya ... hopefully more and more people come out in favor of a real investigation.

[URL="http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/pearl.html"]PEARL HARBOR - MOTHER OF ALL CONSPIRACIES[/url]
"...everything that the Japanese were planning to do was known to the United States..." ARMY BOARD, 1944
Webmaster's Commentary:
You think huge lies to the public started with Al Gore????????
The story we were fed about 9/11 is obviously a lie. Bush either knew what was going to go down and allowed it to happen on purpose or he was part of the conspiracy to set the whole thing up. Otherwise, why lie? This is like JFK all over again. Now we have two wars and an economy in the tank. Idiot Americans don't care to do their own research, would rather listen to what Big Brother tells them.

There should be an arrest of Bush & Cheney and an independent 9/11 Commission with 100% transparency, all findings posted on a website followed by more arrests. This is a conspired event that changed the world for the worse and not many people really care. Et tu, George Bush?

Twin Towers (soon after our liberty, privacy, freedom from propaganda) = Julius Caesar
George Bush = Brutus
Other Conspirators = Roman Senators
People who buy the 'official story' = crowd of Plebians
9/11 'Truthers' = Marc Antony
we have always been lied to, ever sense we come over here. we have never severed our ties with europe. columbus was not the first to find america but that is what we are taught. who funded his trip? the queen, so how have we ever severed our ties with england? the power that be have always been and will always be, until we the ppl take it from them.
Potka, I'm not a "truther" but this doesn't change the fact that eight years is not a long time at all, and 9/11 is something we should never forget.
Twin Towers (soon after our liberty, privacy, freedom from propaganda) = Julius Caesar
George Bush = Brutus
Other Conspirators = Roman Senators
People who buy the 'official story' = crowd of Plebians
9/11 'Truthers' = Marc Antony
Nice analogy.

You all now that this happened eight years ago right?

Yeah...lets just forget about it...get on with life...no need to focus on the negative, right?

We are still at war(s)....Our Navy's motto is now "A Global Force [...]" Our entire way of life has been altered, with what appears to be a false flag attack...at least, we are being lied to.

When a Senator, who was on the 911 Commission says that they were not allowed to finish their investigation when the republican congress would not fund it...quits the senate...then when asked why...makes a joke to avoid answering...wants a permanent Commission to investigate "matters like 911"...and then says "it's a 30 year conspiracy"....At the very least, something is very wrong with what we have been spoon fed...delirious with National pride.

I have been very slow to believe anything is wrong with what we have been told...even though I know that the OK city bombing was an inside job...I still did not believe that my country could be anything but Baseball, Apple Pie, and Chevrolet...Now I am watching planes clearly spraying some unknown something in the sky...not only all over this country, but people are seeing the same in Europe...Nothing is being said...Why? The spray patterns change as the public notices and reports on the internet.
Main stream news magazines casually release matter-of-fact reports about China and Russia routinely seeding clouds to modify weather...Russia/USSR admit to doing this for ~30 years....This, I fear, is merely a smokescreen covering the real reason for the aerial sprays. Liars lie.

this thread is about the lies we have been fed

this thread is about physics

above all, common sense, which you dont seem to have since you have come forth with 0 evidence to support your claims

if you dont agree, post something that contradicts the fact that it was an inside job

dont fucking come in here and call us retards because we look at evidence, we can tell the difference between a falling building, and a free-falling building

tell you what... tell me exactly, logically, and realistically WTC building 7 came down, and you win, ill never say anything about 9/11 ever again

im not too worried about, because you cant/wont find any evidence supporting the medias claims
just to add to what hayduke was saying to you

can you explain how bill clintons blowjob investigation was given well over 3 times the funding that the 9/11 commission investigators were given?
this thread is about the lies we have been fed

this thread is about physics

above all, common sense, which you dont seem to have since you have come forth with 0 evidence to support your claims

if you dont agree, post something that contradicts the fact that it was an inside job

dont fucking come in here and call us retards because we look at evidence, we can tell the difference between a falling building, and a free-falling building

tell you what... tell me exactly, logically, and realistically WTC building 7 came down, and you win, ill never say anything about 9/11 ever again

im not too worried about, because you cant/wont find any evidence supporting the medias claims

I'm not hatin i'm just sayin. I havn't really looked through the thread or at your "evidence".
In my mind i see no way for our government to benefit from this. George Bush got extreme criticism, and lost many followers because of what happened on 9/11. Not only did it make him look bad but it made our country (the current world power...HORRAH) look very weak. On top of that many people lost there lives. And your asking why the trade towers fell down? i really dont know but from what i remember it was from the jet fuel leaking out of the planes which in turn weakened the structure of the building to the point in which it fell down.
furthermore these are all theories ALL OF THEM. You really dont have any concrete proof which is why i called you all retarded. i'm guessing you guys believe in aliens too? and no i'm not talking of the people who have entered the country illegally.

And to your other question why investigate something that doesn't need to be investigated? We know who did it...
actually you have the entire event backwards

its not i that needs to provide any proof

its the governments job to prove to the people that what they were told is what actually happened, and they have failed, horribly, in proving to us that 19 douchebags (9 of which are still alive) with boxcutters did this

the indestructible pass port

building 7

flight 93 never existing

flight 77 not only not crashing into the pentagon, but also, not one single time during the flight, did the cockpit door ever open

basically, the official story is impossible

so that only means 1 other option, we were lied to
Man Keenly, I agree with most of what you say, but come on. 9/11 an inside job? That's ridiculous. Maybe you should watch some south park, that might help you understand.
Man Keenly, I agree with most of what you say, but come on. 9/11 an inside job? That's ridiculous. Maybe you should watch some south park, that might help you understand.
you have not examined the evidence man

so many things dont add up that its impossible for it to have gone down the way they say it did

this wasnt the first time one of the towers had a plane hit it

a military plane hit the empire state building in 1945

this is what happened to the building....in 1945

Just a wee bit ignorant to think that humans are the ONLY life forms in the entire solar system as well. Granted, who the eff knows what an "alien" looks like, but it's just silly to think that humans are the only life forms. Pyramids amaze the F*** out of me personally. I don't see how something that perfect could be built by Egyptians with rudementary tools and that small window of time to do it in.

while on the topic of conspiracy, 2012..... Y2K all over again? We even made a MOVIE about it this time lol If anybody can give some amazing proof out of nowhere than please inform me. Just sounds like a big crock o' poo

911, wouldn't put it past our snakey @$$ government to pull something like that as an excuse to finish the unfinished business the first Bush started back in the day. Not to mention there is a TON of money in the crude oil business.

DESPITE the fact that one of the leading countries in oil supply is right above the US, Canada. Anybody ever wonder why gas generally stays around $2.50 a gallon? Well Canada's oil supply is burried under an extremely large layer of rock. Thus it is only profitable for Canadia to drill and supply it to the US when the prices have eclipsed $2.50. With all the modern machinery available these days I don't see why the damn rock isn't blasted away and gas could go back to where it should be. Although oil is not the answer for the future, many other cleaner/cheaper alternatives.

Over and Out
I'm not hatin i'm just sayin. I havn't really looked through the thread or at your "evidence".
If you haven't looked at the evidence how can you possibly make a statement about it?

In my mind i see no way for our government to benefit from this.
You are joking right? Look at the billions the military industrial complex has made since these illegal wars began. Look at the patriot at to keep US under control. Your mind must be closed if you can't see what the elite in government gain by this false flag attack.

George Bush got extreme criticism, and lost many followers because of what happened on 9/11. Not only did it make him look bad but it made our country (the current world power...HORRAH) look very weak.
It didn't make him look bad ... the corporate media build those assholes up as our savors in "keeping us safe from another attack" which was pretty easy for them since they were behind 911.

On top of that many people lost there lives.
That's right and their murderers have yet to be held accountable.

And your asking why the trade towers fell down?
Of course we are asking questions ... when skyscrapers design to withstand fire and plane impact come crashing straight down in seconds with no resistance ... of course there are going to be questions.

i really dont know but from what i remember it was from the jet fuel leaking out of the planes which in turn weakened the structure of the building to the point in which it fell down.
Ah ... no ... the fuel burned off 15 minutes after impact and the temperature never got hot enough to damage the steel ... infra-red photos prove this, which the bogus 911 commission ignored.

furthermore these are all theories ALL OF THEM. You really dont have any concrete proof which is why i called you all retarded.
Well you can start calling yourself retarded because we do have concrete proof of nanothermite found in the dust of the WTC ... some of it inactive. That's science ... not theories.

i'm guessing you guys believe in aliens too?
Many people do ... but that has NOTHING to do with 911 ... and is a feeble attempt on your part to dismiss the event.

and no i'm not talking of the people who have entered the country illegally.
So ... it still has no bearing on what happen that day.

And to your other question why investigate something that doesn't need to be investigated? We know who did it...
The point is we DON'T know who did it ... we only have the government's bullshit story that doesn't add up ... only a person blind to the fact would make a statement like that. People want a REAL investigation not some whitewash like the 911 commission where the elite didn't have to testify under oath or in public. Go educate yourself to avoid making uneducated statements.:-|
this thread is about the lies we have been fed

this thread is about physics

Above all, common sense, which you dont seem to have since you have come forth with 0 evidence to support your claims

if you dont agree, post something that contradicts the fact that it was an inside job

dont fucking come in here and call us retards because we look at evidence, we can tell the difference between a falling building, and a free-falling building

tell you what... tell me exactly, logically, and realistically WTC building 7 came down, and you win, ill never say anything about 9/11 ever again

im not too worried about, because you cant/wont find any evidence supporting the medias claims

I have been saying the same since i started with this thread keen.
It should be very easy to prove us all wrong and shut us the fuck up. Its all science and since 0% of the official story (or anyone backing it) uses ANY science, then that leaves us wondering just how proud a "proud american" can be?
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