4 1/2 weeks into flower, safe to re-pot?


Well-Known Member
Anyone think i'l be safe to repot my girl shes near enough 5 weeks into bloom. Just when i water her the water seems to pour outta the drainage holes way to quick and easy,
or is this ok? It is a big 10 L pot.
Cheers. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Anyone think i'l be safe to repot my girl shes near enough 5 weeks into bloom. Just when i water her the water seems to pour outta the drainage holes way to quick and easy,
or is this ok? It is a big 10 L pot.
Cheers. :joint:
the stress willl prolly hermie them just pour the water slowly and it shouldnt come out the bottom so easily


Well-Known Member
Never transplant flowering plants, jsteezy is right... The transplant shock will more than likely turn your plant into a hermaphrodite.


Active Member
Never transplant flowering plants, jsteezy is right... The transplant shock will more than likely turn your plant into a hermaphrodite.
mmmmm this thread couldnt start a small war, some would say go ahead some would say never to transplant whilst in flower.

personaly in my opinion i would avoid transplant whilst in flower, i always make sure im in 3-5gall pots before i switch to 12/12 so a transplant is not needed.

the reason for avoiding a tranz during flower would be the risk of stressing the plant, depending on how carefull u r.
the more stress u put on her the longer she will take to recover so u may notice a stunt in growth for a while, like a fiew days to a week.

if u are going to do it, let the meduim dry , be very light handed and carefull with the rootball. wet the new soil, place the rootball in the new pot and fill up with new soil then most importantly give the plant a good soaking, good luck.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its true, how could giving the plants roots more room to grow hurt it? Unless you chop the root ball in half it is NOT going to do any damage to the plant whatsoever
That is just an excuse people use when they don't want to admit that they fucked up the plant


Well-Known Member
I see this tread has caused some different opinions, my girl was in the big pot before she flowered, its just recently the water has started flowing outta the bottom when watering no matter how fast or slow i pour.
Personally i agree with tom, if you are careful with transplanting, not harming any of the roots the worst that could happen is a bit of a growth stunt. I have transplanted in the past with no problems during veg and in flower.
Anyways just gonna leave this girl in her pot as it is easily big enough.


Well-Known Member
The problem with only transplanting during veg is that if you don't have feminized seeds you're going to waste a ton of soil and space on huge pots for male plants. I only have one area to grow in so I can't really take clones and flower them to determine sex. I just have to flip the switch and wait. So if I can't transplant after first signs of sex, it's a big waste. The best would be to sex them in one gallon pots and then transplant the females to their final containers. Is that really such a bad idea?


Well-Known Member
The problem with only transplanting during veg is that if you don't have feminized seeds you're going to waste a ton of soil and space on huge pots for male plants. I only have one area to grow in so I can't really take clones and flower them to determine sex. I just have to flip the switch and wait. So if I can't transplant after first signs of sex, it's a big waste. The best would be to sex them in one gallon pots and then transplant the females to their final containers. Is that really such a bad idea?
Well yea that would be the case if ur growing regular seeds m8. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Transplant shock is 100% a myth
Thank you. That's all I have to say. I've never believed any of that shit. Unless you are massacring the root mass how the fuck is it going to stress the plant to give it more room?

I have only grown MJ in soil twice. I never noticed any "shock" when transplanting. I've grown zillions of other plants in soil and also never experienced this "shock". Growth seems faster and more vigorous when the transplant is complete, there's no reason to believe that this could have NEARLY enough shock effect or cause enough stress to hermie the plant.

Apparently I had a lot to say about this...haha.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. That's all I have to say. I've never believed any of that shit. Unless you are massacring the root mass how the fuck is it going to stress the plant to give it more room?

I have only grown MJ in soil twice. I never noticed any "shock" when transplanting. I've grown zillions of other plants in soil and also never experienced this "shock". Growth seems faster and more vigorous when the transplant is complete, there's no reason to believe that this could have NEARLY enough shock effect or cause enough stress to hermie the plant.

Apparently I had a lot to say about this...haha.
Totally agree with ya man, i do my fair share of house gardening, also for others and iv never come across it.
Did seem a little little strange people tellin me it would hermie a plant, 1st time i heard of that!


Well-Known Member
last week I had a rough transplant. The plant was extremely root bound and I had to rough up the root mass a bit just to pull it out of its dixie party cup it was in. I noticed a slight decrease in growth maybe for a couple days, but even with such a rough transfer, it continued growing noticeably and now that it's in a 5-gallon pot it's back to an inch a day or so under a 400 w mh. Don't worry about it too much..


Well-Known Member
Yeah its true, how could giving the plants roots more room to grow hurt it? Unless you chop the root ball in half it is NOT going to do any damage to the plant whatsoever
That is just an excuse people use when they don't want to admit that they fucked up the plant

roots actually prefer to be transplanted. starting from seed in small plastic trays to 1.4 liter to 5 gal to 20 gal all within 2 months ..if your plants is root bound it is stressed and giving them more room is a helpful..