Lets talk AeroCloners

Could somone explain how I could make a smaller version of this for say 4-6 cuttings? I only have 16" of space from my floor to the light fixture so it would have to be small. I bought an 8 site daisy cloner and have tried several times to get it to work and not one clone will root, the pump sucks, the sprayer always stops and the entire thing is made of terrible cheap plastic parts. I understand getting a container, lid, drill holes, center the pump, fillwith water until the pump is submersed attach sprayer and it should spin in a circle misting the cuttings. Thats how the ghetto thing I bought works.

But now I need to get something that will root the cuttings for sure. What exactly does the airstone do? Should I have had one of those in the other one? I havnt read much on these aero units but I still dont get it. Could somone explain?
The spinners are junk, like you said they clog and stop spinning, it doesn't take long for a clone to dry out, then its done for. Just look around for the 360 degree fixed sprayers, Hydro shops have them, or ebay, only a few bucks. Also if you can get a recycle timer or a digital one, you can set the pump to run about a minute on then off about 15 mins. I get roots faster that way. I also use a very week nutrient solution, and do not get any yellowing of the leaves like I have in the past not doing it that way. You can check out my cloner under a thread called "cooler cloner".
Absolutely its just a little better with one in my experience.

mine too.....it always led to me getting soft stem mushy poop when i went 24/7 but as anyone who knows me can attest......cloning and i are not on speaking terms. the timer made ALL the difference in my world. but i'm a tard.
mine too.....it always led to me getting soft stem mushy poop when i went 24/7 but as anyone who knows me can attest......cloning and i are not on speaking terms. the timer made ALL the difference in my world. but i'm a tard.

I have had the same problem in the past with some of the stems getting "mushy" but I believe it was an overdose of rooting horemone in my case. You don't even need it in a aerocloner but I have some gel cloner still left, so I dip my stems in water as fast as I can after cutting so no air is exposed to the cut and then a quick dip in the gel, if there is a glob on the stem I tap it off so I have just a very small amount and it has been working fantastic that way.
Is it ok to use an aeroponic cloner and transplant them into soil when they are ready? or do they have to be in hydroponics?
I was wondering if anyone uses Fox Farm Grow Big to foliar feed the clones? because mine are yellowing hardcore.
I was wondering if anyone uses Fox Farm Grow Big to foliar feed the clones? because mine are yellowing hardcore.

I don't folliar feed anything! The clones, once they have nubs I add my nut's at 1/4 strenght to my cloner and at the end of week 2 they are growing along the res bottom with no discoloration.
I made a homemade cloner following StinkBud's plans. The only difference is that I used CPVC instead of PVC and cut 1.5" holes that I put 1.75" neoprene seals in for the clones (no net pots).

I'm on my 3rd batch of clones in this thing, and not much is happening other than the ends getting white/green mold on them.

On my first run with it I got several clones to get to the white nub stage, but then I got an outbreak of grey slime on everything and they stopped. My mix was 8gal tap water, 80ml Clonex solution & 40ml Hygrozyme running 15min on 15min off. I started out changing it twice a week, but after the slime showed up I made some adjustments and started changing it every other day. First I added 40ml 29% H2O2 to the previously mentioned mix, but the slime kept coming. Then I went to plain water for a few days which seemed to slow the slime. Then I went with water and H2O2 which seemed about the same as plain tap water.

I began rereading into AeroCloner issues and decided to get a tank heater and recycle timer.

I moved the clones that had gotten some roots/nubs to my store bought 25site cloner running 15min on 15min off with pH'd tap water and H2O2. I changed the water every 2 days until the slime stopped and have now gone to every 3 days (normal schedule). I forgot to plug the pump back in after pHing the tank one day and the clones got extremely dry (looked like caked on nute salts on the bottoms). I figured they were done for, but decided to plug it back in and see what happened. Within 2 days they all started to shoot roots out and are almost ready to be planted now.

For the second run I went with the Clonex and H2O2 for the first fill and then 2 days later changed and went with only the H2O2 in the pH'd water. I began messing with the recycle timer - first setting it to 1min on 5min off (per StinkBud), but after a couple weeks the clones started getting white & green mold on the ends. No sign of nubs. I added a tank heater to the system and set it to 76 with no changes to the ugliness. I ended up pitching all 39 from this try.

For the third (current) run I decided to tape up my clone tank (to cut down on the light getting into the tank - wrapped it in black Gorilla tape). This time I started with 25ml H2O2, 40ml Clonex solution and pH'd tap water - after 2 days I changed it and refilled without the Clonex. I started with the tank heater set to 78, and have now lowered it to 72. Being that the clones from my first run had revived after a 24hr dry spell I thought that perhaps they were getting too much water. I adjusted the timer to run 30seconds on and 10min off. Started seeing the white & green mold show up again. My thinking is that the 30sec is too short a time to give the H2O2 to keep them clean, so have adjusted the timer to 4min on and 20min off (more like the 15min on 15min off of the other timer, per se). I've been pitching 1 or 2 a day over the last 5 days now. The clones that are left look great on the tops. A couple days ago I decided to give them a fresh cut (remove the grossness), but have still lost a few since then. It still seems that they are staying too wet - many of the clones I've removed have almost looked like they were dissolving in the neoprene - wet gooey mush. These were taken Oct 16th, and now 16 days later I have 28 of the original 39 clones left and not one of them have nubs. WTF!?!?! :wall:

I'm totally at a loss - I can get clones out of my smaller machine w/o issues, but this home built deal is just giving me a case of the ass:twisted:

adding images of the ugly clone stems


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so.. the res is 8 gallons.

I run my timer 20 seconds on, 15 minutes off, no mold issues. you shouldnt have mold no matter the cycle time, especially if you're dosing with H2O2.

I'm going to assume that you've already cleaned everything EXTENSIVELY with hydrogen peroxide solution and put it all back together and slammed home another attempt.

I say , go with stinks trusty ol' 1 on 5 off, just PH'd tap and a little bit of H202, and set it and forget it, dont even lift the lid to check until 2 weeks have passed.

...nothing from anyone...
Does anyone have any ideas for me?
so.. the res is 8 gallons.

I run my timer 20 seconds on, 15 minutes off, no mold issues. you shouldnt have mold no matter the cycle time, especially if you're dosing with H2O2.

I'm going to assume that you've already cleaned everything EXTENSIVELY with hydrogen peroxide solution and put it all back together and slammed home another attempt.

I say , go with stinks trusty ol' 1 on 5 off, just PH'd tap and a little bit of H202, and set it and forget it, dont even lift the lid to check until 2 weeks have passed.

Thanks for the input YaK.

I'm at a loss on the mold issue - doesn't seem like it should be possible - hopefully it wont show up again.

I planted the clones from the store bought cloner (they had previously been in the home made cloner) a couple days ago, and they are looking great - 23 of the 24 planted are starting to show nice new growth.

Since the store bought cloner was freed up I cleaned the hell outta it and moved the remaining clones from the home made one to it - I ended up moving 23 clones as the other 26 had been pitched. I let the clones dry out for 2hrs before starting the cloner on it's 15min on 15min off schedule. 2 days later 20 of them have root shoots.

I cleaned the cloner/seals by soaking in bleach water, then a good rinse followed by a soak in H2O2 water and another good rinse (same cleaning process I use for everything hydro).

On Friday I took another batch of clones for the home made cloner. This time I have set the timer to 4min on 20min off (will adjust back to Stink's timing if this doesn't work), set the heater to ~72, added 40ml of 29% H2O2 (8gal res) and pH'd to 5.6. I've been checking the pH daily and so far they all look good (pH isn't moving much either).

I guess I just have to wait and see now...
does anybody know an alternative to the neoprene plugs? or where can i get an uncut piece of neoprene??? the hydro store here wants over a dollar per plug. my butt is really starting to hurt from shopping there.
I wanna use the horticultural grade H202 in my aerocloner, but I don't really have great access to a hydro store. Would using the regular medical H202 from Walgreen's give me any benefit? Anyone ever done this?

My first post!!! YAY!
how'd it work out? any mold issues? or just roooooooooooots galore!
Thanks for the input YaK.

I'm at a loss on the mold issue - doesn't seem like it should be possible - hopefully it wont show up again.

I planted the clones from the store bought cloner (they had previously been in the home made cloner) a couple days ago, and they are looking great - 23 of the 24 planted are starting to show nice new growth.

Since the store bought cloner was freed up I cleaned the hell outta it and moved the remaining clones from the home made one to it - I ended up moving 23 clones as the other 26 had been pitched. I let the clones dry out for 2hrs before starting the cloner on it's 15min on 15min off schedule. 2 days later 20 of them have root shoots.

I cleaned the cloner/seals by soaking in bleach water, then a good rinse followed by a soak in H2O2 water and another good rinse (same cleaning process I use for everything hydro).

On Friday I took another batch of clones for the home made cloner. This time I have set the timer to 4min on 20min off (will adjust back to Stink's timing if this doesn't work), set the heater to ~72, added 40ml of 29% H2O2 (8gal res) and pH'd to 5.6. I've been checking the pH daily and so far they all look good (pH isn't moving much either).

I guess I just have to wait and see now...
how'd it work out? any mold issues? or just roooooooooooots galore!

Unfortunately I got the mold again (see attached shots). :evil:
About half of the clones in the tub either had mold like the 2 included pictures, or were just starting to get a few specks. This was after 15 days in the cloner.

I bought a new lid for my Rubbermade tote and drilled it for 33 2" sites. Dropped in 2" net pots and matching neoprene, then recut all the clones and put them in their new homes.

I set the machine up with 8gal H2O, 30ml 29% H2O2 (lowered the dosage a bit from the previous 40ml), timer set to 1min on/5min off and the temp set to about 73. I've been changing the water every 3rd day too.
My fingers are crossed... :joint:


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